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单词 地板上
释义 〔pace〕paced the floor nervously.在地板上紧张地来回踱步〔screed〕A smooth final surface of a substance, such as concrete, applied to a floor.磨光面:用于地板上的物质最上层的光滑表面,例如混凝土〔sink〕A water basin fixed to a wall or floor and having a drainpipe and generally a piped supply of water.水槽:装在墙或地板上带有出水管和一般有管道供应的水的水槽〔single〕"Each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor" (Edgar Allan Poe).每一点将熄的灰烬都把它的幽影投到地板上 (爱德加·爱伦·坡)〔fur〕To line (a wall or floor) with furring.钉贴条于(墙或地板上〔carpet〕A thick, heavy covering for a floor, usually made of woven wool or synthetic fibers; a rug.地毯:地板上的厚重的覆盖物,通常用织成的羊毛或合成纤维做成;皮毛地毯〔lone〕a lone tree on the prairie; a lone blue tile in a white floor.平原上孤立的一棵树;白地板上唯有的一块蓝瓷砖〔throw〕To hurl to the ground or floor, as in a wrestling contest.摔到地上:如在摔跤比赛中(把对方)扔到地面上或地板上〔come〕"In the . . . saloon . . . the sawdust on the floor gets changed biweekly come fog, downpour or the occasional shard of sunlight"(Paul A. Witteman)“在大厅里,…地板上的锯木屑两周一次地变成尘雾、倾盆大雨或日光下偶尔出现的碎片”(保罗A.维特曼)〔poussette〕A country-dance figure in which couples or a couple join hands and swing around the floor.拉手环舞:一对或几对舞伴双手相牵在地板上转圈跳的乡村舞蹈〔slosh〕slosh paint on the floor.把油漆溅到地板上〔down〕Toward, to, or on the ground, floor, or bottom:在地板,在底部:向地面上、地板上或底部,到地面上、地板上或底部,在地面上、地板上或底部:〔hatch〕An opening, as in the deck of a ship, in the roof or floor of a building, or in an aircraft.入口,舱口:建筑物屋顶或地板上的开口,如在船的甲板或飞机上〔furred〕Provided with furring, as a wall, ceiling, or floor.钉贴条于:钉贴条于如墙顶棚或地板上〔cushion〕A mat placed or attached beneath carpeting to provide softness and increase durability.地毯垫:一种放在或垫在地板上的铺设物下面的垫子,使变得柔软并增加耐久性〔confused〕a confused mass of papers on the floor.地板上一堆杂乱无章的纸张〔scuttle〕A small opening or hatch with a movable lid in the deck or hull of a ship or in the roof, wall, or floor of a building.天窗,气窗:在船的甲板或船体上或者在一个建筑物的房顶、墙壁或地板上的有可移动盖的一种小开口或窗盖〔stripper〕A chemical product for removing a surface covering, such as paint or varnish, from furniture or floors.剥皮剂:把如粉层或油漆外表层从家具或地板上除去的化学产品〔prone〕The spaniel lay prone on the floor, his long ears draped over his extended front legs.那只猎獚趴在地板上,长长的耳朵耷拉在伸直的前腿上。〔break〕My glasses slipped from my hand and smashed on the floor.我的眼镜从手中滑下去,在地板上摔得粉碎。〔explode〕I threw the vase on the floor and it exploded into tiny pieces.我把花瓶扔到了地板上,花瓶砰地一声摔个粉碎〔go〕curtains that go from the ceiling to the floor.窗帘从天花板一直垂到地板上




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