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单词 地理学家
释义 〔Hedin〕Swedish explorer and geographer who made several expeditions to central Asia and was the first to map Tibet accurately (1908).海定,斯文·安德斯·冯:(1865-1952) 瑞典探险家和地理学家,曾多次穿越中亚探险,是第一个精确地绘制西藏地图的人(1908年)〔Hayden〕American geologist who explored the Great Plains and the Rocky Mountains and helped establish Yellowstone National Park (1872).海登,费迪南德·范德维尔:(1829-1887) 美国地理学家,曾勘测过大平原和落基山脉,并协助建立黄石国家公园(1872年)〔Hakluyt〕English geographer who collected accounts of English exploratory voyages and published them inPrincipal Navigations, Voyages, and Discoveries of the English Nation (1589). 哈克卢特,理查德:(1552?-1616) 英国地理学家,他收集了有关英国探险航行的材料,于1589年出版《英格兰民族重要的航海,航行和发现》 〔Ptolemy〕Alexandrian astronomer, mathematician, and geographer who based his astronomy on the belief that all heavenly bodies revolve around the earth.托勒密:亚历山大天文学家,数学家和地理学家,他把他的天文学建立在所有的天体都绕地球运转这样一种信仰之上〔Powell〕American geologist and ethnologist who directed the U.S. Geological Survey (1881-1894) and classified many Native American languages.鲍威尔,约翰·韦斯利:(1834-1902) 美国地理学家及民族学家,他曾任美国地质调查局局长(1881-1894年),并对美国本土(印第安语)进行了分类〔Grosvenor〕American geographer who directed the National Geographic Society (1899-1966) and edited its magazine (1899-1954).格罗夫纳,吉尔伯特·霍维:(1875-1966) 美国地理学家,任全国地理学会会长(1899-1966年)和其杂志的主编(1899-1954年)〔Pausanias〕Greek geographer and historian who wrotePeriegesis of Greece, a valuable source on the topography and history of ancient Greece. 帕萨尼亚斯:希腊地理学家和历史学家,著有《希腊志》 ——一本关于古希腊地志和历史的十分有价值的书 〔Eratosthenes〕Greek mathematician, astronomer, and geographer who devised a map of the world and estimated the circumference of the earth and the distance to the moon and the sun.埃拉托色尼斯:希腊数学家、天文学家、地理学家,他设计了一种世界地图并推测了地球的周长及地球到月球和太阳的距离〔Ruwenzori〕A mountain range of east-central Africa on the Uganda-Zaire border. The range was explored in 1889 by Henry M. Stanley and has traditionally been associated with the geographer Ptolemy's Mountains of the Moon, the supposed source of the Nile River.鲁文佐里山:非洲中东部沿乌干达-扎伊尔边界的一座山脉。1889年亨利·M·斯坦利探险时发现这座山,传统上与地理学家托勒密的月亮山-尼罗河的假设源头有联系〔Mackinder〕British geographer who established geography as an academic field and maintained that Europe was the logical geographic center of world government, a theory used to support Nazi geopolitics.麦金德,霍尔福德·约翰:(1861-1947) 英国地理学家,他把地理学引入学术界,坚持认为欧洲是逻辑地理上的世界政府中心,这是一种用来支持纳粹地理政治的理论〔Strabo〕Greek geographer and historian whose great work,Geography, is the only extant text that describes the people and countries known to the Greeks and Romans during the reign of Augustus. 斯特拉博:希腊地理学家,历史学家,他的伟大著作《地理》 ,是现存的唯一的于奥古斯都统治时期描绘希腊人与罗马人所知的人民和国家的作品 〔Thule〕The most northerly region of the habitable world to ancient Greek geographers. Posited as an island north of Britain, it has been variously identified with Iceland, Norway, and the Shetland Islands.图勒:古希腊地理学家们认为的世界上有人居住的最北地区。据推断可能是不列颠北部的冰岛、挪威或席德兰群岛,人们对此有不同看法〔guyot〕After Arnold Henri Guyot (1807-1884), Swiss-born American geologist and geographer 源自阿诺德·亨利 吉欧 (1807-1884年),瑞典裔美籍地质学家和地理学家 〔Hubbard〕American lawyer and geographer who founded and was first president of the National Geographic Society (1888-1897).哈伯德,加德纳·格林:(1822-1897) 美国律师及地理学家,创建了全国地理学会,并任第一任会长(1888年-1897年)〔troostite〕After Gerard Troost (1776-1850), Dutch-born American geologist 源自杰拉德 屈氏特 (1776-1850年),荷兰裔美国地理学家 〔Davis〕American geologist and geographer who systematized the study of geography and revolutionized its teaching in the United States.戴维斯,威廉·莫里斯:(1850-1934) 美国地质学家和地理学家,他对地理研究进行了系统化并改革了美国的地理教学




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