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单词 坐在
释义 〔real〕"Is this place for real? A wolf in a . . . leisure suit and a cow in a print dress wait patiently on the couch in the lobby"(Teresa Carson)“这样的地方确实存在吗?一只穿着便装的狼和一头穿着印花服的奶牛耐心地坐在客厅的沙发上等待着”(特雷萨·卡森)〔brood〕To sit on or hatch eggs.坐在蛋上或孵蛋〔cover〕To sit on in order to hatch.孵蛋:坐在…上以孵〔bleacher〕[Sense 2, from comparing a person's exposure to the sun when sitting on them with the exposure of linens bleaching on a clothesline] [释义二,由坐在大看台而暴露在太阳下比作晒衣绳上被晒白的亚麻布而来] 〔wallflower〕TheCheiranthus cheiri, with its sweet-smelling yellow, red, or brown flowers, came to be called the wallflower because it was noted for growing on surfaces such as old walls, rocks, and quarries. This plant name is first recorded in 1578.It is not known who first observed a likeness between this delicate, fragrant flower and the unpartnered women sitting along the wall at a dance, but the figurative sense is first found in an 1820 work by Mrs. Campbell Praed entitledCounty Ball. The word, although originally used only to describe women, has become unisex,and of course one can be a wallflower without having a wall in the vicinity.具有芳香的黄、红或棕色花的桂竹香 之所以后来被称为 wallflower 是因为它以生活于物体表面(如旧墙面、岩石成或矿井面)而闻名。 该植物名称首载于1578年。没有人知道谁最先发现了这种雅致、芳香的花与在舞会上单独坐在墙边的女子的关系,但是这种比喻义最早发现于埃贝尔·普利德夫人1820年名为郡办舞会 的作品中。 虽然该词起初只用来描绘女子,后来却男女都适用。而且,一个人即使周围没有墙也能成为一个离群之人〔assize〕from Latin assidēre [to sit beside] 源自 拉丁语 assidēre [坐在旁边] 〔acedia〕"There is a name for the generic shoulder shrug—the buzzing indifference, as if it's always 90 degrees in the shade after a large lunch. The word is acedia. It is the weariness of effort that extends to the heart and becomes a weariness of caring"(Melvin Maddocks)“对一般的冷淡的耸肩——嗡嗡作响的冷漠,如在午饭大吃一顿之后坐在阴影里的行为有一名字,这个词是懒惰。是从倦于努力,发展到倦于用心,又发展为对一切倦于关心”(梅尔文·马多克斯)〔straddle〕To stand or sit with a leg on each side of; bestride:跨:以双腿各在其一边的方式站或坐在…上;跨骑:〔contract〕sat on the lid of the suitcase to compress the clothes;坐在箱盖上把衣服压紧;〔seat〕Something, such as a chair or bench, that may be sat on.坐椅:可以坐在上面的东西,如椅子或长条扳凳〔swing〕A seat suspended from above, as by ropes, on which one can ride back and forth for recreation.秋千:用绳子吊着的椅子,人可以坐在上面前后摆动作为消遣〔brood〕To sit on or hatch (eggs).坐在(蛋)上或孵(蛋)〔think〕sat in front of the fire cerebrating;坐在火炉前思考;〔stay〕"I alone sit lingering here" (Henry Vaughan).Tosojourn is to reside temporarily in a place: “我独自坐在这儿消磨时间” (亨利·沃恩)。Sojourn 指在一处暂住: 〔pickle〕Trade with the Low Countries across the North Sea was important to England in the later Middle Ages,and it is perhaps because of this tradethat we have the wordpickle. Middle Englishpikel, the ancestor of our word,is first recorded around 1400with the meaning "a spicy sauce or gravy served with meat or fowl.”This is a different sense from the one the word brings to mind now,but it is related somewhat in sense to its possible Middle Dutch sourcepekel, a solution, such as spiced brine, for preserving and flavoring food.After coming into Englishthe wordpickle expanded its sense range in several ways. It was applied, as it had been in Middle Dutch, to a pickling solution.Laterpickle was used to refer to something so treated, such as a cucumber. The word also took on a figurative sense,"a troublesome situation,”perhaps under the influence of a similar Dutch usage in the phrasein de pekel zitten, "sit in the pickle,” and iemand in de pekel laten zitten, "let someone sit in the pickle.” 在中世纪末,穿过北海与低地国家的贸易对英格兰来说非常重要,也许就是因为这种贸易,便有了pickle 这个词。 中世纪英语中的pikel , 也就是我们这词的祖先,大约在1400年第一次被记录,意思是“加有肉或禽肉的多香料的调味汁或肉汁。”这与现在我们所想到的意思有所不同,但从其可能的中世纪荷兰语词源pekle 的意义上讲又有些关联, 该词指如加香料的卤水等用来腌制或保存食物的溶液。进入英语后,pickle 这个词的词义在很多方面扩大了其含义。 象在中世纪荷兰语那样,它被用来指一种腌制食物的溶液。后来pickle 又用来指如此腌制的东西,如腌黄瓜。 从而这个词也有了比喻意义,即“麻烦的境地,”这大概是因为受了荷兰语中有短语坐在卤水中 和 让某人坐在卤水中 的类似用法的影响 〔with〕stood with the rabbi; sat with the family.与教士站在一起,与家人坐在一块儿〔insidious〕from īnsidēre [to sit upon, lie in wait for] 源自 īnsidēre [坐在…上,趴在…等待] 〔distrait〕"When she did not occupy her accustomed chair at the seminar, Freud felt uneasy and distrait"(Times Literary Supplement)“在专家讲座会上当她不坐在经常坐的椅子上时,弗洛伊德就感到不安和心不在焉”(时代文学增刊)〔opposite〕They sat opposite at the table.他们面对面地坐在桌子两旁〔comfortable〕sat in a cozy nook near the fire;坐在靠近火的一个舒适角落;〔sit〕To rest with the hindquarters lowered onto a supporting surface. Used of animals.骑:后腿弯曲地坐在某支撑面上。用于表述动物〔incubate〕To sit on (eggs) to provide heat, so as to promote embryonic development and the hatching of young; brood.孵化:坐在(蛋)上以提供热量,促进胚胎的生长和孵化出小生命;孵卵〔Damocles〕Greek courtier to Dionysius the Elder, tyrant of Syracuse, who according to legend was forced to sit at a banquet table under a sword suspended by a single hair to demonstrate the precariousness of a king's fortunes.达摩克利斯:希腊传说中的叙拉古国王狄奥尼西奥斯的朝臣,据传说其被迫坐在上悬宝剑的餐桌旁,宝剑由一根头发系住,以此来暗示君王命运的多危〔deskperson〕A person who works at a desk, especially a newspaper writer.书桌工作者:坐在书桌前工作的人,特别是一个报刊作家〔ensconce〕She ensconced herself in an armchair.她舒适地安坐在一张扶手椅里〔border〕sat on the edge of the chair.坐在椅子的边缘。〔ephedrine〕Latin ephedra [horsetail] from Greek ephedros [sitting upon] ep-, epi- [epi-] hedra [seat] * see sed- 拉丁语 ephedra [马尾] 源自 希腊语 ephedros [坐在…之上] ep-, epi- [在…之间] hedra [座位] * 参见 sed- 〔thwart〕A seat across a boat on which a rower may sit.座板:划手可坐在上面的横贯小艇的座位〔groundling〕A spectator in the cheap standing-room section of an Elizabethan theater.后座站票观众:坐在伊丽莎白式剧场的廉价座位上的观众〔plump〕plumped into the easy chair.扑通一下坐在安乐椅上〔wish〕Do you wish to sit at a table on the terrace?你想坐在阳台上的桌旁吗?




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