单词 | 坚果 |
释义 | 〔weevil〕Any of numerous beetles, of the superfamily Curculionoidea, especially the snout beetle, that characteristically have a downward-curving snout and are destructive to nuts, fruits, stems, and roots.象鼻虫:象甲总科的各种甲虫,尤指象鼻虫,其特征为有一个向下弯曲的鼻子,对坚果、水果、茎梗和根有破坏作用〔truffle〕Any of various chocolate confections, especially one made of a mixture including chopped nuts, rolled into balls and covered with cocoa powder.巧克力糖:一种巧克力糖,尤指用各种碎坚果搓成球并裹上有可可粉〔buckeye〕The large, shiny brown seed of such a fruit.七叶树果种子:七叶树的坚果中巨大,亮褐色的种子〔nucleus〕The central kernel of a nut or seed.籽仁:坚果或种子中心的仁〔candy〕A rich, sweet confection made with sugar and often flavored or combined with fruits or nuts.糖果:一种用糖制造的味浓而甜的糖果,通常用水果或坚果调味或与之混合〔candlenut〕A tropical southeast Asian tree(Aleurites moluccana) bearing nutlike seeds that are used to make candles and yield a drying oil used in paints, varnishes, lacquer, and soft soap. 石栗树:东南亚一种热带树木(石栗 石栗属) ,其种子类似坚果,可用来制造蜡烛,并可产生一种用在颜料、清漆、硝基漆和软肥皂的干性油 〔hull〕The dry outer covering of a fruit, seed, or nut; a husk.果皮,外皮:水果、种子或坚果的干外皮;果皮〔comfit〕A confection that consists of a piece of fruit, a seed, or a nut coated with sugar.糖果:包括用糖涂过的一块果实、种子或坚果的糖果〔pecan〕The smooth, thin-shelled oval nut of this tree.山核桃:这种树上产的表面光滑的薄壳长圆形坚果〔pistachio〕A deciduous tree(Pistacia vera) of central and western Asia, having pinnately compound leaves and dry, drupaceous, nutlike fruits. 阿月浑子:一种生长在亚洲中部和西部的落叶树(阿月浑子 黄莲木属) ,长有羽状复叶和干燥、似坚果的有核果实 〔shagbark〕An eastern North American hickory tree(Carya ovata) having shaggy bark, pinnately compound leaves, and hard-shelled nuts with edible seeds. Also called shellbark 粗皮山核桃:一种生长于北美洲东部的山核桃树(小糙皮山核桃 山核桃属) ,生有粗糙的树皮和羽状复叶,结有可食用种籽的硬壳坚果 也作 shellbark〔fruitcake〕A heavy, spiced cake containing nuts and candied or dried fruits.果糕:一种包括坚果、糖渍果或干果的且含有过多香料的糕饼〔nutmeg〕alteration of nois muscade [nut smelling like musk] nois muscade的变化 [有麝香气味的坚果] 〔nucellus〕from nux nuc- [nut] 源自 nux nuc- [坚果] 〔gillyflower〕karuon [nut] * see kar- karuon [坚果] * 参见 kar- 〔synkaryon〕Greek karuon [nut, seed] * see kar- 希腊语 karuon [坚果,种子] * 参见 kar- 〔chufa〕An Old World sedge(Cyperus esculentus var. sativus) having edible, nutlike tubers. 土杏红,油莎草:东半球的一种莎草(莎草属 油莎草 变种 种植莎草) ,有似坚果的可食块茎 〔shell〕A similar outer covering on an egg, a fruit, or a nut.蛋壳,果壳:鸡蛋、水果或坚果表面的类似外部覆盖物〔chinquapin〕The nut of any of these plants.栗子:这些植物所结的坚果〔bisque〕Ice cream mixed with crushed macaroons or nuts.碎果仁冰淇淋:混有碎杏仁饼或坚果的冰淇淋〔nutmeg〕notz [nut] from Latin nux nuc- [nut] notz [坚果] 源自 拉丁语 nux nuc- [坚果] 〔almond〕The ellipsoidal kernel of this tree, either eaten as a nut or used for extraction of an oil for flavoring.杏树果:这种树的椭圆形果子,可作坚果食用或提炼调味油〔kuchen〕A coffeecake raised with yeast, often containing fruit and nuts.(德国)糕点:一种发酵制成的咖啡糕,蛋糕中常有水果和坚果〔cobnut〕The large edible nut of a cultivated variety of hazel.欧洲榛子:栽培的多种榛子的可食用坚果〔nuthatch〕[perhaps of Germanic origin (from its habit of wedging nuts in bark and hacking them open)] [可能源于德语(因其将坚果楔入树皮中并把它劈开,所以得名)] 〔baklava〕A dessert made of paper-thin layers of pastry, chopped nuts, and honey.果仁蜜酥饼:由很薄的一层糕点、切碎的坚果和蜂蜜做成的甜点心〔nutcracker〕An implement used to crack nuts, typically consisting of two hinged metal levers between which the nut is squeezed.坚果钳子:轧碎坚果的工具,多有两个有铰链的金属撬棒,坚果在中间被轧碎〔grove〕A group of trees planted and cultivated for the production of fruit or nuts:果树林,果园:为生产水果或坚果而种植培养的树木:〔nutmeat〕The edible kernel of a nut.核仁:坚果的可食的仁〔granola〕Rolled oats mixed with various ingredients, such as dried fruit, brown sugar, and nuts, and used especially as a breakfast cereal.格兰诺拉麦片:在燕麦卷中混有许多配料,如干果、黄糖和坚果,尤用作指早餐食品〔nuthatch〕note [nut] * see nut note [坚果] * 参见 nut〔perikaryon〕Greek karuon [nut] * see karyo- 希腊语 karuon [坚果] * 参见 karyo-〔acorn〕The fruit of an oak, consisting of a single-seeded, thick-walled nut set in a woody, cuplike base.橡树果实:为木质,杯状基部包着的单一种子,厚壁的坚果〔kernel〕The inner, usually edible seed of a nut or fruit stone.核,仁:坚果或水果仁内的通常可食的种子〔brittle〕A confection of caramelized sugar to which nuts are added:果仁薄脆糖:坚果加于熔焦的糖上而制成的甜食:〔filbert〕after Saint Philibert (died 684), whose feast day in late August coincides with the ripening of the nut 源自圣 菲力伯特 (卒于684年),其八月下旬的庆祝日同坚果的成熟相一致 〔fat〕A mixture of such compounds occurring widely in organic tissue, especially in the adipose tissue of animals and in the seeds, nuts, and fruits of plants.动物油脂,植物油脂:此种成分的混合物,广泛存在于有机组织里,特别是在动物的脂肪组织、以及植物的种子、坚果以及水果里〔rugelach〕A cookie of cream-cheese dough spread with filling, such as jam or nuts, and then rolled up.卢吉拉奇甜饼:奶油-干酪面团上撒着诸如果酱或坚果等馅,然后卷起制作而成的甜饼〔gorp〕A mixture of high-energy foods, such as dried fruit, nuts, and seeds, eaten especially as a snack.高能量的一种混合食品,如干果,坚果和种子,特别是作为零食吃〔cornet〕also [kôrʹnĭt] A piece of paper twisted into a cone and used to hold small wares such as candy or nuts. 也作 [kôrʹnĭt] 圆锥形纸袋:用纸卷成的锥形袋子,用来装象糖块或坚果等商品 |
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