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单词 坦率
释义 〔turkey〕To speak frankly and get down to the basic facts of a matter.直率地说:坦率认真地谈话;切中要害地谈话〔bluff〕Rough and blunt but not unkind in manner.See Synonyms at gruff 直率,坦率,粗率的:草率、坦率但很友好的举止 参见 gruff〔plain〕Straightforward; frank or candid:直截了当的;坦率的或坦白的:〔straightforward〕Not circuitous or evasive; honest and frank.See Synonyms at frank 1坦诚的:不绕避或搪塞的;诚实坦率的 参见 frank1〔sly〕"You think he's open and blunt—he's as sly as a mink" (George W. Cable).“你认为他诚实而坦率——他(实际上)狡猾得像只臭鼬” (乔治·W·凯布尔)。〔freehearted〕Unreserved; open.坦率的:不含蓄的;坦白的〔naive〕a harmless, honest, guileless creature;无害的、诚实的、坦率的小家伙;〔candid〕Latin candidus [glowing, white, pure, guileless] 拉丁语 candidus [发微光的,白的,纯洁的,坦率的] 〔outspoken〕Frank and unreserved in speech.See Synonyms at frank 1直言不讳的:在言语上坦率且无保留地 参见 frank1〔frank〕"I will be open and sincere with you" (Joseph Addison).“我将坦率而真诚地待你” (约瑟夫·艾迪生)〔folk〕Down-to-earth, open-hearted.切实的,坦率〔forthcoming〕Candid and willing to cooperate.坦率的,乐于合作的〔round〕Outspoken; blunt:坦率的;直言不讳的:〔outspoken〕Spoken without reserve; candid.坦白的:毫无保留地说的;坦率〔assert〕Avow implies frank and open acknowledgment or admission: Avow 含有坦诚的,坦率的承认或确认: 〔unflattering〕gave the film an unflattering review.给电影以坦率的评论〔undesigning〕Having no ulterior motives; straightforward.没有不可告人的动机的;坦率〔candid〕Characterized by openness and sincerity of expression; unreservedly straightforward:坦率的:以开朗和诚挚为特征的;毫无保留地开朗直率的:〔frank〕Open and sincere in expression; straightforward.坦率的,真诚的:坦率而真诚的表达的;率直的〔free〕Unguarded in expression or manner; open; frank.无保留的:在言谈或举止上无防备的;坦率的;真诚的〔allow〕"We allow he's straight"(American Speech)“我们猜想他是坦率的”(美国语言)〔childlike〕Like or befitting a child, as in innocence, trustfulness, or candor.儿童般的:如在单纯、轻信、坦率等方面上如儿童般的或适合于儿童的〔straight〕Direct and candid:直率的;坦率的:〔aboveboard〕Without deceit or trickery; straightforward in manner.公开的(地),坦率的(地),光明正大的(地):不搞欺骗或欺诈的(地);方式直率的(地)〔everwhere〕Inversion—the reversal of the two halves of a compound word—is a common process in Southern dialects.It affects a number of indefinite pronouns (whichever, whatever, whoever ) ending in -ever, yieldingeverwhich, everwhat, and everwho. The commonly occurringeverwhere can be an example of inversion when it means "wherever" but illustrates elision of an unstressed syllable in its meaning "everywhere.”Other examples of Southern inversion cited by Craig M. Carver inAmerican Regional Dialects are peckerwood, hoppergrass, doll-baby, tie-tongued, doghanged (meaning "hangdog"), and right-out ("outright"). 倒置——一个复合词的两部分的颠倒──是美国南部方言的一种常用方法,它影响到若干以-ever 结尾的不确定性代名词( whichever,whatever,whoever ), 产生出everwhich,everwhat 和 everwho 。 通常出现的everwhere ,当它意为"wherever(即无论何处)”时是倒置的一个例子, 但当它意为"everywhere(各处,到处)”时是省略非重读音节的一例证。克雷格M卡弗尔在美国区域方言 中引用的其它美国南部倒置的例子有 peckerwood , hoppergrass,doll-baby,tie-tongued,doghanged(意思是“下贱的人”)和 right-out (“坦率的”) 〔gruff〕Blunt stresses utter franknessand usually a disconcerting directness: Blunt 则强调完全坦率,通常这种直率令人发窘: 〔Rickover〕American admiral who advocated and greatly contributed to the development of nuclear submarines and ships. He was also an outspoken critic of the American educational system.里科弗,海曼·乔治:(1900-1986) 美国海军上将,他提倡核潜艇和船只并对其发展作出了重大的贡献,他也是美国教育体系中一位坦率的批评家〔obliquity〕"It may be that the candor of contemporary literature creates a nostalgia for indirection, obliquity and deferral"(Anatole Broyard)“可能是当代文学的坦率创造了迂回、晦涩和迟滞的怀旧风格”(阿纳托尔·布鲁瓦亚尔)〔frank〕You can tell me what you think, and you may just as well be frank.你心里想什么就告诉我吧,你还是坦率些好。〔frankpledge〕Old French franc [free, frank] * see frank 1古法语 franc [自由的,坦率的] * 参见 frank1〔ingenuity〕Latin ingenuitās [frankness] influenced by ingenious 拉丁语 ingenuitās [坦率] 受 ingenious的影响〔ingenuous〕Openly straightforward or frank; candid.See Synonyms at naive 率直的,坦白的:公开地直言或坦率的;直率的 参见 naive〔innocent〕A simple, guileless, inexperienced, or unsophisticated person.单纯无知的人:指坦率的,无诡计的,不谙世事的或没有社会经验的人〔innocent〕Candid; straightforward:正直的;坦率的:〔freedom〕Frankness or boldness; lack of modesty or reserve:不含蓄,随便:坦率或鲁莽;缺乏谦虚和含蓄:〔honest〕Sincere; frank:真诚的,坦率的:〔Baldwin〕American writer and outspoken critic of racism whose works includeGo Tell It on the Mountain (1953), a novel, and Notes of a Native Son (1955), a collection of essays. 鲍德温,詹姆斯·亚瑟:(1924-1987) 美国作家和种族主义的坦率批评者,其作品包括小说《向苍天呼吁》 (1953年)和散文集 《天赋之子的札记》 (1955年) 〔plainspoken〕Frank; straightforward; blunt.坦率的;直接的;毫不含糊的〔open〕Characterized by lack of pretense or reserve; candid:毫无保留的,坦率的:〔unflattering〕Acknowledging few or no good aspects; unfavorable:不奉承的;坦率的:承认极少或认为没有好的方面的;不利的:




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