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单词 基尼
释义 〔Diaghilev〕Russian ballet impresario whose Ballets Russes company, founded in Paris in 1909, featured the extraordinary talents of, among others, the dancers Nijinsky and Pavlova, the choreographers Fokine and Massine, the composers Ravel and Stravinsky, and the artists Léger and Picasso.达基列夫,谢尔盖·巴甫罗维奇:(1872-1929) 俄罗斯芭蕾舞团经理,其芭蕾舞团于1909年在巴黎成立,有许多特别的天才是其特色,其中有舞蹈家尼金斯基和帕瓦洛娃、舞蹈动作指导富基尼和马歇尼、作曲家拉威尔和斯塔维斯基以及美术家莱热和毕加索〔Yevtushenko〕Soviet antiestablishment poet. Much of his work, including "Babi Yar" (1961) and "The Heirs of Stalin" (1962), is critical of Soviet government and society.叶甫图申科,叶夫基尼·亚历山德罗维奇:(生于 1933) 苏联反体制诗人,他的许多诗作,包括“娘子谷”(1961年)和“斯大林的继承者”(1962年),都批判了苏联政府和社会〔Tyre〕An ancient Phoenician city on the eastern Mediterranean Sea in present-day southern Lebanon. The capital of Phoenicia after the 11th centuryb.c. , it was a flourishing commercial center noted for its purple dyestuffs and rich, silken clothing. Tyre was besieged and captured by Alexander the Great in 332 b.c. and was finally destroyed by Moslems in a.d. 1291. 蒂尔:一个古代腓基尼的首都,位于今在的黎巴嫩南部地中海东部。公元前 11世纪后是一个繁荣的商业中心,以其紫色染料和华丽丝织品而著称。亚历山大大帝于 公元前 332年所围并占攻了蒂尔,蒂尔最终于 公元 1291年被穆斯林毁掉 〔Karpov〕Russian chess master who was world champion from 1975 to 1985.卡波夫,安纳托利·耶夫基尼维奇:俄罗斯国际西洋棋大师,1975年至1985年间的国际西洋棋世界冠军〔Geordie〕A formerly used British gold coin worth one pound and five pence; a guinea.基尼:从前英国的金币,一基尼值一英镑或五便士




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