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单词 基本
释义 〔kyat〕A basic unit of currency in Burma. See table at currency 缅元:缅甸的基本货币单位 参见 currency〔basic〕a basic course in Russian; a set of basic woodworking tools.俄语的一门基础课程;一套基本的木匠工具〔quality〕"The most vital quality a soldier can possess is self-confidence" (George S. Patton).Aproperty is a basic or essential quality possessed by all members of a class: “一名士兵所必须具备的素质就是自信” (乔治·S·巴顿)。property 是一个阶级的所有成员所具有的基础或基本的特点: 〔balboa〕A basic unit of currency in Panama. See table at currency 巴波亚:巴拿马基本货币单位 参见 currency〔lari〕A basic unit of currency in Georgia.拉里:格鲁吉亚基本货币单位〔pyrimidine〕Any of several basic compounds derived from or structurally related to pyrimidine, especially the nucleic acid constituents uracil, cytosine, and thymine.嘧啶类:由嘧啶衍生出来或在结构上与嘧啶有关的一种基本混合物尤指核酸组成的尿嘧啶,胞嘧啶和胸腺嘧啶〔ksun〕Basic form*su(n)- . 基本形式*su(n)- . 〔baht〕A basic unit of currency in Thailand. See table at currency 铢:泰国基本货币单位 参见 currency〔Namoi〕A river, about 846 km (526 mi) long, of southeast Australia flowing generally northwest to a tributary of the Darling River.纳莫伊河:一条流经澳大利亚东南部的河流,长约846公里(526英里),基本是向西北汇入达令河的支流〔BIOS〕The set of routines stored in read-only memory that enable a computer to start the operating system and to communicate with the various devices in the system, such as disk drives, keyboard, monitor, printer, and communications ports.基本输入输出系统:贮存于只读存储器中的一套例程,能令计算机启动操作系统以及连接系统内各种设备(如磁盘驱动器、键盘、显示器、打印机和通讯端口)〔Bradley〕British philosopher who, like Hegel, maintained that the mind is more fundamental than matter.布拉德利,弗朗西斯·赫伯特:(1846-1924) 英国哲学家,象黑格尔一样,他坚持认为精神比物质更基本〔kuna〕A basic unit of currency in Croatia.库纳:克罗地亚基本货币单位〔elemental〕Fundamental or essential; basic.基础的:基本的或本质的;基础的〔subject〕The essential nature or substance of something as distinguished from its attributes.主体,主观:区别于其属性的事物的基本性质或构成〔tala〕A basic unit of currency in Western Samoa. See table at currency 塔拉:西萨摩亚的基本货币单位 参见 currency〔clever〕In the 17th and 18th centuries,in addition to its basic sense of "able to use the brain readily and effectively,” the wordclever acquired a constellation of imprecise but generally positive senses in regional British speech: "clean-limbed and handsome,” "neat and convenient to use,” and "of an agreeable disposition.”Some of these British regional senses, brought over when America was colonized,are still found in American regional speech,as in the South, whereclever can mean "good-natured, amiable,” in old-fashioned speech. The speech of New England extends the meaning "good-natured" to animalsin the specific sense of "easily managed, docile.”Perhaps it was the association with animals that gave rise to another meaning, "affable but not especially smart,”applicable to people when used in old-fashioned New England dialects.在17和18世纪时,clever 一词除了其基本含义“能够轻松、有效地用脑”外,还在英国方言中具有大量不准确但明确的含义, “身材匀称且英俊倜傥”、“整洁有序且便于使用”和“令人愉快的个性”。英国方言中的一部分含义是美国被殖民统治时传播开来,在美国方言中至今仍然可见,如在南部的旧式方言中,clever 可以表示“脾气好的、和蔼的”。 新英格兰方言把“脾气好的”意思拓展到动物,表示“易于管理的、温驯的”的特定含义。可能因其与动物有关而导致另一含义“友善但不是特别机敏”的产生,适用于使用旧式新英格兰方言的人〔appoggiatura〕podium [support] from Greek podion [base] from pous pod- [foot] * see ped- podium [支持,支撑] 源自 希腊语 podion [基础,基本] 源自 pous pod- [脚,足] * 参见 ped- 〔sterling〕British money, especially the pound as the basic monetary unit of the United Kingdom.英国货币:尤指英国基本货币单位英镑〔kroon〕A basic unit of currency in Estonia.克朗:爱沙尼亚基本货币单位〔etymology〕The origin and historical development of a linguistic form as shown by determining its basic elements, earliest known use, and changes in form and meaning, tracing its transmission from one language to another, identifying its cognates in other languages, and reconstructing its ancestral form where possible.词源:一种语言形式的起源及其历史发展可通过确定该词或词素的基本组成部分,已知最早的用法及其形式和含义的转变,追溯它从一种语言转变为另一种语言的过程,鉴定它在其它语言中的同源词和重现它的祖传形式来展现和说明〔essential〕Something fundamental.基本要素:基本必要的东西〔primitive〕Relating or belonging to forces of nature; elemental:自然的,基本的:关于或属于自然力量的;基本的:〔muon〕An elementary particle in the lepton family (not a meson), having a mass 209 times that of the electron, a negative electric charge, and a mean lifetime of 2.2 × 10-6 second. Also called mu meson See table at subatomic particle 介子:轻子族中的一种基本微粒(非介子),其质量为电子的209倍,是一种负电荷,平均寿命为2.2×10-6秒 也作 mu meson 参见 subatomic particle〔ilk〕When one usesilk, as in the phrasemen of his ilk, one is using a word with an ancient pedigreeeven though the sense ofilk, "kind or sort,” is actually quite recent,having been recorded no earlier than the end of the 18th century.This sense grew out of an older use ofilk in the phrase of that ilk, meaning "of the same place, territorial designation, or name.” This phrase was used chiefly in names of landed families,Guthrie of that ilk meaning "Guthrie of Guthrie.” "Same" is the fundamental meaning of the word.The ancestors ofilk, Old Englishilca and Middle English ilke, were common words, usually appearing with such words asthe or that, but the word hardly survived the Middle Ages in those uses.当我们使用ilk 一词, 例如在词组men of his ilk 中那样, 我们实际上在使用一个历史悠久的词。不过ilk 这个词有“一种或一类”这个意思, 却是近期的事情,其最早的使用记录不超过18世纪末。过去ilk 这个词用于词组 of that ilk 之中,意为“相同地方的,相同封地的,相同名号的”,现代意义就是从这个意思演化而来。 这个词组主要用于拥有土地的家族的名称前面:Guthrie of that ilk 意指“格思里这个地方叫格思里的人”。 这个词的基本意义为“相同”。ilk 这个词的前身, 古英语的ilca 和中古英语的 ilke 都是常用词汇, 常常和the 或 that 等词一起使用, 不过这些词经过中世纪后都没能存在下来〔take〕To require (something) as a basic necessity:所需,必备:需要(某物)作为一项基本必需品:〔stress〕stressed basic fire safety.着重于基本的防火安全〔cretinism〕A congenital condition caused by a deficiency of thyroid hormone during prenatal development and characterized in childhood by dwarfed stature, mental retardation, dystrophy of the bones, and a low basal metabolism. Also called congenital myxedema 愚侏儒病:一种因在胎儿发育期间缺乏甲状腺激素导致的先天性病症,症状为在少儿时期体型矮小、智力迟钝、骨骼营养不良以及基本的新陈代谢能力低下 也作 congenital myxedema〔dirham〕A basic unit of currency in Morocco and United Arab Emirates; a unit of currency in Libya and Qatar. See table at currency 迪拉姆:摩洛哥和阿拉伯联合酋长国的基本货币单位;利比亚和卡塔尔货币单位 参见 currency〔per〕Basic form*per and extended form *peri . 基本形式*per 和衍生形式 *peri . 〔mythos〕The pattern of basic values and attitudes of a people, characteristically transmitted through myths and the arts.主题:人们基本的价值和态度模式,以神话和艺术传播为特征〔manat〕A basic unit of currency in Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan.马纳特:阿塞拜疆及土库曼斯坦基本货币单位〔constitutive〕Making a thing what it is; essential.本质的;基本〔phenylalanine〕An essential amino acid, C6H 5CH 2CH(NH 2)COOH, that occurs as a constituent of many proteins and is normally converted to tyrosine in the human body. It is necessary for growth in infants and for nitrogen equilibrium in adults. 苯丙氨酸:一种基本的氨基酸,C6H 5CH 2CH(NH 2)COOH,是许多蛋白质的组成成分,通常在人体内常转变为酪氨酸。它是婴儿成长和成人的氮平衡所必需的 〔general〕the general correctness of her decisions.她的决策基本正确〔gourde〕A basic unit of currency in Haiti. See table at currency 古德:海地的基本货币单位 参见 currency〔crux〕The basic, central, or critical point or feature:关键点:基本的、中心的或关键的一点或特征:〔dong〕A basic unit of currency in Vietnam. See table at currency 盾:越南基本货币单位 参见 currency〔home〕Of, relating to, or being the keys used as base positions for the fingers in touch-typing:基键的:与基键(即触摸打字法中作为基本位置的键)有关的,作为基键的:〔caterwaul〕wawlen, wrawlen [to yowl] [ultimately of imitative origin] wawlen, wrawlen [嚎叫] [基本源于拟音] 〔basal〕Of primary importance; basic.首要的;基本




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