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单词 基督
释义 〔perish〕"Must then a Christ perish in torment in every age to save those who have no imagination?”(George Bernard Shaw)“那基督必须每年为拯救那些缺乏想象力的人们而受一次死亡的折磨吗?”(乔治·萧伯纳)〔Campbell〕Irish-born American religious leader who with his sonAlexander (1788-1866) founded the Disciples of Christ (1809). 坎贝尔,托马斯:(1763-1854) 爱尔兰裔美国宗教领袖,他与儿子亚历山大 (1788至1866年)建立了基督十二门徒说(1809年) 〔Docetism〕An opinion especially associated with the Gnostics that Jesus had no human body and only appeared to have died on the cross.基督教幻影说:一种与诺斯替派有关的学说。认为基督不具人身,其死于十字架上只是幻影〔antichrist〕Antichrist The epithet of the great antagonist who was expected by the early Church to set himself up against Christ in the last days before the Second Coming. Antichrist 反基督教者:早期教会认为在基督复活之前的最后几天反对基督的对抗者〔Bede〕Anglo-Saxon theologian and historian whose major work,Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation (731), written in Latin, remains an important source of ancient English history. He introduced the method of dating events from the birth of Christ. 比德:盎格鲁-撒克逊神学家和历史学家,他以拉丁文写的主要著作《英格兰民族教会的历史》 (731年),一直是英国古代历史的一个重要原始资料。他引进了以基督诞生之日来确定历史事件年代的方法 〔postmillennialism〕The doctrine that Jesus's Second Coming will follow the millennium.千禧年后论:认为千禧年以后基督耶稣会再临的教义〔hypostasis〕The essential person of Jesus in which his human and divine natures are united.基督人格:基督最重要的人格,在这人格里他的人性和神性结合〔Perugino〕Italian painter whose best-known work is a fresco in the Sistine Chapel,Christ Giving the Keys to Saint Peter (1481-1482). 佩鲁吉诺,伊尔:(1445-1523?) 意大利画家,其最著名的作品是在西斯廷礼拜堂的壁画《基督圣彼得授钥匙》 (1481-1482年) 〔revere〕"O come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord!” ("Adeste Fideles"). “哦,来,让我们敬爱他,基督!” (“阿迪斯特·菲得尔斯”)。 〔Christianize〕To convert (another) to Christianity; make Christian.使成基督徒:皈依基督教转变(他人)而信基督;变成基督〔premillenarian〕A person who believes in premillennialism.千禧年前论者:相信千年至福期前基督再临论的人〔marzipan〕from Arabic mawAabān [king on the throne, Byzantine coin with enthroned Christ figure] 源自 阿拉伯语 mawAabān [在位的国王,铸有基督坐像的拜占庭硬币] 〔Pentecostal〕Of, relating to, or being any of various Christian religious congregations whose members seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit, in emulation of the Apostles at Pentecost.圣灵降临节的:属于、关于或是基督徒通过在祭祀中模仿基督使者降临,祈求圣灵充满内心的各种宗教集会〔savior〕Savior Jesus. Savior 救世主:基督〔nativity〕A representation, such as a painting, of Jesus's birth.耶稣诞生图:基督诞生的代表,如一幅画〔Christopher〕Christian martyr often depicted as a giant who converted to Christianity and thereafter devoted himself to carrying travelers across a river. His feast, July 25, was dropped from the Catholic liturgical calendar in 1969.圣·克里斯托夫:基督殉道者,被描述为归依基督教的巨人,致力于将游人背过河去。 他的节日为七月二十五日,从1969年天主教礼拜仪式日历起中断〔Rubens〕Flemish painter. A master of the baroque, he executed many portraits and exuberant works of allegorical, historical, and religious themes, includingDescent from the Cross (1611-1614). 鲁本斯,彼得·保罗:(1577-1640) 法兰德斯画家,巴罗克艺术代表。他绘制了许多肖像画和以寓言,历史宗教为主题的作品,包括《基督下十字架》 (1611-1614年) 〔Levi〕Italian writer best known for his novelChrist Stopped at Eboli (1945). Levi was exiled to southern Italy (1935-1936) for his antifascist activities. 莱维,卡罗:(1902-1975) 意大利作家,最著名的长篇小说是《基督驻足埃博利》 (1945年)。莱维因为反法西斯活动被流放到意大利南部(1935年-1936年) 〔premillennialism〕The belief that the Second Coming of Jesus will immediately precede the millennium.千禧年前基督再临论:基督再临将会直接先于千禧年来到的信念〔agape〕Christian love.大爱,对人类之爱:基督的对人类之爱〔Marcionism〕A Christian heresy of the second and third centuriesa.d. that rejected the Old Testament and denied the incarnation of God in Jesus as a human being. 马西昂派:公元 2世纪和3世纪的一支基督教异端,它排斥旧约圣经,并否认基督体是上帝的化身并具有人形和肉体 〔beatitude〕Beatitude Any of the declarations of blessedness made by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount. Beatitude 八福词:基督登山训众时宣布的任何祝福〔Christian〕Manifesting the qualities or spirit of Jesus; Christlike.基督的:表现出耶稣的品德或精神;具有耶稣精神的〔Bonheoffer〕German Protestant theologian and philosopher whose works concern Christianity in the modern world. He was executed for his role in a plot to assassinate Hitler.朋赫斐尔,迪特里希:(1906-1945) 德国新教神学家和哲学家,其著作涉及现代社会中的基督信仰。他因参与刺杀希特勒的密谋而被处决〔Messiah〕or Hebrew māšăḥ [the anointed, messiah] 或 希伯来语 māšăḥ [基督,救世主] 〔magus〕Magus One of the three wise men from the East who traveled to Bethlehem to pay homage to the infant Jesus. Magus 东方三贤士:自东方来到伯利恒向圣婴基督耶稣致敬的三贤人之一〔kenosis〕The relinquishment of the form of God by Jesus in becoming man and suffering death.神性放弃:基督在变为人和受死亡之苦时放弃上帝形象〔Christmas〕Crīst [Christ] * see Christ Crīst [基督] * 参见 Christ〔Miller〕American religious leader who preached that Christ's Second Coming would take place in 1843. Miller's followers later organized the Advent Christian Church (1860).米勒,威廉:(1782-1849) 美国宗教领袖,曾宣扬基督的二次降临将发生在1843年。米勒的信徒后来组织了基督降临教会(1860年)〔Millais〕British painter and founder of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood (1848). His works includeChrist in the Carpenter's Shop (1850) and Order of Release (1853). 密莱司爵士,约翰·埃弗里特:(1829-1896) 英国画家及前拉斐尔派的创始人(1848年)。其作品有《木匠作坊中的基督》 (1850年)和 《释放令》 (1853年) 〔Monophysite〕An adherent of the doctrine that in the person of Jesus there was but a single, divine nature. Coptic and Syrian Christians profess this doctrine.基督一性论者:坚信基督只有一个神性的教义的笃信者。科普特教派和叙利亚基督教派宣扬此教义〔Gnosticism〕The doctrines of certain pre-Christian pagan, Jewish, and early Christian sects that valued the revealed knowledge of God and of the origin and end of the human race as a means to attain redemption for the spiritual element in human beings and that distinguished the Demiurge from the unknowable Divine Being.诺斯替主义:前基督时的信条,犹太人或早期基督徒的信条,宣扬上帝的启示以及关于人类起源和毁灭的暗示,把这些作为人类灵魂获得解救的方式。它把造物主与神秘的神灵相区分开来〔vuln〕To wound (oneself) by biting at the breast. Used of the pelican, which was once believed to feed its young with its blood, as a heraldic motif and symbol of Christ.咬伤胸部:咬伤(某人的)胸部。用于指鹈鹕,其曾被认为以自身其血液喂食子女,作为基督的纹章主题和象征〔Schleswig〕A historical region and former duchy of northern Germany and southern Denmark in southern Jutland. The duchy was created in 1115 and passed, along with the duchy of Holstein, to Christian I of Denmark in 1460. After subdivisions caused by complex hereditary holdings, the duchies were once more reunited under the Danish crown in 1773. Denmark, Prussia, and Austria contended for the region until 1866, when it was annexed by Prussia. In 1920 the northern part of Schleswig was returned to Denmark by plebiscite. The southern portion became part of the West German state of Schleswig-Holstein after World War II.什勒斯威格:历史上的一个地区,先前为北部德国和南部丹麦在日德兰半岛南部的公爵领地。它产生于1115年,1460年于荷尔斯泰因领地一起归属给丹麦基督一世。经复杂的由遗产所有引起的分割后,它于1773年再次合并归还给丹麦王室。丹麦、普鲁士和奥地利为这一地区展开竞争,直到1866年它被普鲁士吞并。1920年经公民投票,什勒斯威格的北部归还丹麦,南部地区在二战后成为西德所属什勒斯威格-荷尔斯泰因州的一部分〔Parousia〕Greek [presence, Parousia] [from feminine present participle of] pareinai [to be present] 希腊语 [存在,作为末日审判官的基督来临] 源自pareinai的阴性现在分词 [存在] 〔Aquinas〕Italian Dominican monk, theologian, and philosopher. The outstanding representative of Scholasticism, he applied Aristotelian methods to Christian theology. His masterwork isSumma Theologica (1266-1273). 阿奎那,托马斯:(1225-1274) 意大利多明我会修道士,神学家和哲学家。经院哲学杰出代表,他将亚里士多德的方法应用于基督神学。他的名著是《神学大全》 (1266-1273年) 〔Christmas〕from Old English Crīstes mæsse [Christ's festival] 源自 古英语 Crīstes mæsse [基督的节日] 〔kingdom〕The eternal spiritual sovereignty of God or Christ.天国:上帝或基督的永恒的精神统治〔Foxe〕English prelate and exponent of Renaissance learning in England. He founded Corpus Christi College at Oxford University (1515-1516).福克斯,理查德:(1448?-1528) 英国高级教士和文艺复兴时期的代表学者。创立了牛津大学基督圣体学院(1515-1516年)〔antichrist〕Greek Khristos [Christ] * see Christ 希腊语 Khristos [基督] * 参见 Christ




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