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单词 基督徒
释义 〔Christianity〕Christians as a group; Christendom.基督徒团体;基督教世界〔Bunyan〕English preacher and writer celebrated for hisPilgrim's Progress (two parts, 1678 and 1684), the allegorical tale of Christian's journey from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City. 班扬,约翰:(1628-1688) 英国传教士和作家,著有《天路历程》 (两部,1678和1684年)描述,基督徒们从毁灭城到天堂城路途的讽刺性寓言故事 〔trivial〕"I think all Christians . . . agree in the essential articles,and that their differences are trivial,and rather political than religious" (Samuel Johnson).Somethingtrifling is so unimportant or so small as to be scarcely worth notice: “我认为所有的基督徒…在主要问题上的意见是一致的,而他们的分歧都是不重要的,而且往往是政治方面的而非宗教方面的” (塞缪尔·约翰逊)。trifling 指的是某物太小或太不重要以致于几乎不值得注意: 〔neighbor〕Loving one's neighbor as oneself would be much easier,or perhaps much more difficult,if the wordneighbor had kept to its etymological meaning. The source of our word,the assumed West Germanic form.nāhgabūr, was a compound of the words.nēhwiz, "near,” and .būram, "dweller, especially a farmer.” A neighbor, then, was a near dweller.Nēahgebūr, the Old English descendant of this West Germanic word, and its descendant in Middle English, neighebor, and our Modern English neighbor have all retained the literal notion,even though one can now have many neighbors whom one does not know,a situation that would have been highly unlikely in earlier times.The extension of this word to mean "fellow" is probably attributable to the Christian concern with the treatment of one's fellow human beings,as in the passage in Matthew 19:19 that urges love of one's neighbor.象爱自己一样爱邻居会更容易,也可能更难,如果neighbor 这个词保持其词源意义的话。 这个词的来源,假定在西日耳曼语中形式为nahgabur, 是nehwiz “附近的”和 buram “居住者,尤指农夫”的合成词。 那么邻居就是附近的居住者。Neahgebur 这个西日耳曼词发展的古英语形式, 中世纪英语形式nerghebor 及现代英语 neighbor 形式, 都保持了字面意义,即使现在一个可能有许多人都不认识的邻居,这是一种以前很不可能有的情况。这个词的引申意义“人”大概出自基督徒关心如何对待世人,比如在《马太19:19》中就有要求热爱自己邻居的篇章〔Famagusta〕A city of eastern Cyprus on theBay of Famagusta, an inlet of the Mediterranean Sea. Famagusta was a refugee center for Christians after Acre fell to the Saracens (1291). Population, 50,000. 法马古斯塔:塞浦路斯东部的一座城市,位于地中海的一个海湾法马古斯塔湾。 在亚克落入萨尔森人后成为基督徒们的难民中心(1291)。人口50,000 〔Paul〕Apostle to the Gentiles whose life and teachings are set forth in his epistles and the Acts of the Apostles.保罗:基督徒的使徒,他的生活和教导记录在他的书信和《使徒行传》中〔Lent〕The 40 weekdays from Ash Wednesday until Easter observed by Christians as a season of fasting and penitence in preparation for Easter.大斋节,封斋期:从圣灰星期三(大斋节的第一天)到复活节的四十天,基督徒视之为禁食和为复活节作准备而忏悔的季节〔Christianize〕To convert (another) to Christianity; make Christian.使成基督徒:皈依基督教转变(他人)而信基督;变成基督徒〔Agnes〕Roman Christian who, according to tradition, was martyred as a virgin at the age of 13. She is the patron saint of young girls.阿格尼斯:罗马基督徒,据传13岁时以处女之身而殉教。她是年轻少女的保护神〔Gnosticism〕The doctrines of certain pre-Christian pagan, Jewish, and early Christian sects that valued the revealed knowledge of God and of the origin and end of the human race as a means to attain redemption for the spiritual element in human beings and that distinguished the Demiurge from the unknowable Divine Being.诺斯替主义:前基督时的信条,犹太人或早期基督徒的信条,宣扬上帝的启示以及关于人类起源和毁灭的暗示,把这些作为人类灵魂获得解救的方式。它把造物主与神秘的神灵相区分开来〔patience〕"It is the mutual duty of all to practice Christian forbearance, love, and charity towards each other" (Patrick Henry). “彼此施行基督徒的忍耐、爱和慈善是所有人相互的责任” (帕特里克·亨利)。 〔Christianity〕The state or fact of being a Christian.基督徒:成为基督徒的状态或事实〔church〕A building for public, especially Christian worship.教堂,礼拜堂:公共建筑物,特别为基督徒礼拜用〔Polycarp〕Christian martyr. A student of the Apostle John, he was burned at the stake during a period of persecution of Christians in Smyrna.圣·波利卡普:基督教殉道者。阿波斯尔·约翰的学生,在士每拿地方对基督徒的迫害期间被焚死〔Albacete〕A city of southeast Spain west-southwest of Valencia. It was the site of battles between Moors and Christians in 1145 and 1146. Population, 121,909.阿尔瓦塞特:西班牙东南部城市,位于巴伦西亚西南偏西。这里曾是摩尔人和基督徒于1145年和1146年作战的战场。人口121,909〔Acre〕A port of northern Israel on the Bay of Haifa. During the Crusades it changed hands many times between Christians and Moslems. Acre was ceded to the Arabs in the United Nations partition of Palestine in 1948 but was captured by Israel shortly thereafter. Population, 37,700.艾可:以色列北部海法湾上一港口,在十字军东征时期被基督徒和伊斯兰教徒轮番控制。艾可港在1948年被在联合国的巴勒斯坦人的代表割让给了阿拉伯人,但不久之后即被以色列人占领。人口37,700〔Christian〕One who lives according to the teachings of Jesus.基督徒:按耶稣教导生活的人〔be〕"To be a Christian was to be a Roman"(James Bryce)“如果是个基督徒就等于是个罗马人”(詹姆斯·布赖斯)〔Monarchianism〕From Latin Monarchiānī [the Monarchians] 源自 拉丁语 Monarchiānī [信奉神格唯一论的基督徒] 〔Feuerbach〕German philosopher whose major work,The Essence of Christianity (1841), maintains that religion and divinity are projections of human nature. 费尔巴哈,路德维希·安德烈亚斯·冯:(1804-1872) 德国哲学家,其主要著作《基督徒的本质》 (1841年)坚持宗教和神都是人类本性的投影 〔gospel〕Often Gospel A lection from any of the first four books of the New Testament included as part of a religious service. 常作 Gospel 圣餐仪式经文:摘自新约圣经福音书作为基督徒圣餐仪式一部分的诵读的译文〔gentile〕Often Gentile A Christian. 常作 Gentile 基督徒〔Pentecostal〕Of, relating to, or being any of various Christian religious congregations whose members seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit, in emulation of the Apostles at Pentecost.圣灵降临节的:属于、关于或是基督徒通过在祭祀中模仿基督使者降临,祈求圣灵充满内心的各种宗教集会〔traditor〕One of the early Christians who betrayed fellow Christians during the Roman persecutions.叛教者:在罗马人迫害期间出卖基督教徒的早期基督徒之一〔Homoousian〕A Christian supporting the Council of Nicaea's Trinitarian definition of Jesus the Son of God as consubstantial with God the Father.本体同一论者:支持《使传信经》中圣子耶稣基督与圣父上帝本体是同一的这教义的基督徒




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