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释义 〔sentencing〕"Prosecutors and sentencing judges alike try to deal with individuals on an individual basis, without regard to social status"(Hiller B. Zobel)“检举人和宣判的法官同样力图在个人的基础上对待个人,而不考虑社会地位”(希勒B.佐贝尔)〔Sankhya〕A system of Hindu philosophy based on a dualism involving the ultimate principles of soul and potential matter.数论派:建于二元论基础上的印度哲学体系之一,包括精神和可能性事物的最终原则〔collectivize〕To organize (an economy, industry, or enterprise) on the basis of collectivism.使集体化:在集体主义的基础上组织起来经济、工业或企事业〔race〕A group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographic distribution:民族:在共同历史、国籍或地理分布的基础上联合起来的一群人或被归为一类:〔variation〕One of a series of forms based on a single theme.变奏:建立在唯一的主旋律基础上的一系列形式之一〔historiography〕The writing of history based on a critical analysis, evaluation, and selection of authentic source materials and composition of these materials into a narrative subject to scholarly methods of criticism.史料编纂法:在批判性分析、估价及真实材料选择的基础上写历史并以记叙体和学术性批评的方法组织这些材料〔Vesalius〕Flemish anatomist and surgeon who is considered the founder of modern anatomy. His major work,On the Structure of the Human Body (1543), was based on meticulous dissection of cadavers. 维塞利亚斯,安德烈亚斯:(1514-1564) 佛兰德斯解剖学家和外科大夫,是现代解剖学的奠基人,他的主要作品《人体结构》 (1543年)建立在对尸体进行细致的解剖基础上 〔semiprofessional〕Taking part in a sport for pay but not on a full-time basis.半职业性的:参加有酬的体育活动但不是在全日制基础上〔feudalism〕A political and economic system of Europe from the 9th to about the 15th century, based on the holding of all land in fief or fee and the resulting relation of lord to vassal and characterized by homage, legal and military service of tenants, and forfeiture.封建主义:欧洲从9世纪到大约15世纪建立在以封地采邑的形式占有全部土地,及由此而建立的领主与封臣的关系基础上的政治经济体系,以佃农的效忠、服兵役以及没收财产为特征〔Maui〕An island of Hawaii northwest of Hawaii Island. It is the second-largest island in the state, with an economy based chiefly on sugar cane, pineapples, and tourism.毛伊岛:美国夏威夷州夏威夷岛西北部岛屿。是该州的第二大岛,经济主要建立在蔗糖、菠萝和旅游业基础上〔credit〕Influence based on the good opinion or confidence of others.信誉:对他人有好感或信任的基础上所受到的影响〔double〕A bid doubling one's opponent's bid in bridge, thus increasing the penalty for failure to fulfill the contract.加倍的倍数:在对方叫牌的基础上加倍,这样当完不成定约时则增加惩罚〔prodigious〕No one would now say, as did a character in Fanny Burney'sEvelina (1778), "You are prodigiously kind!”But this utterance, exclamation point and all,illustrates two important points about intensives, linguistic elements,such asextremely or awfully, that provide force or emphasis.One point is that we press words that originally had other meanings into service as intensives.Prodigiously is an adverb formed on prodigious, which meant such things as "ominous, amazing, enormous,” going back to the Latinprōdigiōsus, "portentous, marvelous, unnatural.”Prodigiously, first recorded in 1595, meant "portentously, ominously,”and was later used to mean "wonderfully, astonishingly,”therefore making a perfect candidate for use as an intensive.The other point about intensives illustrated byprodigiously is that they go in and out of fashion. The character inEvelina used prodigiously in a way that was no doubt very stylish; no one would find it so today.Perhaps the main reason for such shifts in the use of these intensives is that once they have been used for a whilethey no longer intensify.现在没有人会象芬妮·伯尼的小说埃维莉娜 (1778年)中的人物那样说, “您真是太好了!”但这种说法,感叹号和全句,说明了关于加强语气的重要两点,如extremely 或 awfully 这样的语言要素, 具有加强语气或表示强调的作用。要点之一是我们把一些最初有其他意思的词当作了加强语气的词来使用。Prodigiously 是在意为“不祥的,惊人的,巨大的”的形容词 prodigious 基础上形成的副词, 可追溯到拉丁词prodigiosus, 意思是“不祥的,奇异的,不自然的。”Prodigiously 最早记录于1595年, 意为“预兆性地,不祥地,”后来意为“奇妙地,惊人地,”因此很适于用作强调词。Prodigiously 说明的关于强调词的另一个要点是这些词流行一时然后就过时了。 埃维莉娜 中的人物使用 prodigiously 的方式无疑是很时髦的; 但今天已没有人这样用了。或许这些强调词用法变换的主要原因是一旦这些词被使用了一段时间后,其加强语气或强调作用就不再明显了〔prorate〕To settle affairs on the basis of proportional distribution.按比例摊派:在按比例分配的基础上布置事情〔Khanbalik〕An ancient city of Mongol China on the site of modern Beijing. Rebuilt by Kublai Khan from 1264 to 1267 on the site of an earlier city, Khanbalik was called Cambaluc by Marco Polo, who described its magnificence in the account of his travels.大都:蒙古人统治中国时的古代城市,在当今北京所在地。1264到1267年成吉思汗在原有城市的基础上重建此城,马可·波罗称这座城为坎巴立克,并在其游记中描绘了该城的盛景〔authority〕Power to influence or persuade resulting from knowledge or experience:说服力:建立在知识或经验基础上的影响力或说服力:〔discipline〕A state of order based on submission to rules and authority:秩序:在服从规则、上司的基础上秩序的状态:〔Brahmanism〕The social and religious system of orthodox Hindus, especially of the Brahmans, based on a caste structure and various forms of pantheism.婆罗门教的教义或制度:正统印度教,尤指婆罗门教的社会和宗教制度,建立在等级结构和各种形式的泛神论的基础上〔teach〕To carry on instruction on a regular basis in:执教于:在定期的基础上实施教育:〔feminist〕A person whose beliefs and behavior are based on feminism.女权主义者:信仰和行动建立在男女平等主义基础上的人〔mistaken〕Based on error; wrong:错误的:建立在错误基础上的;错的:〔perception〕Recognition and interpretation of sensory stimuli based chiefly on memory.领悟力:主要在记忆基础上的再认识和对感觉刺激物的理解〔Pestalozzi〕Swiss educational reformer whose teaching theories, based on respect and attention to the individual, laid the foundation for the reform of education in the 19th century.裴斯泰洛齐,约翰·亨利希:(1746-1827) 瑞典教育改革家,其建立在尊重和注重独立性基础上的教学理论,为19世纪的教育改革奠定了基础〔blind〕Not based on reason or evidence; unquestioning:盲目的,轻率的:不建立在理智或证据的基础上的;不提出疑问的:〔Arikara〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting the Missouri River valley from Kansas into the Dakotas and now located in western North Dakota. Traditional Arikara life was based on agriculture and trade with the Plains Indians to the west.厄里克勒族:美国一土著民族,原居住在密苏里河流域堪萨斯至达科他,现居住在北达科他州西部。传统的亚里克拉生活系建立在农业,以及与西面的大平原印第安人贸易的基础上〔settle〕To establish on a permanent basis; stabilize.稳定:在固定的基础上建立;使稳定〔enmity〕Animus is ill will of a distinctively personal nature,often based on one's prejudices or temperament: Animus 是带有明显个人本性的不良意愿,常基于一个人的偏见或性情基础上〔semiretired〕Working only on a part-time basis, as for reasons of ill health or advanced age.半退休的:由于身体不健康或年龄过大的原因,只在非全日性基础上工作的〔moiety〕Either of two basic units in cultural anthropology that make up a tribe on the basis of unilateral descent.一个分支:在文化人类学中,在单系血统基础上构成一个部落的两个基本的部落分支的任意一个〔Peoria〕A city of northwest-central Illinois on the Illinois River north of Springfield. Founded on the site of a French fort established by La Salle in 1680, it is a transportation and industrial center. Population, 113,504.皮奥里亚市:美国伊利诺斯州中部偏西北的一城市,位于斯普林菲尔德北部伊利诺斯河畔。1680年由拉萨尔在法国军事要塞的基础上建立起来,是交通枢纽和工业中心。人口113,504〔creed〕laws banning discrimination on the basis of race or creed; an architectural creed that demanded simple lines.法律禁止在种族或宗教基础上的岐视;一个主张粗线条构勒的建筑学派〔Williams〕English cleric in America. After being expelled from Massachusetts for his criticism of Puritanism, he founded Providence (1636), a community based on religious freedom and democratic ideals, and obtained a royal charter for Rhode Island in 1663.威廉斯,罗杰:(1603?-1683) 在美国的英国教士。因批评清教主义而被驱逐出马萨诸塞州,此后他创建了一个建立在宗教自由和民主理想基础上的社团——上帝会(1636年),他还在1663年为罗得岛赢得了允许其成立的敕命特许权〔Nacogdoches〕A city of eastern Texas east of Waco. Settled in 1779 on the site of a Spanish mission founded in 1716, it is today a processing and manufacturing center. Population, 30,872.纳科多奇斯:得克萨斯东部一城市,位于韦科的东面,在1716年建立的西班牙布道团的基础上于1779年正式确立,现在是一个加工业和制造业中心。人口30,872〔legendary〕Of, constituting, based on, or of the nature of a legend.传说的:传说的,构成传奇故事的,建立在传奇基础上的,或具有传奇性质的〔Sankhya〕Sanskrit sāṁkhya- [based on enumeration, Sankhya] 梵文 sāṁkhya- [建立于列举基础上的;数论的] 〔geostrategy〕Governmental strategy based on geopolitics.地缘政治战略实施:建立在地缘政治学基础上的政治战略实施〔cytotaxonomy〕The classification of organisms based on cellular structure and function, especially on the structure and number of chromosomes.细胞分类学:在细胞结构和功能基础上的,特别是在染色体的结构和数量上的微生物的分类〔philosophy〕The investigation of causes and laws underlying reality.哲理的探讨:在现实的基础上对原因和规律的探究〔borrow〕To obtain or receive (something) on loan with the promise or understanding of returning it or its equivalent.借入:在承诺式默认归还本身或其等价物的基础上以借贷方式取得或接受(某物)〔Beard〕American historian and educator who explored the economic aspects of history in works such asAn Economic Interpretation of the Constitution (1913). His view that the document was based on its formulators' economic self-interests profoundly affected the study of American history. 比尔德,查尔斯·奥斯丁:(1874-1948) 美国历史学家和教育家,其著作从历史的角度研究经济问题,如《美国宪法的经济学注释》 (1913年)。他认为该文件是建立于制宪者们自身的经济利益基础上的观点,深刻影响了美国的历史研究




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