单词 | 基部 |
释义 | 〔kohlrabi〕A plant(Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes) in the mustard family, having a thick basal part of the stem that is eaten as a vegetable. Also called turnip cabbage 撇蓝:一种十字花科植物(甘蓝 变种 圆形甘蓝) ,长有肥大的茎基部,可作蔬菜食用 也作 turnip cabbage〔trochanter〕The second proximal segment of the leg of an insect.转节:昆虫脚的以基部算起的第二节〔bedplate〕A plate, frame, or platform serving as a base or support for a machine.底板,底座:用作机器的基部或支撑物的板、框或台〔stipule〕One of the usually small, paired appendages at the base of a leafstalk in certain plants, such as roses and beans.托叶:一些植物叶柄基部通常较小的一对附属物,如玫瑰和豆科植物等〔hornbill〕Any of various tropical Old World birds of the family Bucerotidae, having a very large bill often surmounted by an enlarged protuberance at the base.犀鸟:一种犀鸟科属鸟类,产于东半球的热带地区,其嘴巨大,且基部有扩大的突出部分〔anatropous〕Completely inverted so that the micropyle is facing downward and situated near the base of the funiculus:胚珠倒生的:胚珠完全颠倒使得珠孔朝下,位于珠柄基部的:〔papilla〕A small nipplelike projection, such as a protuberance on the skin, at the root of a hair or feather, or at the base of a developing tooth.乳头状物:一种如在皮肤毛发、羽毛根部或正长着的牙的基部上的小的乳头突起〔plafond〕fond [base, bottom] * see fond 2fond [基部,底部] * 参见 fond2〔cere〕A fleshy or waxlike swelling at the base of the upper part of the beak in certain birds, such as parrots.蜡膜:一些鸟类如鹦鹉上喙部基部的一种肉质或蜡质的突起〔palm〕The inner surface of the hand that extends from the wrist to the base of the fingers.手掌:人的手指基部与腕部之间稍凹部分〔barbet〕Any of various brightly colored tropical birds of the family Capitonidae that have a broad bill with bristles at the base and are related to the toucans.拟啄木鸟:须鴷科一种颜色鲜艳的热带鸟,有宽喙,在喙的基部有刺毛,与巨嘴鸟相关〔height〕The distance from the base of something to the top.高,高度:某种物体从基部到顶部的距离〔talus〕A sloping mass of rock debris at the base of a cliff.岩屑堆:在悬崖的基部由岩石碎块组成的一个倾斜的堆〔cerebrum〕The large, rounded structure of the brain occupying most of the cranial cavity, divided into two cerebral hemispheres that are joined at the bottom by the corpus callosum. It controls and integrates motor, sensory, and higher mental functions, such as thought, reason, emotion, and memory.大脑:占据颅腔的大部分的大而圆的脑组织,分成两个在基部由胼胝体相连结的脑半球。起控制和协调运动、感觉和高级心理运行的功能,如思想、推理、情绪和记忆〔amplexicaul〕Clasping the stem, as the bases of certain leaves do.抱茎的:抱茎的,如某些叶的基部〔boot〕A protective covering, especially a sheath to enclose the base of a floor-mounted gear shift lever in a car or truck.防护罩:一种防护性覆盖物,尤指小汽车或卡车内一种用于包住登板或排档杆基部的套子〔glume〕One of the two chaffy basal bracts of a grass spikelet.颖片:禾草类的小穗状花的两个禾壳状的基部苞片之一〔stipes〕The basal segment of the maxilla of an insect or a crustacean.茎节:一个昆虫或甲壳类动物下颚的第二基部的节〔base〕amazed by the size of the monument's base.惊讶于纪念碑基部的巨大。〔mescal〕A food prepared by cooking the fleshy leaf base and trunk of certain agaves.麦斯卡尔食品:一种用某些龙舌兰的多肉质叶的基部和树干烹调而成的食品〔stylopodium〕An enlargement at the base of the style of flowers in certain plants of the parsley family.柱基:伞形科某些植物花柱的基部一个盘形或圆形的突起或伸长部分〔basifixed〕Attached by the base, as certain anthers are to their filaments.基部的:附着于底部的,如雄蕊之花粉囊到花丝〔suffrutescent〕Having a stem that is woody only at the base; somewhat shrubby.半(亚)灌木状的:具有基部是木质化的茎的;类似灌木的〔sheathbill〕Either of two pigeonlike shore birds(Chionia alba or C. minor) of Antarctic regions, having white plumage and a horny covering on the base of the bill. 鞘嘴鸥:南极地区的两种鸽状海滩鸟(白鞘嘴鸥 或 黑脸鞘嘴鸥) 之任一种,具生有白色羽毛,嘴基部有一角状覆盖物 〔palmatisect〕Divided deeply in a palmate fashion, almost to the base:掌状全裂的:掌状分裂几乎达到基部的:〔acorn〕The fruit of an oak, consisting of a single-seeded, thick-walled nut set in a woody, cuplike base.橡树果实:为木质,杯状基部包着的单一种子,厚壁的坚果〔centrum〕The major part of a vertebra, exclusive of the bases of the neural arch.椎体:脊椎的主要部分,不含椎弓的基部〔basipetal〕Of or relating to the development or maturation of tissues or organs or the movement of substances, such as hormones, from the apex downward toward the base.向基的:与组织或器官的形成发展或与如荷尔蒙类物质运动有关的,从顶部向下往基部运动〔basal〕Of, relating to, located at, or forming a base.基部的,基础的:基础的,或与基础有关的〔involucel〕A secondary involucre, as at the base of an umbel within a compound umbel.次总苞,小总苞:次级花被,如处于复合伞形花序中一个伞形花序基部之花被〔surfbird〕A shore bird(Aphriza virgata) of the Pacific coast of North and South America, having dark, spotted plumage and a black tail with a broad white base. 滨海鹬:一种生长于北美洲和南美洲的太平洋沿岸的海岸鸟(滨浪鹬) ,有黑色、斑点的羽毛,尾部呈黑色,基部很宽 〔chondrocranium〕A portion of the embryonic cranium forming the bones of the base of the skull and eventually undergoing ossification.软骨颅:胚胎的头颅中形成颅骨基部骨头并最终被骨化的部分〔shrub〕A woody plant of relatively low height, having several stems arising from the base and lacking a single trunk; a bush.灌木:一种比较而言较矮小的木质植物,长有从基部生出的多重枝干,无单一主干;矮树〔cuticle〕The strip of hardened skin at the base and sides of a fingernail or toenail.角质层:位于指甲或趾甲基部边缘的硬化带状皮肤〔veneer〕A thin surface layer, as of finely grained wood, glued to a base of inferior material.饰面薄板;镶板:粘在低质材料的基部的薄表层,如有精细木纹的木板〔acropetal〕Developing or maturing from the base toward the apex, as in those plant organs in which the younger tissues are nearer the apex.向顶的:从基部向顶端发展或成熟的,比如在一些植物的器官中较新生的组织更靠近顶端〔pulvinus〕A cushionlike swelling at the base of the stalk of a leaf or leaflet.叶座:叶柄或小叶子基部的垫状膨胀〔equitant〕Overlapping at the base to form a flat, fanlike arrangement in two ranks, as the leaves of some irises.套折的,重叠的:基部互相重叠而构成平坦的扇形两列,如鸢尾花的叶子〔crown〕The persistent, mostly underground base of a perennial herb.宿根:多年生草本植物的通常位于地底下的宿存基部〔heel〕A similar anatomical part, such as the fleshy rounded base of the human palm or the hind toe of a bird.踵状物:一个类似的组织部分,如人类手掌的圆形回基部分或者鸟类的后脚趾部分 |
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