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单词 塞西尔
释义 〔indifferent〕“[His] maturity appears in the detached clear-sightedness with which he could observe his own character" (David Cecil). “[他的] 成熟表现在他客观公正而且敏锐的洞察力中,正是这种洞察力使他能省视自己的性格” (戴维·塞西尔)。〔Jameson〕South African physician and colonial administrator whose unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the Boer government of Transvaal (1895) led to the political fall of Cecil Rhodes.詹姆森,利恩德·斯塔尔:(1853-1917) 南非内科医生和殖民地行政长官,他企图推翻德兰士瓦的布尔政府的失败行动(1895年)导致了塞西尔·罗兹政治上的失败〔Cecil〕British public official who helped draft the League of Nations Covenant and was president of the League of Nations Union (1923-1945). He won the 1937 Nobel Peace Prize.塞西尔,(埃德加·阿尔杰诺恩)罗伯特:(1864-1958) 英国公务员,参与起草了国际联盟协定并担任国际联盟主席(1923—1945年)。1937年获诺贝尔和平奖〔Low〕British political cartoonist who created the pompous Colonel Blimp.洛,戴维·亚历山大·塞西尔:(1891-1963) 英国政治漫画家,他创造了傲慢的布林普上校这个极端保守分子形象〔Cecil〕British politician who was foreign minister under Benjamin Disraeli and prime minister (1885-1892 and 1895-1902).塞西尔,罗伯特·阿瑟·塔尔博特·盖斯科因:(1830-1903) 英国政治家,本杰明· 迪斯拉里时期的外交部长以及首相(1885-1892和1895-1902年)〔Rhodes〕British financier and colonizer who became prime minister of Cape Colony in 1890 but was forced to resign in 1896 after attempting to overthrow the Boer regime in the Transvaal. He later helped colonize the territory now called Zimbabwe.罗兹,塞西尔·约翰:(1853-1902) 英国资本家和殖民者,他于1890年成为开普殖民地的首相,但在企图推翻德兰士瓦省的布尔人统治后被迫于1896年辞职。他后来协助殖民化了现在称作津巴布韦的领土〔Powell〕British physicist. He won a 1950 Nobel Prize for discovering methods of photographing atomic nuclei and for his study of mesons.鲍威尔,塞西尔·弗兰克:(1903-1969) 英国物理学家。他因发现了原子核摄影术及对介子的研究而获1750年诺贝尔奖〔Lewis〕See Cecil Day Lewis 参见 塞西尔 Day Lewis〔Cecil〕English statesman who helped secure the throne for James I after the death of Elizabeth I (1603).塞西尔,罗伯特:(1563?-1612) 英国政治家,伊丽莎白一世去世(1603年)后帮助詹姆斯一世稳定王位〔scapegoat〕goat translation of Hebrew 'ăzā’zēl [goat for Azazel, demon of the desert] misread as 'ēz ’ôzēl [goat that escapes] goat 希伯来语 'ăzā’zēl的翻译 [献给堕落天使艾塞西尔的山羊] 错读为 'ēz ’ôzēl [逃走的山羊] 〔Beaton〕British photographer, diarist, and theatrical designer noted for his sets and costumes forMy Fair Lady (stage, 1956; film, 1964). 比顿,塞西尔·沃尔特·哈迪:(1904-1980) 英国摄影家、日记作者和戏剧设计者,以他为《窈窕淑女》 设计的布景和服装道具而著名。(舞台表演,1956;电影,1964年) 〔Allen〕American comedienne best remembered as the confused but unflappable foil to her husband and stage partner, George Burns.艾伦,格拉斯·埃塞尔·塞西尔·罗莎莉:(1906-1964) 美国女喜剧演员,常作为其丈夫兼舞台搭档乔治·伯恩斯的配角,她那种充满迷惑而又沉稳冷静的形象令人难忘〔Hurst〕British jurist who served as a judge of the Permanent Court of International Justice at The Hague (1929-1946) and president of the court (1934-1936).赫斯特爵士,塞西尔·詹姆斯·巴灵顿:(1870-1963) 英国法官,曾任海牙国际法院永久法庭的法官(1929-1946年)及庭长(1934-1936年)




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