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单词 声称
释义 〔claim〕To state to be true, especially when open to question; assert or maintain:断言,宣称:声称正确,尤指面对质疑时;极力主张或坚持:〔controvert〕To raise arguments against; voice opposition to.反驳:就…展开争论;声称反对…〔parallel〕claimed that fetal development parallels the evolution of the species.声称胎儿的发育与种类物演变相似〔Zurvanism〕A Zoroastrian heretical movement claiming that Zurvan was the ultimate source of the universe and that both Ahura Mazda and Ahriman were his offspring.佐尔文运动:琐罗亚斯德教的异端运动,声称佐尔文是万物的起源,奥尔穆兹德和阿里曼都是他的后代〔play〕The company's stock rose in price when news stories stated that it was in play.当新闻报道声称公司被接收时公司的股票价格上涨〔purport〕To have or present the often false appearance of being or intending; profess:声称,假充:带有或提供与内容或意图相违背的外在表现;声称〔profess〕To affirm openly; declare or claim:公开承认;宣布或声称〔Brezhnev〕Soviet leader. He served as the chairman of the Presidium (now the Politburo) and secretary of the Communist Party before becoming president of the U.S.S.R. in 1977. In 1968 he enunciated the Brezhnev Doctrine, which asserts that the U.S.S.R. may intervene in any Warsaw Pact country in which the Communist government is threatened. Soviet adherence to this doctrine was evidenced by the invasion of Czechoslovakia (1968) and Afghanistan (1977).勃列日涅夫,利奥尼德·伊奇:(1906-1982) 苏联领导人。1977年成为苏联总统以前,曾任最高苏维埃主席团(即现在的政治局)主席和前苏联共产党总书记。1968年发表勃列日涅夫法则,声称当华沙条约成员国的共产党政府受到威胁时,苏联可以进行干涉。苏联坚持这一原则,入侵捷克斯洛伐克(1968年)和入侵阿富汗(1977年)即是证明〔nauseous〕Traditional critics have insisted thatnauseous is appropriately used only to mean "causing nausea" and that it is incorrect to use it to mean "affected with nausea,”as inRoller coasters make me nauseous. In this example,nauseated is preferred by 72 percent of the Usage Panel. What is curious, however,is that 88 percent of the Panelists indicated that they would prefernauseating in the sentenceThe children looked a little green from too many candy apples and nauseous rides. Thus it appears that like a handful of other words such astranspire, nauseous is actively used mainly in the sense in which it is considered incorrect. · While the use ofnauseous to mean "affected with nausea" may incur critical displeasure, it should be pointed out in its defense not only that it is quite common among educated speakersbut that it is subtly distinct fromnauseated in this sense. Nauseated is a passive participle, and hence suggests a condition induced by a specific external cause.By contrast,nauseous is an adjective that refers to an occurrent state whose cause may be nonspecific or unknown.The person who reports thatI woke up this morning feeling nauseous might not be willing to accept that he or she had beennauseated by any external agent. 传统的评论家坚持认为nauseous 只适合用于“引起人厌恶的”意思, 而用于指“患恶心症的”是不正确的,就像在巨浪滑行者使我感到恶心 中一样。 在这个例子中,nauseated 被72%的用法专题使用小组成员认为是合适的。 然而,有趣的是,88%的成员认为他们会选用nauseating 这个词, 用在句子太多的苹果糖和令人恶心的骑乘使得孩子们的脸色有点绿 中。 因此似乎像许多别的词如transpire那样,nauseous 积极地主要用于被人认为是不正确的意思中。 然而用nauseous 来指“患恶心症”可能引起评论的不愉快, 作为防卫我们应该指出不仅在受过教育的演说者中此种用法普遍,而且在这个意思上它和nauseated 有细微的区别。 Nauseated 是过去分词, 因此意味着由特殊的外部原因引导的条件。相反nauseous 是形容词指偶发的状态, 可能是非特殊的或不知道的。声称我早上起来时感到恶心 的人, 可能不情愿接受他或她被任何外界力量所恶心到 〔Sforza〕Family of Milanese political leaders, includingFrancesco (1401-1466), a captain of mercenaries who declared himself duke of Milan (1450). His son Ludovico (1451?-1508) was duke of Milan (1481-1499) and a patron of Leonardo da Vinci. 斯佛萨:米兰政治领袖家族,其中有弗朗西斯科 (1401-1466年),他是雇佣兵首领并声称自己是米兰公爵(1450年)。他的儿子 卢多维克 (1451?-1508年)是米兰公爵(1481-1499年)且是雷翁那多·达·芬奇的资助人 〔contend〕The defense contended that the evidence was inadmissible.被告方声称证据是不可接受的〔avouch〕To declare the provable truth or validity of; affirm:断言:声称是可以证实的事实或其有效性;肯定:〔responsible〕In recent years,many people have objected to the use of the phraseclaim responsibility with reference to the authors of terrorist acts, as inA small separatist group claimed responsibility for the explosion, in which 30 passengers were killed. It is true that the phrase is not entirely felicitous,in as much as it does not convey the speaker's conviction that the action is deplorable.But alternatives such asadmit or take the blame cannot be recommended either, since they would imply misleadingly that the instigators had themselves acknowledged that the action was wrongful.近年来,许多人反对使用与恐怖主义活动制造者相关的词组claim responsibility , 如一小撮分离主义者声称对那次致使30位旅客丧生的爆炸负责 。 这个词组确实是不得体的,因为它没有表达说话者对悲惨行为的谴责。但也不能推荐如admit 和 take the blame 等替代词, 因为它们可能使人误导以为煽动者自己也承认行动是错误的〔unique〕Over the course of the centuryunique has become the paradigmatic example of the class of terms that do not allow comparison or modification by an adverb of degree such as very, somewhat, or quite. Thus, most grammarians believe that it is incorrect to say that something isvery unique or more unique than something else, though phrases such asnearly unique and almost unique are acceptable. In the most recent survey the sentenceHer designs are quite unique in today's fashion scene was unacceptable to 80 percent of the Usage Panel. · Critical objections to the comparison and degree modification of absolute terms date to the 18th centuryand have been applied to a wide group of adjectives includingequal, fatal, omnipotent, parallel, perfect, and unanimous. According to the standard argument, such words denote properties that a thing either does or does not have but cannot have to a qualifiable degree.Thus ifunique is properly used to mean "without equal or equivalent,” something either is unique or it isn't, and phrases such asvery unique and more unique can only betray a weakening of the sense to mean something like "unusual" or "distinctive.” It is true that comparison and modification ofunique are often associated with the style favored by copywriters, as in the advertisement announcing thatOmaha's most unique restaurant is now even more unique or in the claim that a new automobile is So unique, it's patented. But modification ofunique is also found in the work of reputable writers, where it may lack any connotations of hyperbole.A painting is described asthe most unique of Beckman's self-portraits, and a travel writer states thatChicago is no less unique an American city than New York or San Francisco. The relative acceptability of these usages reflects the semantic subtlety ofunique itself. If we were to useunique only according to the strictest criteria of logic, after all, we might freely apply the term to anything in the worldsince nothing is wholly equivalent to anything else.Clearly, then, when we say that a restaurant or painting is unique,we mean that it is worthy of inclusion in a class by itself according to certain implicit but generally accepted criteria.Thus a legitimately unique painting might be one that realizes an unparalleled aesthetic vision,but not one that is rendered only in pigments whose names begin with the lettero; and a legitimately unique restaurant might be one that serves 18th-century French cuisine according to the original recipes,not one that has been installed in a converted sardine cannery.Given this understanding, it is not inherently impossible to think of uniqueness as a matter of degree,in the sense that one painting or restaurant may be more or less worthy of inclusion in a class by itself than some other. ·What is troubling about the copywriters' use ofunique is not that the word has become a synonym for unusual. Rather, it is the copywriters who are using the word in conformity with strict logic.Uniqueness is claimed for a restaurant in virtue of some trivial properties of its decor or menu,or for a resort hotel that simply happens to have a singularly picturesque view of the bay.Though it may be true that such properties render these thingslogically unique, they do not constitute legitimate grounds for putting the things into a class by themselves according to the criteria ordinarily invoked when things are sorted into classes.In fact, the abuse ofunique can be cloying even when no modification or comparison is involved; when we read an advertisement for a line of sportswear that featuresa unique selection of colors, we may suspect that the distinctive properties of the color selection are not so remarkable as the advertiser would have us believe. But it is not surprising that these uses ofunique should lend themselves to promiscuous modification and comparison; for once it is granted that uniqueness can be claimed for any product or service that is somehow distinctive from all its competitors,it is inevitable that an increase in uniqueness will be seen in every minor innovation.See Usage Note at equal ,infinite ,parallel ,perfect 在本世纪整个过程中unique 已成为不能由程度副词,例 very、somewhat 或 quite, 比较或修饰的一类术语的例证。 因此,多数语法学家认为说某事是very unique 或 more unique than 是不正确的, 虽然短语例如nearly unique 和 almost unique 是可接受的。 在最近的调查中,句子Her designs are quite unique in today's fashion scene (她的设计在现今流行样式的场面中是很独特的) 对用法专题使用小组的百分之八十成员是不可接受的。 对纯粹术语的比较和程度修饰的主要异议可追述到18世纪,并已广泛用到许多形容词中,包括equal, fatal, omnipotent, parallel, perfect 和 unanimous。 根据标准论据,这些单词表示一事有或没有但不能有可修饰的程度的性质。于是如果unique 适当地用于表示“没有相等或相当的”,则某事是唯一的或不是唯一的, 而短语像very unique 和 more unique 仅能表露出说明某事像“不寻常的”或“独特的”的意义的减弱。 的确,unique 的比较和修饰常与撰稿人喜欢的文体相联系, 如在广告中称Omaha's most unique restaurant is now even more unique(奥马哈城的最独特的餐馆现在甚至是更加独特) 或声称新汽车是 So unique, it's patented(如此独特,它取得了专利权)。 但是unique 的修饰也在著名作家的作品中发现, 那里可能缺乏夸张法的任何涵义。描述一张油画为the most unique of Beckman's self-portraits(最独特的贝克曼的自画像), 一位旅游作家叙述Chicago is no less unique an American city than New York or San Francisco(芝加哥比纽约或旧金山是不逊独特的美国城市)。 这些用法的相对可接受性反映unique 自身语义的巧妙。 如果我们仅按照逻辑的严格标准使用unique , 则我们终于会自由地把此术语使用于世界上的任何事,因为没有完全等同于另一事的事。于是,显然当我们说餐馆或油画是独特的时,我们意味着根据某种隐含的但可普遍接受的判据它是值得包含在一个等级内的。于是合理独特的油画可能是实现空前未有的审美型的,而不是仅给予名字以字母O开始的颜料; 合理独特的餐馆可能根据原来的食谱提供18世纪法国菜肴的餐馆,而不是配备转换的沙丁鱼罐头食品的餐馆。按这样了解,将独特性视为程度问题不是本来就不可能的,在这个意义上一张油画或一个餐馆或多或少可能是极好的有价值的内涵物而不是其他。关于撰稿人使用unique 的困惑不是此单词已成为 unusual 的同义词。 相反地,正是撰稿人使用此单词与严密的逻辑相一致。对餐馆声称独特性是由于它的布置或菜单的某些不重要的性质,或者对于人们常去的旅馆仅因为有海湾的独一无二地别致的景象。虽然这样的性质使得这些事logically 独特的可能是真实的, 但是当事情进行了分类,根据平常实行的判据把这些事情自身放到一类,他们不组成正常的基础。事实上unique 的滥用会使人发腻,即使在没有涉及修饰或比较的时候; 当我们读运动服装的unique selection of colors(颜色的独特选择) 的一行广告时, 我们会怀疑颜色选择的独特性质并非广告商希望我们所认为的那么明显。但不必惊讶于unique 的这些用法应当适用于杂乱的修饰和比较; 就这一次可以承认,独特性能用来指任何产品或服务,它们与所有的竞争者相比较有某种程度的特色,在每一小的创新中可以看到独特性的增加是必然会发生的 参见 equal,infinite,parallel,perfect〔being〕Something, such as an object, an idea, or a symbol, that exists, is thought to exist, or is represented as existing.存在:指存在、被认为存在或声称为存在的某物,如一件物体、一种概念或一种象征〔set〕To put (oneself) forward as; claim to be:自称:推举(自己);声称是:〔allege〕To assert without or before proof:辩解,声称:在没有证据或得到证据之前宣称:〔confessor〕One who confesses faith in Christianity in the face of persecution but does not suffer martyrdom.基督教信徒:指在迫害面前声称信仰基督教但并未殉道者〔imam〕A ruler claiming descent from Mohammed and exercising authority in an Islamic state.伊玛目:声称继承穆罕默德并在一个伊斯兰国家行使权力的一个统治者〔declare〕To state emphatically or authoritatively; affirm.声称:强调性地或权威式地宣称;断言〔alchemy〕A medieval chemical philosophy having as its asserted aims the transmutation of base metals into gold, the discovery of the panacea, and the preparation of the elixir of longevity.炼金术,炼丹术:中世纪的一种化学学科,其声称的目标是将一些基本金属转变为金子,发现万灵药及制作长生不老丹〔Saussure〕Swiss linguist. The founder of structural linguistics, he declared that there is only an arbitrary relationship between a linguistic sign and that which it signifies. The posthumously published collection of his lectures,Course in General Linguistics (1916), is a seminal work of modern linguistics. 索绪尔,费迪南德·德:(1857-1913) 瑞士语言学家,结构主义语言的创始人,他声称在语言符号和其所指含义之间仅有一种模糊的关系。他死后,他的讲演集出版为《普通语言学教程》 (1916年),是现代语言学的开山之作 〔sham〕Something false or empty that is purported to be genuine; a spurious imitation.赝品:某些被声称为真实的却为假的或劣着质的东西;虚假的模仿物〔valence〕"I do not claim to know much more about novels than the writing of them, but I cannot imagine one set in the breathing world which lacks any moral valence"(Robert Stone)“我从不敢声称我对小说的了解远远超过我所写的小说本身,但我不能想象一个人活在这个世界上可以不需要任何精神上的依托”(罗伯特·斯通)〔profess〕To make an open affirmation.声称:公开承认〔catholic〕Of or relating to those churches that have claimed to be representatives of the ancient undivided church.那些声称是古代未分裂教堂的代表的教堂的或有关那些教堂〔Atlantis〕A legendary island in the Atlantic Ocean west of Gibraltar, said by Plato to have sunk beneath the sea during an earthquake.亚特兰蒂斯:大西洋中一传说岛屿,位于直布罗陀西部,柏拉图声称在一场地震中沉入海底〔contact〕"This past January I was contacted by a lawyer who said he needed my help"(Elizabeth Loftus)“今年一月份一位声称需要我帮助的律师来找过我”(伊丽莎白·洛夫特斯)〔clock〕"Immense linemen declared their intentions to clean the clocks of opposing players"(Russell Baker)“优秀的前锋队员们声称要努力彻底打败对手”(拉塞尔·巴克)〔postulate〕To make claim for; demand.要求:声称对…拥有主权;要求〔turf〕The area claimed by a gang, as of youths, as its personal territory.地盘:帮会,如青年帮会声称为自己所有的地区〔challenge〕A claim that a vote is invalid or that a voter is unqualified.选举无效的声明:声称某一投票无效或某一投票人不合格




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