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单词 处方
释义 〔Rx〕A prescription for medicine or a medical appliance.药方,处方:药或医药设备的说明书〔prescription〕A written order, especially by a physician, for the preparation and administration of a medicine or other treatment.处方,药方:指由医生开出的主要关于药品或疗法的书面指示〔nonprescription〕nonprescription drugs.无需处方可出售的药〔prescription〕A prescribed medicine or other treatment.处方处方上的药或其他疗法〔nonprescription〕Sold legally without a physician's prescription; over-the-counter:无需处方出售的:不用医师的处方就能合法售出的;不需处方可以出售的:〔immunodiagnosis〕Diagnosis of disease based on antigen-antibody reactions in the blood serum. Also called serodiagnosis 免疫性处方,免疫性诊断:根据血液中血清的抗原抗体反应的疾病处方 也作 serodiagnosis〔dope〕Before it came to mean "a narcotic or narcotics considered as a group,”dope was borrowed into English from the Dutch word doop, "sauce.” Throughout the 19th century it meant "gravy.”In the lower northern United States,from Pennsylvania westward to Missouri, dope still means "a sauce of sorts";it is now the term for a topping for ice cream,such as syrup or a chocolate or fruit sauce.In the South, on the other hand,dope means "a cola-flavored soft drink.” The term might be related to the northern usage as a reference to the sweet syrup base of a cola drink.However, folk wisdom has it thatdope recalls the inclusion of minute amounts of cocaine in the original Atlanta recipe for Coca-Cola, which was named after this exotic ingredient.Dope 是从荷兰语 doop 借入英语的,后来才用来指“麻醉剂的总称”。 整个19世纪该词的含义为“肉汁,肉卤”。在美国北部低地地区,从宾夕法尼亚州向西一直到密苏里州, dope 一词仍然指“一种调味汁”;现在用来指冰激凌的浇料,如糖浆、巧克力或果汁。另一方面,在南方dope 一词指“味道象可乐的软饮”。 这种用法可能与北方用来指糖浆做成的可乐饮料这种用法有关。然而,民间的说法是dope 令人想起原亚特兰大处方中的可口可乐包括的少量古苛硷, 可口可乐就是得名于这种产于外国的成分〔dosage〕Administration of a therapeutic agent in prescribed amounts.服用的药量,处方:以一定剂量配给的药〔ethical〕Of or relating to a drug dispensed solely on the prescription of a physician.凭处方出售的:属于和关系到全凭医生处方而出售药品的〔receipt〕from Medieval Latin recepta [medical prescription, money received] 源自 中世纪拉丁语 recepta [医疗处方、钱款已收] 〔recipe〕A medical prescription.处方:医疗处方〔prescription〕An ophthalmologist's or optometrist's written instruction, as for the grinding of corrective lenses.眼科医生所写的处方:由眼科医生或验光师开的书面指示,如为了磨制合适的镜片而开的验光单〔ethical〕An ethical drug.凭医师处方出售的药品〔patent〕Of, relating to, or being a nonprescription drug or other medical preparation that is often protected by a trademark.非医生处方的:关于、属于或作为一种非医生处方但常受商标保护的药品或其他药剂〔fill〕fill a prescription; fill an order.依处方供药;供应订货〔dispensary〕An office in a hospital, school, or other institution from which medical supplies, preparations, and treatments are dispensed.医务室:在医院、学校或其他机关里,提供药品、处方和治疗的工作间〔formula〕A prescription of ingredients in fixed proportion; a recipe.配方,处方:按一定比例将各种成分配制成药剂的方法;处方




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