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单词 夏季
释义 〔monsoon〕A wind from the southwest or south that brings heavy rainfall to southern Asia in the summer.夏季季风:夏季从西南或南方吹来的并能给亚洲南部带来大量降雨的风〔shieling〕A mountain pasture used in the summer.一种夏季使用的山区牧场〔midsummer〕The middle of the summer.仲夏:夏季的中间部分〔fade〕summer flowers that had faded.已经枯萎了的夏季的花〔Hopatcong〕A borough of north central New Jersey onLake Hopatcong northwest of Morristown. The city and lake are summer resorts. Population, 15,586. 霍帕康:新泽西中北部的自治镇在位于莫里斯镇西北的霍帕康 湖上,该市及湖泊为夏季旅游胜地,人口,15,586 〔Falmouth〕A town of southeast Massachusetts on southwest Cape Cod. Once a whaling and shipbuilding center, it is now a popular summer resort and the site of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Population, 27,960.法尔茅斯:美国马萨诸塞东南部的一座市镇,在科德角西南。曾经是捕鲸业和造船业中心。现在是夏季避暑胜地和伍兹霍尔海洋图片研究所的所在地。人口27,960〔Penzance〕A municipal borough of southwest England west-southwest of Plymouth. It is a port and summer resort and was frequently raided by pirates until the 18th century. Population, 19,521.彭冉:英格兰西南部一自治城市,位于普利茅斯西南偏西。这里是港口和夏季旅游胜地,18世纪前常被海盗掳掠。人口19,521〔idyll〕a summer idyll on the coast of France.法国海岸田园诗般的夏季生活〔descend〕summer tourists descending on the seashore village.夏季旅游者涌入这座海滨小镇〔Hyannis〕A town of southeast Massachusetts on Nantucket Sound in south-central Cape Cod. It is a popular summer resort. The summer White House was located nearby while John F. Kennedy was President. Population, 8,000.海恩尼斯:美国马萨诸塞州东南城镇,临近鳕鱼角中南部的楠塔基特湾。为一夏季旅游胜地。约翰·F·肯尼迪任总统时曾在附近修建夏季白宫。人口8,000〔Innsbruck〕A city of southwest Austria west-southwest of Salzburg. Established as a fortified town c. 1180, it is an industrial, commercial, and transportation center famed as a summer and winter resort. The Winter Olympics were held here in 1964 and 1976. Population, 117,287.因斯布鲁克:奥地利西南的一座城市,在萨尔茨堡西南偏西。作为一个要塞,建于1180年,它是工业、商业和交通中心,并因作为夏季和冬季疗养胜地而著名。1964年和1976年冬季奥林匹克运动会在这里举行。人口117,287〔summery〕Of, intended for, or suggesting summer.夏季的:夏季的、为夏季准备的或令人想起夏季〔summercater〕Since the Civil War Mainehas been a favorite vacation spot for New Englanders and tourists from farther away.Predictably, certain words in the lexicon of Maine betray a wry Yankee impatience with these outsiders and city folks who come up to Maine only for summer relaxation.Along the coast the summerresident is called asummercater; inland, the word for a nonresident issport. Or the Maine native may merely refer collectively to folksfrom away. Much Maine real estate is designatednonresident — that is, it is set aside for these summer residentson whom Maine's economy is so dependent.自从南北战争结束以后,缅因州成为新英格兰人和更远处的游客们最钟爱的度假胜地。可以预料到,缅因州词汇中有一些单词流露出扭曲的美国式的不耐烦-对这些夏季来缅因州休闲的外来者和城里人。在海滨的夏季,居民被称作度夏的人 ; 而在内陆,表示非居民的词是sport(爱运动的人) 。 或者缅因州的居民干脆统称这些人为from away(远地来的) 。 缅因州的许多房地产是为了非居民 —— 就是说,专为这些夏季住民保留,缅因州的经济很大程度上依赖于他们〔stock〕a small role in summer stock.夏季剧团中的一个小角色〔Holland〕A city of southwest Michigan southwest of Grand Rapids. Founded in 1847 by Dutch settlers, it is a manufacturing center and summer resort. Population, 30,745.霍兰:美国密歇根州西南部一城市,位于大瀑布城西南部。由荷兰殖民者创于1847年,是制造业中心和夏季避暑胜地。人口30,745〔contribute〕contributed two stories to the summer issue.投两篇故事给夏季〔come〕"A further problem . . . came to light last summer as a result of post-flight inspections"(John Noble Wilford)“作为飞行后检查的结果,进一步的问题…出现在去年夏季”(约翰·诺贝尔·威尔福特)〔summit〕"It was the peak of summer in the Berkshires" (Saul Bellow).这是伯克利尔兹夏季最热的时期” (索尔·贝娄)。〔Melbourne〕A city of southeast Australia southwest of Canberra. Settled in 1835, it was the seat of the Australian federal government from 1901 to 1927. The Summer Olympics were held here in 1956. Metropolitan area population, 2,722,817.墨尔本:澳大利亚东南部城市,位于堪培拉西南处。建于1835年,从1901年至1927年一直为澳大利亚联邦政府所在地。1956年之夏季奥运会在此地举办。城市人口2,722,817〔autumn〕The season of the year between summer and winter, lasting from the autumnal equinox to the winter solstice and from September to December in the Northern Hemisphere; fall.秋季:指一年中介于夏季和冬季之间的一个季节,自秋分起到冬至止,在北半球是九月至十二月;秋天〔summer〕The usually warmest season of the year, occurring between spring and autumn and constituting June, July, and August in the Northern Hemisphere, or, as calculated astronomically, extending from the summer solstice to the autumnal equinox.夏天,夏季:通常是一年中气温最高的季节,出现在春季和秋季之间,在北半球包括六月、七月和八月或按天文学的方法计算,自夏至日起到秋分日止〔Orillia〕A city of southeast Ontario, Canada, north of Toronto. It is a summer resort and has varied light industries. Population, 23,955.奥瑞里:加拿大安大略东南部城市,位于多伦多北部。它是夏季旅游胜地并拥有多种轻工业。人口23,955〔Munich〕A city of southeast Germany near the Bavarian Alps southeast of Augsburg. Founded in 1158, it has long been the center of Bavaria. Adolf Hitler organized the Nazi Party here after World War I and signed the Munich Pact, widely regarded as a symbol of appeasement, with Great Britain, France, and Italy in 1938. The city was largely rebuilt after extensive Allied bombing in World War II. Munich was the site of the 1972 Summer Olympics. Population, 1,267,451.慕尼黑:德国东南部城市,位于奥格斯堡东南,靠近巴伐利亚州境内的阿尔卑斯山脉。1158年建成,长期为巴伐利亚州的中心。一战后阿尔道夫·希特勒在这里成立纳粹党并且签署了被公认为是1938德国与英国、法国、意大利的绥靖政策的标志的《慕尼黑协定》。在二战中盟军的全面轰炸后该城市大规模重建。慕尼黑是1972年夏季奥运会举办地。人口1,267,451〔grunion〕A small fish(Leuresthes tenuis) of coastal waters of California and Mexico that spawns at night along beaches during the high tides of spring and summer. 银汉鱼:美国加利福尼亚及墨西哥沿岸海域的一种体型小的鱼(银汉鱼) ,春季和夏季涨潮时于夜间在沿岸产卵 〔sink〕The water in the lake sank several feet during the long, dry summer.经过漫长而干燥的夏季,湖水的水位下落了数英尺〔turn〕My uncle turned me on to jazz. She turned on to surfing this summer.我叔叔使我对爵士乐发生了兴趣。这个夏季她对滑水发生了兴趣〔Newport〕A city of southeast Rhode Island at the mouth of Narragansett Bay south-southeast of Providence. Settled in 1639, it was an important economic center in pre-Revolutionary times and in the 19th century became a fashionable summer resort where the wealthy built palatial "cottages" such as the Breakers and Marble House. The mansions and restored colonial buildings still attract tourists to the city, as do its tennis museum and yachting facilities. Population, 28,227.纽波特:美国罗得岛州东南城市,位于普罗维登斯东南偏南的纳拉甘西特湾入口。1639年始有人定居,在美国革命前是重要的经济中心,19世纪以后,才成是受欢迎的夏季避暑胜地。人们在这里建筑了宫殿般的别墅,如布雷克尔楼和鹅卵石屋。大厦和复原的殖民建筑仍吸引城市人去旅游,就如该地的网球娱乐城和快艇设施一样。人口28,227〔opportune〕seasonable summer storms;及时的夏季暴雨;〔Laconia〕A city of central New Hampshire north of Concord. Settled in 1761, it is a summer and winter resort. Population, 15,743.拉哥尼亚:美国新罕布什尔州中部一城市,位于康科德以北。它始建于1761年,是夏季和冬季的游览胜地。人口15,743〔estivate〕from aestīvus [estival] * see estival 源自 aestīvus [夏天的,夏季的] * 参见 estival〔Moscow〕The capital and largest city of the U.S.S.R., in the west-central European part of the country on theMoscow River, flowing about 499 km (310 mi) eastward to the Oka River. Inhabited since Neolithic times and first mentioned in Russian chronicles in 1147, Moscow became the capital of the principality of Muscovy and by the 15th century was the capital of the Russian state and the seat of the metropolitan (later patriarch) of the Russian Orthodox Church. The capital was transferred to St. Petersburg in 1712 but returned to Moscow by the Soviets in 1918. It was the site of the 1980 Summer Olympics. Population, 8,408,000. 莫斯科:原苏联首都和最大城市,位于该国欧洲部分的中西部,市区的一部分位于莫斯科河 上,该河流程约499公里(310英里),向东注入奥卡河。自新石器时代有人居住,于1147年在俄国编年史中首次提到,并成为莫斯科公国的首都,到15世纪成为俄罗斯州的首都和俄罗斯东正主教的所有地。首都于1712年移到圣彼得堡,但后来于1918年被社会主义党人又移回莫斯科。1980年夏季奥运会在此召开。人口8,408,000 〔etesian〕Occurring annually. Used of the prevailing northerly summer winds of the Mediterranean.每年的:一年一次的。指地中海夏季来自北方的季风〔wheat〕Any of various annual cereal grasses of the genusTriticum of the Mediterranean region and southwest Asia, especially T. aestivum, widely cultivated in temperate regions in many varieties for its commercially important edible grain. 小麦:一种一年一熟的谷类禾本植物小麦(禾本植物)属, 生长于地中海地区及西南亚,尤指 夏季小麦 ,广泛种植于气候温和地带,品种繁多,其可食性谷粒具重要商业价值 〔melt〕glacial melt water; the summer melt season.冰川融的水;酷热的夏季〔run〕a run of dry summers.接连不断的干燥夏季〔midsummer〕The summer solstice, about June 21.夏至:夏季的至点,大约为6月21日〔Didrikson〕American athlete who excelled in basketball, baseball, and track, winning two gold medals at the 1932 Summer Olympics. She later took up golf and won the U.S. (1946) and British (1947) amateur titles and the U.S. Open (1948, 1950, and 1954).迪德瑞肯森,米尔德里德·埃拉:(1914-1956) 美国女运动员。她精于篮球、垒球和径赛,在1932年夏季奥运会上赢得两枚金牌。后来她打高尔夫球并赢得美国(1946年)和英国(1947年)业余爱好者锦标赛的冠军以及美国(1948年、1950年、1954年)公开赛的冠军〔summer〕Of, having to do with, occurring in, or appropriate to the season of summer:夏天的,夏季的:夏季的、与夏季相关的、在夏季出现的或适合夏季的:




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