单词 | 外来词 |
释义 | 〔kana〕Japanese syllabic writing. The characters are simplified kanji and are usually used with kanji primarily to write inflections, particles, and function words and to show the pronunciations of some kanji and of all foreign words.假名:日语的音节文字。文字符号是简化了的汉字,通常和汉字一起使用,主要用于表示屈折成分、小品词和功能词,也用来表示一些汉字的发音以及所有外来词〔underling〕People trying to build their vocabulary often study affixes,a not unreasonable way to proceed.But studying a group of words that share an affix can be fascinating in its own right in the way that studying common features in a photograph of an extended family can be fascinating.The suffix-ling is Germanic in origin and had several uses already in Old English.For example, it could be added to a noun to make a second noun that referred to something connected with or similar to the first noun;thus, adding the suffix to the Old English wordyrth, "ploughland,” produced the Old English word yrthling, "plowman.” The suffix could also be added to an adjective to make a noun that referred to something having the quality denoted by the adjective:from Old Englishdēore, "dear, beloved,” was derived dēorling (Modern English darling ). Adding-ling to an adverb produced a noun referring to something having the position or condition denoted by the adverb: from Old Englishunder came underling. The last use of the-ling family to be described here was actually borrowed from another Germanic source, Old Norse. The Old Norse version of the-ling suffix was used to form diminutives; thus, our wordgosling was a borrowing in Middle English of an Old Norse word, gæslingr, "gosling.” 想要扩大词汇量的人常常去研究词缀,这不失为一种明智的方式。就象研究一个扩大了的家庭的照片中家人的共同特征一样吸引人,研究一组词缀相同的单词本身可能也会令人意醉神迷。-ling 这一后缀源于日耳曼语, 在中古英语中便已有已几种用法。例如,它可以和一个名词相连形成另一个与之关联或相似的名词;这样,把这个后缀加到古英语单词yrth “耕地”后边便形成了另一古英语单词 yrthling “农夫”。 这个后缀还可以加在一个形容词后边形成具有该形容词所示特征的名词:从古英语单词deore, “亲爱的,被爱的”中派生出 deorling (现代英语中的 darling )。 把-ling 加在一副词后边可以产生具有该副词所示情况或状态的名词: 从中古英语的under 形成 underling 。 这里所要描述的-ling 家族的最后一个用法事实上是来源于另一支日耳曼语言,古挪威语。 在古挪威语中-ling 这一后缀被用作小后缀; 这样,我们的单词gosling 便是中世纪英语中的一个外来词,来源于古挪威语单词 goeslingr, “小鹅” 〔ketchup〕The wordketchup exemplifies the types of modifications that can take place in the borrowing process, both in the borrowing of a word and in the borrowing of a substance.The source of our wordketchup may be the Malay word kēchap, possibly taken into Malay from the Cantonese dialect of Chinese.Kēchap, like our word, referred to a kind of sauce, but a sauce without tomatoes;rather, it contained fish brine, herbs, and spices.The sauce seems to have emigrated to Europe by way of sailors,where it was made with locally available ingredients such as the juice of mushrooms or walnuts.At some point, when the juice of tomatoes was first used,ketchup as we know it was born.However, it is important to realize that in the 18th and 19th centuriesketchup was a generic term for sauces whose only common ingredient was vinegar. The word is first recorded in English in 1690 in the formcatchup, in 1711 in the formketchup, and in 1730 in the formcatsup. These three spelling variants of a foreign borrowing remain current.ketchup 这个词显示出在借词过程中的变异, 既发生在借词上又发生物质转借上。ketch up 这个词的来源大约是马来词 kechap , 可能是从中国广东方言变为马来语的。Kechap 也象ketchup一样指一种酱, 但是不含番茄的酱,而是含咸鱼汁、药草和香料。大概是由水手们传到欧洲,在欧洲只能用当地有的调料如蘑菇或胡桃汁制成。当番茄汁初次被被使用时,我们所指的调味番茄酱便产生了。但应注意的是18和19世纪时,ketchup 是表示一般成分只含醋的调料的通用词。 1690年这个词首先以catchup 的形式在英语中出现, 1711年改为ketchup , 1730年又改为catsup 。 这个外来词的三种不同拼法现在都通行〔whore〕Derivatives of Indo-European roots often make strange bedfellows. A prime example is the case of.kā-, "to like, desire.” From the stem.kāro- derived from this root came the prehistoric Common Germanic word .hōraz with the underlying meaning "one who desires" and the effective meaning "adulterer.” From this word came the Old English wordhōre, the ancestor of Modern Englishwhore. The same stem produced the Latin wordcārus, "dear,” from which came Modern Englishcaress, cherish, and charity, the highest form of love. Contact with East Indian culture has added yet another pair of derivatives from this Indo-European root to the English language.From the stem.kāmo- came the Sanskrit word kāmaḥ, "love, desire,” from which are derived the English borrowingsKama, "the Hindu god of love,” andKamasutra, "a Sanskrit treatise on the rules of love and marriage according to Hindu law.” 从印欧语词根派生出的词常产生奇怪的词伴。一个很好的例子就是ko- “喜欢,渴望”。 从这个词根派生出karo 这个词干,然后又产生出史前共同日尔曼语的 horaz 一词,暗指“渴望…的人”,也含有显著的意义“通奸者”。 从这个词又产生古英语中的hore, 这是现代英语whore 的前身。 这一词干产生了拉丁词carus “亲爱的”, 又由它而引出现代英语中的caress,cherish 和 charity 这是爱的最高形式。 与东印度文化的接触又给英语语言加上了另外两个从这个印欧词根派生出的词。从词干kamo- 产生出梵语词 kamah “爱,欲望”, 从这个词又产生出英语的外来词Kama “印度人的爱神”, 和Kamasutra “根据印度法律所制定的关于爱情和婚姻的规定的梵语论述” 〔cushy〕Sincecushy has such an informal, breezy, American ring, it is difficult to believe that it is an import, as some etymologists claim.Members of the British army in India are supposed to have picked up the Anglo-Indian version of the Hindi word±hūush, meaning "pleasant,” to which the suffix-y, as in empty and sexy, was added, thus forming a new English word. Cushy, however, is actually first recorded in a letter from the European battlefront during World War I. This fact, in conjunction with our inability to find an Anglo-Indian source,casts some doubt on the Hindi or Anglo-Indian origin ofcushy. Two other possibilities are thatcushy is a shortening of cushion with the -y suffix or that it is a borrowing of Frenchcouchée, "lying down; a bed.” 既然cushy 一词具有如此非正式的、愉快的美国意义, 很难相信某些词源学者所认为的说它是一个外来词。驻印度的英国军队士兵被认为是选用了印度英语±hūush 的英语说法,意思是“愉悦的”, 并如同empty 和 sexy 等词在其上加了 -y 这个后缀,从而形成了一个新英语单词。 然而,事实上cushy 一词却最先被记录在第一次世界大战期间发自欧洲战斗前线的一封信里。 这一事实,再加上我们无法找到其印度英语的词源,使我们对于cushy 一词源于印地语或印度英语的说法产生了某些怀疑。 另两种可能性,一种是cushy ,它是 cushion 的缩略形式再加上后缀 -y ; 另一种是法语couchee “躺下;床”的外来语 〔joual〕London has Cockney;Liverpool has Scouse.Certain dialects often become so famous and distinctivethat they acquire names.Such is the case with the Canadian French dialect known in Quebec and in Maine asjoual or jooal. The name, derived from a regional dialect pronunciation of the wordcheval, "horse,” is applied to the rural French patois of Quebec.Canadian opinions differ as to whetherjoual is a "language" of its own or merely a regional French characterized by nonstandard grammar and heavy borrowing from English words and word order. 伦敦有伦敦东区土话;利物浦有利物浦方言。某些方言常常变得非常著名并且有特色,以致于需要有专门的名称。这种在魁北克省和缅因州被称为joual 或 jooal 的加拿大法语方言即是如此。 这个名字来源于cheval (即“马”)一词的地区方言性发音, 它指魁北克省农村地区的法语土话。对于joual 是一种独立的“语言”,还是仅仅是一种以不正规语法及许多英语外来词和词序为特征的地域性法语,加拿大人的看法不一 〔check〕The wordscheck , chess , and shah are all related. Shah, as one might think, is a borrowing into English of the Persian title for the monarch of that country.The Persian wordshāh was also a term used in chess, a game played in Persia long before it was introduced to Europe.One saidshāh as a warning when the opponent's king was under attack. The Persian word in this sense,after passing through Arabic,probably Old Spanish, and then Old French,came into Middle English aschek about seven hundred years ago. Chess itself comes from a plural form of the Old French word that gave us the word check. Checkmate, the next stage after check, goes back to the Arabic phraseshāh māt, meaning "the king is stymied.”Through a complex development having to do with senses that evolved from the notion of checking the king,check came to mean something used to ensure accuracy or authenticity. One such means was a counterfoil, a part of a check, for example,retained by the issuer as documentation of a transaction.Check first meant "counterfoil" and then came to mean anything,such as a bill or bank draft, with a counterfoil—or eventually even without one.单词check , chess 和 shah 是互相关联的。 Shah 就象有人可能想象的那样, 是英语里的外来词,原指波斯国王的称号。波斯词语shah 也是国际象棋中的术语, 国际象棋在被引进欧洲之前早就在波斯流传。当对手的“国王”受到攻击时我们说shah 作为一种警告。 这个意义的波斯单词,通过阿拉伯语,可能还有古西班牙语和后来的古法语,大约在七百年前被收入中世纪英语中chek 。 Chess 本身来自于古法语 check 的复数形式。 Checkmate ,是 check 的下一步, 来自于阿拉伯短语shah mat, 意思是“国王进退两难”。从对“国王”将军这个概念演化而来,check 的含义经历了复杂的发展过程,它后来指用以确保准确性或真实性的某种东西。 例如,其中一个含义是指作为支票的一部分的存根,由签发支票的人保留作为交易的单据。Check 最初是指“存根”, 后来指任何有存根的东西,如帐单或银行汇票等,最后甚至指没有存根的东西〔swede〕[From its introduction from Sweden] [源于瑞典的外来词] |
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