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单词 多年生
释义 〔aconite〕Any of various, usually poisonous perennial herbs of the genusAconitum, having tuberous roots, palmately lobed leaves, blue or white flowers with large hoodlike upper sepals, and an aggregate of follicles. 乌头:一种毛茛 属通常有毒的多年生草本植物,有管状的根,掌状裂叶,蓝色或白色的冠状萼片的花,和骨突的集合 〔arnica〕Any of various perennial herbs of the genusArnica in the composite family, having opposite, simple leaves and mostly radiate heads of yellow flowers. 阿尼菊:菊科植物中一种多年生阿尼菊 属植物,有对生,单叶和顶部呈放射状的黄花 〔madder〕A southwest Asian perennial plant(Rubia tinctorum) having small yellow flowers, whorled leaves, and a red root. 茜草:亚洲西南部的多年生(茜草属 欧茜草) 植物开有小黄花,生有卷状叶和红根 〔biennial〕A perennial plant, such as the English daisy, cultivated as a biennial.以两年生植物栽种的多年生植物,如英国雏菊〔baneberry〕Any of several perennial herbs of the genusActaea, native to northern temperate regions, having terminal clusters of red, white, or blackish berries. 毒莓,类叶升麻属植物:一种类叶升麻属 属的多年生草本植物,原产于北温带,末端有红色、白色或黑色的浆果簇 〔agrimony〕Any of various perennial herbaceous plants of the genusAgrimonia, having pinnately compound leaves and spikelike clusters of small yellow flowers. 龙芽草,仙鹤草:一种龙芽草属 多年生草本植物,有羽状复叶和穗状的小黄花花簇 〔woodruff〕A fragrant perennial herb(Galium odoratum) native to Eurasia and North Africa and widely cultivated as a shade ground cover, having small white flowers and narrow leaves used for flavoring wine and in sachets. Also called sweet woodruff 香车叶草:一种原产于欧亚大陆和北非的芳香多年生草本植物(香猪殃殃 猪殃殃属) ,做为一种地面覆盖物广泛种植,有白色小花和用于调酒和装入香袋的窄叶子 也作 sweet woodruff〔aroid〕Any of various perennial herbs in the arum family, including houseplants such as the anthurium, dieffenbachia, and philodendron and having tiny flowers crowded in a spadix that is subtended by a spathe.天南星科植物:一种海芋科多年生植物,包括室内盆栽植物,如花烛属,花叶万年青属,和黄蘖属植物,有密集在佛焰花序里的小花,包在佛焰苞里〔anemone〕Any of various perennial herbs of the genusAnemone, native chiefly to northern temperate regions and having palmately lobed leaves and large flowers with showy sepals. Also called windflower 银莲花:一种白头翁 属多年生草本植物,主要生长在北方气候温和地区,有掌状裂片叶和艳丽萼片的大花 也作 windflower〔horsemint〕A perennial, aromatic eastern North American plant(Monarda punctata) having opposite leaves and yellowish flowers with purple spots. Also called wild bergamot 香蜂草:产于北美东部地区的一种多年生的具有芳香气味的植物(香蜂草 香蜂草属) ,有对生叶子,开微黄色而带紫色小点的花 也作 wild bergamot〔balm〕A chiefly Mediterranean perennial herb(Melissa officinalis) in the mint family, grown for its lemon-scented foliage, which is used as a seasoning or for tea. Also called lemon balm 香脂草:一种主要生长于地中海沿岸的多年生唇形科草本植物(香蜂花 蜜蜂花属) ,因其有柠檬味的树叶而被种植,其叶可用作调味品或茶 也作 lemon balm〔canaigre〕A perennial herb(Rumex hymenosepalus) native chiefly to southwest North America, having tannin-rich, tuberous roots formerly used for tanning and in herbal medicine. 膜萼酸模:一种主要原产于北美洲西南部的多年生草本植物(膜萼酸模 酸模属) ,长有富含鞣质的块状根,以前用于制革和草药 〔astilbe〕Any of various chiefly eastern Asian perennial herbs of the genusAstilbe, having compound basal leaves and showy panicles of tiny colorful flowers. Also called spirea 红升麻属,落新妇属植物:一种主要产于东亚的多年生草本植物,虎耳草科, 有大的复合基叶和由艳丽的圆锥花序组成的小而鲜艳的花 也作 spirea〔butterbur〕Any of several perennial herbs of the genusPetasites in the composite family, native to northern temperate regions and having large basal leaves and dense clusters of usually whitish or purplish flower heads. 蜂斗叶属植物:一种菊科蜂斗菜属 多年生草本植物,产于北温带,有宽大的底部叶片和通常为淡色或淡紫色花瓣的密生花簇 〔cuckooflower〕A perennial herb(Cardamine pratensis) in the mustard family, native to the northern temperate regions and having pinnate leaves and pink, purple, or sometimes white flowers. Also called lady's smock 草地碎米荠:一种十字花科的多年生草本植物(碎米荠属 草甸碎米荠) ,原产于北温带,生有羽状复叶并开粉红色、紫色或有时为白色的花 也作 lady's smock〔boltonia〕Any of several perennial herbs of the genusBoltonia in the composite family, having flower heads with white to purplish rays and yellow centers. 波菊属植物:菊科波菊 属的一种多年生草本植物,长有白色至紫色的伞形花和黄色中心的头状花序 〔arracacha〕A perennial Andean herb(Arracacia xanthorrhiza) in the parsley family, grown for its large, fleshy, edible roots. Also called apio 秘鲁胡萝卜:一种多年生安第斯山草本植物,属伞形科(秘鲁胡萝卜属 黄根树) ,人们种植以取其硕大可食的肉质根茎 也作 apio〔cowbane〕A perennial North American herb(Oxypolis rigidior) having pinnately compound leaves and umbels of small white flowers. 毒牛芹:一种生长于北美洲的多年生草本植物(毒牛芹) ,生有羽状的复叶,开伞状小白花 〔meadowsweet〕Any of various perennial herbs of the genusFilipendula in the rose family. 合叶子属植物:一种蔷薇科合叶子 属多年生草本植物 〔absinthe〕A perennial aromatic European herb(Artemisia absinthium), naturalized in eastern North America and having pinnatifid, silvery silky leaves and numerous nodding flower heads. Also called common wormwood 苦艾:一种欧洲多年生草本植物(洋艾 蒿属) ,移植到北美东部,有羽状的银色丝般叶子及许多低垂花序 也作 common wormwood〔crown〕The persistent, mostly underground base of a perennial herb.宿根:多年生草本植物的通常位于地底下的宿存基部〔burnet〕A perennial plant of the genusSanguisorba, having pinnately compound leaves and apetalous flowers. The young leaves are sometimes added to salads as a garnish. 地榆,美洲地榆:一种地榆属 多年生植物,有羽状复叶和无花瓣的花。其嫩叶有时加在沙拉中作装饰和配料 〔geophyte〕A perennial plant, such as a crocus or tulip, propagated by buds on underground bulbs, tubers, or corms.地下芽植物:一种通过地下鳞茎、块茎或球茎上的芽繁殖的多年生植物,如藏红花或郁金香〔ramie〕A tropical Asian perennial herb(Boehmeria nivea) having broad leaves and densely branched panicles of small, unisexual, apetalous flowers. 苎麻:一种亚洲热带的多年生草本植物(苎麻属 微绿苎麻) ,有宽阔的叶片,簇生分枝的圆锥花序,单性、无花瓣的小花 〔pussytoes〕Any of several low-growing perennial plants of the genusAntennaria, having leaves with whitish down and clusters of small, white flower heads. 蝶须属,猫爪花:一种生长得较短的多年生植物蝶须属植物 属,长有带白色绒毛的叶片和簇生头状花序的小白花 〔monkshood〕A slender, erect, poisonous perennial herb(Aconitum napellus) native to northern Europe, having violet flowers and whose dried leaves and roots yield aconite. Also called wolfsbane 舟形乌头:一种细长、竖直且有毒的多年生草本植物(欧乌头 乌头属) ,生长于欧洲北部,开紫色花朵,其干叶和根生长乌头 也作 wolfsbane〔arrowroot〕A starch obtained from the rhizomes of a tropical American perennial herb(Maranta arundinacea). It is used especially in cooking as a thickener. 竹芋粉,芡粉:从一种多年生美洲热带草本植物(竹芋属 芦竹) 的根茎中提取的淀粉,尤其在烹调时用作勾芡 〔alfalfa〕A southwest Asian perennial herb(Medicago sativa) having compound leaves with three leaflets and clusters of usually blue-violet flowers. It is widely cultivated as a pasture and hay crop. 苜蓿,紫苜蓿:一种亚洲西南部多年生草本植物(苜蓿) ,其复叶由三小叶构成,花簇通常为蓝紫色的。它作为牧草和干草而被广泛种植 〔avens〕Any of various perennial herbs of the genusGeum in the rose family, having often pinnate basal leaves and variously colored flowers with many pistils. 水杨梅:一种多年生草本植物中的一种,蔷薇科水杨梅属 有羽状基叶,花呈各种颜色,含多个雌蕊 〔belladonna〕A poisonous Eurasian perennial herb(Atropa belladonna) having usually solitary, nodding, purplish-brown, bell-shaped flowers and glossy black berries. Also called deadly nightshade 颠茄:一种有毒的欧亚大陆的多年生草本植物(颠茄 颠茄属) ,通常开单生的、摇摆的浅紫棕色钟状花,结有光滑的黑色浆果 也作 deadly nightshade〔tuberose〕A tuberous perennial Mexican herb(Polianthes tuberosa) having grasslike leaves and cultivated for its highly fragrant white flowers. 晚香玉:多年生墨西哥块茎草木植物(晚香玉 晚香玉属) ,叶片如草,因芳香的白花而具栽培价值 〔alstroemeria〕Any of several South American perennial herbs of the genusAlstroemeria , popular as cut flowers for their showy, variously colored blooms. 六出花属植物:一种南美洲多年生六出花属 草本植物,花朵绚丽多色而常被采摘 〔oca〕A perennial plant(Oxalis tuberosa) of the high Andes, grown for its edible tubers. 酢浆草:一种产于安地斯多年生植物(酢酱草属 块茎酢酱草) ,其块茎可食 〔galax〕A stemless, evergreen, perennial plant(Galax urceolata) of the eastern United States, having a rosette of glossy, heart-shaped leaves and small, white flowers in spikelike clusters. Also called beetleweed ,coltsfoot ,wandflower 加莱草:一种产于美国东部的多年生的无茎常绿植物(加腊克斯 加腊克斯属) ,具有带光泽的心形叶子的蔷薇叶丛和穗状小白花 也作 beetleweed,coltsfoot,wandflower〔nicotiana〕Any of various flowering annual or perennial herbs of the genusNicotiana, native to the Americas and including the tobacco plant and ornamental species with fragrant flowers. 烟草属:一种源于美洲的箭羽烟草花 属开花的一年或多年生草本植物,包括烟草植物和带有芳香花朵的装饰性种类 〔ulluco〕A twining perennial herb (Ullucus tuberosus) native to the Andes bearing fleshy tubers. 块根落葵:缠绕的多年生草本植物(块根落葵) ,原产于安地斯山脉,长有肉质块茎 〔bunchflower〕A perennial herb(Melanthium virginicum) in the lily family, native to the eastern United States and having narrow leaves and a branched cluster of cream-colored or greenish flowers. 墨花:一种百合科多年生草本植物(墨花) ,原产于美国东部,有窄叶,成串的奶色或绿色的花朵 〔asparagus〕Any of various perennial plants of the Old World genusAsparagus having leaflike stems, scalelike leaves, and small flowers. 芦笋:一种东半球多年生植物芦笋 有叶状茎,鳞状叶,开小花 〔replant〕separated and replanted the perennials.把这些多年生植物分开并重新种植〔bitterroot〕A perennial herb(Lewisia rediviva), native to western North America and having showy pink or whitish flowers and an edible, fleshy root. 苦根琉维草,苦根马齿苋:一种多年生草本植物(苦根琉维草 琉维草属) ,原产于北美西部,有鲜艳粉色或白色花朵和可食肉质根




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