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单词 多细胞
释义 〔archegonium〕A multicellular, often flask-shaped, egg-producing organ occurring in mosses, ferns, and most gymnosperms.藏卵器:在苔藓、蕨类及大多数裸子植物中的多细胞的,常为烧瓶状的产生卵子的器官〔protoctist〕Any of the unicellular protists and their descendant multicellular organisms, considered as a separate taxonomic kingdom in most modern classification systems.原生物:任何一种单细胞原生生物和作为它们后代的多细胞有机体,在大多数现代分类系统中将它分为一个单独的界〔cleavage〕The series of mitotic cell divisions that produces a blastula from a fertilized ovum. It is the basis of the multicellularity of complex organisms. Also called segmentation 卵裂,卵割:由一组有丝分裂细胞从受精卵中生成的囊胚,是复杂有机体中多细胞的主要成分 也作 segmentation〔animal〕A multicellular organism of the kingdom Animalia, differing from plants in certain typical characteristics such as capacity for locomotion, nonphotosynthetic metabolism, pronounced response to stimuli, restricted growth, and fixed bodily structure.动物:动物界中的多细胞生物,某些典型特征与植物不同,如有运动能力,能进行非光合作用的新陈代谢,能对刺激产生有声反应,有限制的生长和固定的身体结构〔metazoan〕A multicellular animal of the subkingdom Metazoa, a division of the animal kingdom in traditional two-kingdom classification systems.后生动物:属后生动物亚界的一种多细胞动物,此亚界是动物界传统的两界区分系统内的一个分支〔multicellular〕Having or consisting of many cells:多细胞的:具有多细胞的或由多细胞构成的:〔plant〕Any of various photosynthetic, eukaryotic, multicellular organisms of the kingdom Plantae characteristically producing embryos, containing chloroplasts, having cellulose cell walls, and lacking the power of locomotion.植物,树:植物界中具有光合作用的,真核生物的多细胞生物体,其特征能产生胚,含有叶绿素,具有纤维素构成的细胞壁,且缺乏运动的能力〔volvox〕Any of various freshwater green algae of the genusVolvox that form hollow, spherical multicellular colonies. 团藻:一种团藻 属淡水绿藻,形成空的、球状的多细胞群落 〔rotifer〕Any of various minute multicellular aquatic organisms of the phylum Rotifera, having at the anterior end a wheellike ring of cilia.轮虫:轮虫门的任一种头部顶端有一圈轮状纤毛的微小多细胞永生生物〔eukaryote〕A single-celled or multicellular organism whose cells contain a distinct membrane-bound nucleus.真核生物:一种单细胞或多细胞有机体,细胞内具有一个明显可见的、被膜包围的细胞核




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