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单词 大公
释义 〔archduchess〕The wife or widow of an archduke.大公(爵)夫人:公爵妻子或遗孀〔Sarajevo〕A city of central Yugoslavia southwest of Belgrade. The assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife on June 28, 1914, triggered the outbreak of World War I. Population, 374,500.萨拉热窝:南斯拉夫中部一城市,位于贝尔格莱德西南部。1914年6月28日的刺杀弗兰西斯·斐迪南大公及其妻子事件引发了第一次世界大战。人口374,500〔grandee〕A nobleman of the highest rank in Spain or Portugal.大公:西班牙或葡萄牙最高贵族〔Saxony〕A historical region of northern Germany. The original home of the Saxons, it was conquered by Charlemagne in the 8th century and became a duchy after his death. Its borders were eventually extended southeastward as the region was subdivided and redivided. The dukes of Saxony became electors of the Holy Roman Empire in 1356, and in 1806 the elector was elevated to kingship but lost half his territory to Prussia in 1815. A later kingdom of Saxony was part of the German Empire (1871-1918).撒克逊:德国北部的一个历史地区,原来是撒克逊人的家园,8世纪被查理曼征服,并在他死后成为一公国。由于分裂和重新划分,这一地区的边界最终向东南方向拓展,1356年撒克森大公成为神圣罗马帝国的诸侯,1860年撒克森大公加冕称帝,但是将他的一半领地给予普鲁士(1815年),后来的撒克逊王国成为德意志帝国(1871-1918年)的一部分〔bey〕A ruler of the former kingdom of Tunis.突尼斯大公:前突尼斯王国的统治者〔Carlota〕Belgian-born empress of Mexico (1864-1867) as the wife of Archduke Maximilian of Austria.卡洛塔:比利时裔墨西哥皇后(1864-1867年),其夫是奥地利的马克西米连大公〔archduke〕Used as a title for such a nobleman.大公:用作这样一个贵族的封号〔regency〕Regency Of, relating to, or characteristic of the style prevalent in France during the regency (1715-1723) of Philippe, Duc d'Orléans (1674-1723). Regency 菲力浦风格的:奥尔良大公菲力浦(1674-1723年)摄政时期(1715-1723年)在法国流行风格的,或与此风格有关的或以此风格为特征的〔Savoy〕A historical region and former duchy of southeast France, western Switzerland, and northwest Italy. The region changed hands many times after its conquest by Julius Caesar and became a duchy in the early 15th century. In 1720 the duke of Savoy gained the title king of Sardinia, and in 1861 the Savoyard Victor Emmanuel II ascended the throne of the newly formed kingdom of Italy. Much of the original territory was ceded to France at the same time.萨伏伊:历史上的地区名,是法国东南、瑞士西部和意大利西北部以前的一个公国。此地在为裘力斯·凯撒征服以后几次易手,并在15世纪早期成为公国,1720年萨伏伊大公取得撒丁尼亚尼亚国王的头衔,1861年萨伏伊征服者伊曼纽尔二世登上新成立的意大利王国皇座,同时原萨伏伊的大部地区割让给了法国〔archduke〕In certain royal families, especially that of imperial Austria, a nobleman having a rank equivalent to that of a sovereign prince.大公:在某些皇族尤指奥地利帝国中,具有与有主权的王子相等地位的贵族〔Maximilian〕Austrian archduke and emperor of Mexico (1864-1867). Appointed emperor by the French, who had recently captured Mexico, he lacked popular support and was captured and executed by Mexican republicans when France withdrew from the country under American pressure.马克西米连:奥地利大公和墨西哥皇帝(1864-1867年)。法国侵占墨西哥后,即委任马克西米连为墨西哥皇帝。他得不到公众支持,在法国迫于美国压力从墨西哥撤离后被墨西哥革命者逮捕并处死〔Serbia〕A historical region and former kingdom of eastern Yugoslavia. Serbs settled in the region in the 6th to the 7th century and formed an independent kingdom in the 13th to the 14th century but then fell under Turkish domination, which ended finally in 1878. The new kingdom of Serbia was an important Balkan power until the onset of World War I, precipitated in part by the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand by a Serbian nationalist. Serbia was later a major constituent of the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, which formed the nucleus of modern-day Yugoslavia.塞尔维亚:南斯拉夫东部的历史性地区和前王国。塞尔维亚人于6世纪到7世纪开始在这个地区居住,在13世纪到14世纪形成了独立的王国,但后来被土耳其统治,其统治到1878年最终结束。新的塞尔维亚王国在第一次世界大战爆发前一直是巴尔干半岛上重要的力量,第一次世界大战的爆发一部分是因为一名塞尔维亚民族主义者剌杀弗朗西斯·斐迪南大公而引发。塞尔维亚后来主要由塞尔维亚、克罗地亚和斯洛文尼亚王国组成,斯洛文尼亚王国形成今天南斯拉夫的核心部分




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