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单词 大眼睛
释义 〔squirrelfish〕Any of various nocturnal fishes of the genusHolocentrus and related genera, of warm marine waters, having large eyes like those of squirrels and a usually brightly colored body. 金鳞鱼:一种金鳞鱼 属夜间活动的鱼及有亲缘关系的种属,生活在温暖的海洋中,有一双象松鼠一样的大眼睛,身体通常色彩艳丽 〔potto〕Any of several small nocturnal African primates of the generaPerodicticus and Arctocebus, having a pointed snout, large eyes and ears, and a stumplike index finger and tail. 树熊猴:非洲产的一种小的夜行性懒猴属 及 狐猴属 灵长类动物,生有尖而突出的鼻子,大眼睛,大耳朵,中指及尾皆退化 〔loris〕Any of several small, slow-moving, nocturnal prosimian primates of the generaLoris and Nycticebus of tropical Asia, having dense woolly fur, large eyes, and a vestigial tail. 懒猴:一种亚洲热带生活的体小、行动迟缓、夜间活动的灵长目原猴亚目动物,懒猴 属和 蜂猴 属,有浓密的皮毛、大眼睛和退化的尾 〔owl〕Any of various often nocturnal birds of prey of the order Strigiformes, having hooked and feathered talons, large heads with short hooked beaks, large eyes set forward, and fluffy plumage that allows for almost noiseless flight.猫头鹰:任何各种经常夜间出来捕食的鸟,属于夜禽鸟,有带钩的覆盖羽毛的爪子,有短钩喙的大头,前视的大眼睛,有柔软的羽毛可以在夜间无声的飞行




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