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单词 天性
释义 〔euxenite〕Greek euxenos [kind to strangers (from its unusual composition)] eu- [eu-] xenos [stranger] * see ghos-ti- 希腊语 euxenos [(发自不寻常的天性的)对陌生人友好] eu- [更,益] xenos [陌生人,异乡人] * 参见 ghos-ti- 〔kind〕Fundamental, underlying character as a determinant of the class to which a thing belongs; nature or essence.本质,天性:基础的和根本的特性,如一种事物归属种类的决定因素;天性或本质〔native〕aboriginal nature. See also Synonyms at crude 原始土著人的天性 参见同义词 crude〔mannish〕Of, characteristic of, or natural to a man.男人的、男子特征的或天性就属于男人的〔Lombroso〕Italian criminologist who suggested that some individuals are born with criminal dispositions and can be identified by certain physical characteristics.隆布罗索,切萨尔:(1836-1909) 意大利犯罪学家。他认为有些人生来就具有犯罪天性,可以通过某些身体特征辨认出来〔strain〕An inborn or inherited tendency or character.天性:与生俱来的或遗传的倾向或性格〔clemency〕A disposition to show mercy, especially toward an offender or enemy.See Synonyms at mercy 仁慈,宽厚:天性慈悲的,尤指对罪犯或敌人 参见 mercy〔malignity〕An act or a feeling of great malice.恶毒的天性:极其恶毒的行为或感情〔instinctive〕Arising from impulse; spontaneous and unthinking:直觉的,天性的:出自于冲动的;自发的和不经考虑的:〔deific〕Of or characterized by divine or godlike nature.神圣的,似神的:以神或似神的天性为特征的〔pacific〕Of a peaceful nature; tranquil.温和的,宁静的:属于安静的天性的;宁静的〔Hobbism〕A political theory promulgated by Thomas Hobbes, advocating absolute monarchy as the only means of adequately controlling the inevitable problems created by the inherently selfish, aggrandizing nature of human beings.霍布斯的哲学理论:托马斯·霍布斯倡导的一种政治理论,认为集权君主制是唯一能有效控制人类与生俱来的自私及渴望的天性引起的一系列问题的方法〔inflame〕"inflamed to madness an already savage nature"(Robert Graves)“本已野蛮的天性被刺激到疯狂的程度”(罗伯特·格雷夫斯)〔phase〕"In our description of nature the purpose is . . . to track down . . . relations between the manifold aspects of our experience" (Niels Bohr).Afacet is one of numerous aspects, as of a problem: “我们描述天性的目的…在于追踪…我们的经历中许多方面之间的关系” (奈尔斯·波耳)。Facet 是许多方面中的一面,如果一个问题的一方面: 〔womanish〕Of, characteristic of, or natural to a woman.See Synonyms at feminine 女子的:女子的,女子特点的,或女子天性的 参见 feminine〔glad〕 Cheerful suggests the good spirits characteristic of a person who is pleased with something or who has a naturally outgoing nature: Cheerful 表现因某物而高兴的人或有性格开朗天性的人所具有的好的精神特征: 〔grain〕Basic temperament or nature; disposition.气质,性情:基本的脾性或天性;气质〔foreign〕Jealousy is foreign to her nature.妒忌与她的天性格格不入〔kind〕has a benevolent nature;具有宽厚的天性〔principle〕A basic or essential quality or element determining intrinsic nature or characteristic behavior:本能,天性:决定内在的本质或典型行为的基本或主要性质或因素:〔faddish〕Having the nature of a fad.具有追求时尚的天性〔talent〕Middle English [inclination, disposition] 中古英语 [倾向,天性] 〔Nestorius〕Syrian-born patriarch of Constantinople whose belief that Jesus had two distinct natures, human and divine, and that Mary was the mother of only his human nature was declared heretical (431).聂斯托利:叙利亚裔的君土坦丁堡主教,他相信耶稣有两个不同的天性:神和人,玛利亚只是他的人性的母亲。这被宣布为异教(431年)〔principle〕the principle of self-preservation.自我保护的天性〔femininity〕A characteristic or trait traditionally held to be female.通常女人具有的特性或天性〔likeness〕These nouns denote agreement or conformity, as in character, nature, or appearance between persons or things.这些名词显示了人或物之间在性格、天性或处表上的相似或一致性。〔talkative〕Marked by or having a disposition to talk.爱说话的:以爱说话的天性为特征的或有其天性〔spoil〕To do harm to the character, nature, or attitude of by oversolicitude, overindulgence, or excessive praise.See Synonyms at pamper 宠坏,溺爱:因过于关心、过分疼爱或过多的表扬而损害某人的性格、天性或态度 参见 pamper〔inconsistent〕 Uncongenial suggests a lack of sympathy, as in character or nature: Uncongenial 指在性格或天性上缺乏共同之处: 〔butterfly〕Is a butterfly named for the color of its excrement or because it was really a thieving witch?The first suggestion rests on the fact that an early Dutch name for the butterfly wasboterschijte. This name is as astonishing a phenomenon as the fact that anyone ever noticed the color of butterfly excrement.Apparently, however, when the butterfly was not busy leaving colorful traces of itself, it was stealing milk and butter.This was not because of its thievish nature but because it was really a mischievous witch in the form of a winged insect.So the second suggestion is that this predilection for butter larceny gave rise to the colorful insect's name.蝴蝶是以其排泄物的颜色命名的,还是因为它的确是个正在偷东西的精灵呢?第一个假设基于蝴蝶在古代荷兰语中的名称为boterschijte 这个事实。 这个名称同任何人都曾注意到蝴蝶的排泄物的颜色这个事实一样是个令人吃惊的现象。然而,很显然蝴蝶不是在忙于留下它们彩色的行迹就是忙于偷牛奶或奶油。这不是因为它有偷窃的天性而是因为它确实是一只作为有翅昆虫形体的淘气的精灵。所以第二个假设就是这种奶油盗窃的嗜好引出了彩色昆虫的命名〔gracious〕Of a merciful or compassionate nature.天性仁慈宽厚的〔turn〕A characteristic mood, style, or habit; a natural inclination:天性,禀性:典型的情绪、风格成习惯;自然的倾向:〔mensch〕"He radiates the kind of fundamental decency that has a name in Yiddish; he's a mensch"(James Atlas)“他浑身散发出一种在意第绪语中有名的天性庄重的风度;他是个体面人士”(詹姆斯·阿特拉斯)〔ontological〕Of or relating to essence or the nature of being.实体论的:生物本质、天性的或与其相关的〔periphrastic〕Having the nature of or characterized by periphrasis.迂回曲折的:有折绕的天性或特性的〔disposition〕"It is my habit,—I hope I may say, my nature,—to believe the best of people" (George W. Curtis).“这是我的习惯——我希望可以说,我的天性——相信别人的长处" (乔治·W·柯蒂)〔peremptory〕Having the nature of or expressing a command; urgent:强求或命令的;紧急的:有下命令的天性的;急切要求的:〔kind〕Of a friendly, generous, or warm-hearted nature.友善的,好心的:友好的、宽宏大量的或热情的天性




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