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单词 失去知觉
释义 〔chloroform〕To treat with chloroform to anesthetize, render unconscious, or kill.用氯仿麻醉,使失去知觉或杀死〔comatose〕Of, relating to, or affected with coma; unconscious.昏迷的:昏迷的,与之相关或受其形响的;失去知觉〔pass〕To lose consciousness.昏倒:失去知觉〔aswoon〕In a faint or swoon:在晕厥中的:失去知觉或昏倒的:〔insensible〕Having lost consciousness, especially temporarily; unconscious:无感觉的:失去知觉的,尤其是暂时的;昏迷的:〔coldcock〕To knock (another) unconscious.把…打昏:把(别人)打得失去知觉〔besot〕To muddle or stupefy, as with alcoholic liquor or infatuation.使沉醉,使愚昧:使糊涂或失去知觉,象喝醉了酒或被冲昏头脑〔cold〕Appearing to be dead; unconscious.失去知觉的:看着好象死了;无知觉的〔palsy〕Complete or partial muscle paralysis, often accompanied by loss of sensation and uncontrollable body movements or tremors.瘫痪:全部或部分肌肉麻痹,经常伴随着失去知觉和失控的运动或颤动〔stupefy〕To dull the senses or faculties of.See Synonyms at daze 使失去知觉或使不省人事 参见 daze〔blackout〕suffers blackouts at high altitudes;因高山反应而失去知觉〔insensible〕Devoid of physical sensation or the power to react, as to pain or cold; numb.失去知觉的:缺乏生理感觉或的,如缺乏对疼痛或冷的反应能力;麻木的〔go〕To lose consciousness.晕迷:失去知觉〔zonk〕To intoxicate with drugs or alcohol:使中毒:由于药物或酒精而失去知觉〔stupefacient〕Inducing stupor; stupefying or narcotic.使麻醉、失去知觉的或使不醒人事的〔analgesia〕A deadening or absence of the sense of pain without loss of consciousness.痛觉缺失:在未失去知觉的情况下感到麻木或丧失痛觉〔zonk〕"zonk their patients with tranquilizers"(Psychology Today)“用镇静剂使病人失去知觉”(今日心理学)〔unconscious〕Temporarily lacking consciousness.不省人事的:暂时失去知觉〔coma〕A state of deep, often prolonged unconsciousness, usually the result of injury, disease, or poison, in which an individual is incapable of sensing or responding to external stimuli and internal needs.昏迷:一种很深且通常是持续的失去知觉的状态,常因受伤、疾病或中毒引起,在昏迷中的人不能感觉且对外界刺激或内部需求没有反应〔flunitrazepam〕A powerful sedative drug, C16H 12FN 3O 3, that is illegal in the United States but is used elsewhere as a hypnotic and in anesthesia. It is popularly known as the "date rape" drug because its ability to cause semiconsciousness and memory blackouts has led to its association with unwanted sexual encounters. 弗尼拉塞半,氟硝安定:在美国禁止使用的强效镇静剂,C16H 12FN 3O 3,但在其它地区用作催眠药或用于感觉缺失。氟硝安定就是广为人知的"约会强奸药",它能令人陷入半昏迷状态或暂时失去知觉,并由此同被迫的性行为联系起来 〔asphyxia〕A condition in which an extreme decrease in the amount of oxygen in the body accompanied by an increase of carbon dioxide leads to loss of consciousness or death. Asphyxia can be induced by choking, drowning, electric shock, injury, or the inhalation of toxic gases.窒息:因体内一定数量的氧气极度减,并伴有二氧化碳气体增多,而导致失去知觉或死亡的状况。心肌梗塞,溺水,触电,受伤或吸入有毒气体也可能导致窒息〔chill〕A sudden numbing fear or dread.恐惧:一种突然的、使人失去知觉的害怕或恐惧〔paresis〕Greek [act of letting go, paralysis] 希腊语 [失去知觉的行动,麻痹] 〔lay〕To knock to the ground or unconscious.击到在地,打昏:击倒在地或打得失去知觉〔black〕To lose consciousness or memory temporarily:晕倒:晕过去,暂时失去知觉或记忆:〔meshuggeneh〕Crazy; senseless.疯狂的;失去知觉〔blackout〕The central meaning shared by these nouns is "a temporary loss of consciousness": 这些词共有的一个意思是暂时性“失去知觉”: 〔zonk〕To stupefy; stun.使失去知觉;使昏迷〔benumb〕To make inactive; dull:使失去知觉:使失去活力;使迟钝:〔unfeeling〕Having no physical feeling or sensation; insentient.失去知觉的:没有肉体感觉或知觉的;无知觉的〔faint〕To fall into a usually brief state of unconsciousness.昏厥:进入短暂失去知觉状态




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