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单词 夸大
释义 〔aggrandize〕aggrandize one argument while belittling another.夸大一个论点而贬低另一个〔exaggerate〕exaggerate the size of the enemy force; exaggerated his own role in the episode.夸大了敌人的军事力量;夸大了他本人在这一事件中的作用〔declamatory〕Pretentiously rhetorical; bombastic.夸夸其谈的:词藻华丽矫饰的;夸大〔big〕In a pretentious or boastful way:夸大地:自负地或自夸地:〔order〕"Every revolution exaggerates the evils of the old order"(C. Wright Mills)“每次革命都夸大旧秩序的弊端”(C.赖特·米尔斯)〔exaggerate〕To represent as greater than is actually the case; overstate:夸大,夸张:描述得大于实际情况;夸大叙述:〔superlative〕from Latin superlātus [past participle of] superferre [to carry over a person or thing, exaggerate] 源自 拉丁语 superlātus superferre的过去分词 [带一个人或物,夸大] 〔dignify〕To raise the status of (something unworthy or lowly); make honorable:把…夸大为:提高无价值的或较低事物的地位;变得有名誉的:〔wish〕 This usage is consonant with formal style,where it is natural to treat the desires of others with exaggerated deference.The corresponding use ofwish with a noun-phrase object is less frequent, though it cannot be regarded as incorrect: 这种用法符合正式文体,因正式文体中对别人的愿望表示出夸大的尊重很自然。尽管不会认为是错误的,但wish 加上名词短语作宾语不太常见: 〔hype〕Exaggerated or extravagant claims made especially in advertising or promotional material:广告,夸大的诉求:夸张或过分的宣称,尤其用在做广告或促销物品:〔magnify〕You have grossly magnified a trivial situation.See Synonyms at exaggerate 你过分地夸大了一件鸡毛蒜皮的小事 参见 exaggerate〔orotund〕Pompous and bombastic:夸张的:夸大的且夸张的:〔bugaboo〕An object of obsessive, usually exaggerated fear or anxiety:吓唬人的东西:用来吓人的东西,常常夸大了其令人害怕或恐惧的程度:〔paranoia〕A psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution or grandeur, often strenuously defended with apparent logic and reason.妄想狂,偏执狂:一种通常用表面的逻辑和道理来设想的具烦扰或夸大妄想特征的精神错乱症〔discount〕To leave out of account as being untrustworthy or exaggerated; disregard:忽视:认为其不可信或有夸大成分而不信;不理睬:〔lay〕To exaggerate; overstate.夸张;夸大的叙述〔machismo〕A strong, sometimes exaggerated sense of masculinity stressing attributes such as physical courage, virility, domination of women, and aggressiveness; manliness:大男子气概:一种强烈的,有时被夸大的阳刚之气的特性,如强调身体方面的勇气、刚强有力、对女人的支配和勇武好战;男子汉气质:〔cheerlead〕To express or promote automatic or servile praise:自动或卑下地表示称赞或夸大别人:〔jactitation〕A false boasting or claim, especially one detrimental to the interests of another.虚张声势:虚假的夸大或声明,尤其指对他人利益构成危害的夸大或声明〔exaggerate〕overstated their income on the mortgage application. minimize 在抵押申请中夸大他们的收入 minimize〔malarkey〕Exaggerated or foolish talk, usually intended to deceive:空话,胡说:夸大性的或愚蠢的言语,通常是为了欺骗人:〔big〕talked big about the new job.夸大新工作的好处〔rant〕Violent, loud, or extravagant speech.See Synonyms at bombast 粗野的话,喧闹的话,夸大的话 参见 bombast〔poormouth〕An exaggerated assertion of poverty.对自己贫穷的夸大〔fudge〕To go beyond the proper limits of something:夸大:超出某事正常的界限:〔pompous〕Full of high-sounding phrases; bombastic:浮华的,虚夸的:满是高调的短语的;夸大的:〔magniloquent〕Lofty and extravagant in speech; grandiloquent.言语傲慢的和夸大的;夸张的〔pompous〕Characterized by excessive self-esteem or exaggerated dignity; pretentious:爱炫耀的,自负的:以过度的自尊或夸大的尊严为特征的;爱炫耀的:〔inflated〕an inflated estimate; an inflated ego.夸大的估计;得意自满的自我〔write〕"The man was no more than the boy writ large"(George Eliot)“这个男人不过是个夸大了的男孩”(乔治·艾略特)〔proud〕 Haughty suggests lofty, condescending pride,as by reason of high birth or station: Haughty 指夸大、故作屈尊的骄傲,比如由于出身高贵或居高位等原因: 〔hype〕"It is pure hype, a gigantic PR job"(Saturday Review)“它只是夸大的广告,一个庞大的与公共关系的工作”(星期六评论)〔cheerleader〕One who expresses or promotes thoughtless praise; an adulator.奉承者:表示赞扬或不加思索地夸大别人的人;谄媚的人〔magnific〕Pompous; grandiloquent.浮夸的;夸大〔exalted〕Exaggerated; inflated:夸大的;过奖的:〔complex〕An exaggerated or obsessive concern or fear.夸大的或过激的担心或恐惧〔aggrandize〕To make appear greater; exaggerate:夸大:使显得更大;夸张:〔inflate〕To enlarge or amplify unduly or improperly; aggrandize.夸张:过分地或不合适地夸大或夸张;夸口〔overstate〕To state in exaggerated terms.See Synonyms at exaggerate 过分强调,夸大 参见 exaggerate〔imagination〕Fantasy is applied principally to the product of imagination given free rein and especially to elaborate or extravagant fancy: Fantasy 一词主要指陷入奇异的或夸大的幻想后的思想产物:




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