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释义 〔Zimmermann〕German diplomat whose intercepted telegram to Mexico (1917), offering alliance with Germany and aid in regaining lost territories in the United States, precipitated American involvement in World War I.齐默尔曼,阿瑟:(1864-1940) 德国外交家,1917年在他给墨西哥的电报中,要求其与德国结盟并帮助他们夺回被美国占领的土地,这份电报被截获,使美国提前参加一战〔Calais〕A city of northern France on the Strait of Dover opposite Dover, England. The city fell to the English in 1347 after a siege of 11 months and was retaken by the French in 1558. Population, 76,527.加来:法国北部的一座城市,位于多佛海峡同英格兰多佛相对。该城于1347年落入英国人手中,后又于1558年在被包围了11个月之后被法国人夺回。人口76,527〔Aurelian〕Emperor of Rome (a.d. 270-275) who held the barbarians in check beyond the Rhine River and regained Britain, Gaul, Spain, Syria, and Egypt for the empire. 奥理安:罗马皇帝(公元 270年-275年),统率未开化人越过莱茵河并为其帝国重新夺回英国、高卢、西班牙、叙利亚和埃及 〔Kitchener〕British soldier and colonial administrator who led Egyptian troops in the retaking of the Sudan (1898), brought the Boer War (1899-1902) to a conclusion, and served as secretary for war (1914-1916) during World War I.基奇纳,霍拉肖·赫伯特:(1850-1916) 英国军事家,殖民地官员,曾指挥埃及军团夺回苏丹(1898年),结束布尔战役(1899-1902年)。第一次世界大战期间任陆军大臣(1914-1916年)〔Pelopidas〕Theban general who helped liberate Thebes from the Spartans in 379. He was killed in battle at Cynoscephalae.派洛皮德:底比斯将军,公元379年从斯巴达人手夺回中底比斯。他在库诺斯克法兰战役中阵亡〔Odyssey〕The younger of the two surviving ancient Greek epic poems, traditionally ascribed to Homer but containing much orally transmitted material composed over several centuries, and concerning the adventures and ordeals of the Greek warrior Odysseus after the fall of Troy as he struggles to return home and reestablish himself as king of Ithaca.奥德赛:古希腊两本仅存史诗中较新的一部,始于荷马记述但也合并了历代口耳相传的故事内容,描写希腊战士奥德赛在特洛伊城陷后如何挣扎奋斗以返回家园并夺回伊萨基王位所经历的冒险与考验〔Ramayana〕A Sanskrit epic, traditionally attributed to Valmiki, that concerns the banishment of Rama from his kingdom, the abduction of his wife Sita by a demon and her rescue, and Rama's eventual restoration to the throne.罗摩耶那史诗:传统上认为作者是瓦尔米其的梵文史诗,内容关于瓦尔米其从其王国流亡、他的妻子悉达被恶魔诱拐以及被救回、瓦尔米其最后夺回王位〔MacArthur〕American general who served as U.S. chief of staff (1930-1935) and commanded Allied forces in the South Pacific during World War II. After losing the Philippines to the Japanese (1942), he regained the islands (1944) and accepted the surrender of Japan (1945). His father,Arthur MacArthur (1845-1912), commanded American troops in the Spanish-American War and thwarted Emilio Aguinaldo's insurgence in the Philippines (1899). 麦克阿瑟,道格拉斯:(1880-1964) 美国将军,曾在美参谋总部任职(1930-1935年),在二战期间统率盟军在南太平洋作战。1942年他在日本的进攻下丢掉了菲律宾群岛,1944年重新夺回该群岛,1945年接受了日本的投降。他的父亲亚瑟·麦克阿瑟 (1845-1912年)在美西战争中指挥美军,挫败了埃米利奥·阿奎那多在菲律宾的起义(1899年) 〔Warwick〕English military and political leader who fought for the Yorkists during the Wars of the Roses and secured the throne for Edward IV (1461). He then changed allegiance and restored the Lancastrian Henry VI to the throne (1470). Warwick was killed in the Battle of Barnet, which regained the throne for Edward.沃里克:英国军事、政治领袖,在玫瑰战争中支持约克家族,辅助了爱德华四世登基(1461年)。后又改变效忠,拥立兰开斯特家族的亨利六世重登王位(1470年)。沃里克在巴尼特之战中被杀,该战使爱德华重新夺回王位〔Khartoum〕The capital and largest city of Sudan, in the east-central part of the country at the confluence of the Blue Nile and the White Nile. It was founded c. 1821 as an Egyptian army camp and was destroyed by Mahdists in 1885 after a long siege. Lord Kitchener retook the city in 1898 and oversaw its rebuilding. Population, 476,218.喀土木:苏丹首都和最大城市,位于青尼罗河与白尼罗河交汇的苏丹的中东部。公元1821年作为埃及军营建立,1855年经过长时间围困被马赫迪的军队破坏。基钦纳勋爵1898年重新夺回它并指导重建此城。人口476,218〔recapture〕Something recaptured.重获物,夺回物:被重获、夺回的某物〔reentry〕The card that will take a trick and thus regain the lead.再进张:能赢一墩夺回牌权的大牌




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