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单词 奇弗
释义 〔foxed〕"Their set of George Eliot was foxed and buckled by the rain"(John Cheever)“他们的乔治·艾略特的作品集由于雨淋而发霉并起皱了”(约翰·奇弗)〔Cheever〕American writer who depicted life in American suburbs with humor and compassion in his short stories and novels. He won a Pulitzer Prize forThe Stories of John Cheever (1978). 奇弗,约翰:(1912-1982) 美国作家,他的短篇小说和长篇小说以充满幽默和热情的笔调描绘了美国郊区的生活。他因《约翰·奇弗小说集》 于1978年获普利策奖 〔yearn〕"You don't really long for another country.You long for something in yourself that you don't have, or haven't been able to find" (John Cheever).“你并不是真正渴望另一个家园。你渴望的是你内心中没有或还未找到的东西” (约翰·奇弗)。〔pleasure〕"The deep joy we take in the company of people with whom we have just recently fallen in love is undisguisable" (John Cheever). “从我们刚刚爱上的一群人中得到的深深的快乐是无法隐藏的” (约翰·奇弗)。




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