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单词 奇观
释义 〔Johnson〕American explorer and filmmaker. With her husband,Martin Johnson (1884-1937), she explored the South Seas and Africa. Their films include Jungle Adventures (1921) and Wonders of the Congo (1931). 约翰逊,奥萨·海伦·莱迪:(1894-1953) 美国探险家、制片商。她与丈夫马丁·约翰逊 (1884-1937年)一起考察了南太平洋及非洲。他们的影片包括 《丛林历险记》 (1921年)以及 《刚果奇观》 (1931年)等 〔Babylon〕The capital of ancient Babylonia in Mesopotamia on the Euphrates River. Established as capital c. 1750b.c. and rebuilt in regal splendor by Nebuchadnezzar II after its destruction (c. 689 b.c. ) by the Assyrians, Babylon was the site of the Hanging Gardens, one of the Seven Wonders of the World. 巴比伦:古巴比伦王国的首都,位于幼发拉底河沿岸的美索不达米亚境内,作为首都大约建于公元前 1750年,在它被亚述人毁灭后( 公元前 689年),它又被尼布甲尼撒二世重建于王室显赫之时,巴比伦是世界七大奇观之一的空中花园所在地 〔show〕A striking appearance or display; a spectacle.壮观的景象:引人注目的外表或展示;奇观〔bravery〕Splendor or magnificence; show.辉煌或壮丽;奇观〔prodigy〕An act or event so extraordinary or rare as to inspire wonder.See Synonyms at wonder 奇观,奇迹:奇特的或罕见的引起人们惊叹的事件或行为 参见 wonder〔wonder〕Often Wonder A monumental human creation regarded with awe, especially one of seven monuments of the ancient world that appeared on various lists of late antiquity. 常作 Wonder 奇观:以敬畏看待的不朽的人类创造,尤指列于近古各种表中的古代世界七大奇观之一〔Phidias〕Athenian sculptor who supervised work on the Parthenon. His statue of Zeus at Olympia was one of the Seven Wonders of the World.菲迪亚斯:雅典雕塑家,曾监管巴台农神殿的工作,他在奥林匹亚的宙斯雕像是世界七大奇观之一




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