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释义 〔Galton〕British scientist whose bookHereditary Genius (1869) laid the foundations for the science of eugenics. 加尔东,弗朗西斯:(1822-1911) 英国科学家,他的书《遗传本质》 (1869年)奠定了优生学的基础 〔Buffon〕French naturalist whose monumentalHistoire Naturelle (36 volumes, 1749-1788; 8 additional volumes completed by assistants and published in 1804) laid the foundation for later studies in biology, zoology, and comparative anatomy. 布丰,乔治斯·路易斯·勒克莱尔·德:(1707-1788) 法国博物学家,他的经典著作《自然史》 (36卷,1749-1788年);另外8卷由助手完成,1804年出版为以后的植物学,动物学和比较解剖学的研究奠定了基础 〔Hippocrates〕Greek physician who laid the foundations of scientific medicine by freeing medical study from the constraints of philosophical speculation and superstition. He is traditionally but inaccurately considered the author of the Hippocratic oath.希波克拉底:希腊名医,通过把医学研究从学推断和迷信中解放出来来奠定了科学的医学的基础,传统上认为他是《希波克拉底誓言》的作者,但这一说法不准确〔Carnot〕French physicist and engineer who founded the science of thermodynamics.卡诺,尼古拉斯·莱纳德·萨蒂:(1796-1832) 法国物理学家和工程师,他奠定了热力学基础〔Sweelinck〕Dutch organist and composer whose works laid the foundations for the development of German baroque organ music.斯维林克,简·彼得伦:(1562-1621) 荷兰风琴演奏家和作曲家,他的作品为德国巴洛克风琴音乐的发展奠定了基础〔Wallis〕English mathematician who formulated the concept of arithmetic limits and laid the theoretical foundation for the binomial theorem and differential and integral calculus.沃利斯,约翰:(1616-1703) 英国数学家,对数学极限的概念作了符号表达,奠定了二项式定理和微积分的理论基础〔Hipparchus〕Greek astronomer who mapped the position of 850 stars in the earliest known star chart. His observations of the heavens form the basis of Ptolemy's geocentric cosmology.喜帕恰斯:希腊天文学家,曾绘制已知的最早的星象图,其中包括了850颗星星的位置,他对天空的观察奠定了托勒密的地心宇宙论的基础〔Niebuhr〕German historian whose greatly influential history of Rome (published 1811-1832) established the modern scientific study of history.尼布尔,巴托尔德·乔治:(1776-1831) 德国历史学家,其极具影响力的《罗马史》(1811-1832年出版)奠定了现代历史科学研究的基础〔Galen〕Greek anatomist, physician, and writer. His theories formed the basis of European medicine until the Renaissance.加伦:希腊解剖学家、内科医生和作家。他的理论奠定了欧洲医学的基础直至文艺复兴时期〔Corelli〕Italian violinist and composer who is remembered for his 12 concerti grossi, which shaped the development of the concerto.科雷利,阿坎杰罗:(1653-1713) 意大利小提琴手和作曲家,以其12首奠定了协奏曲发展基础的大协奏曲而著名〔Broglie〕French physicist who demonstrated (1927) that particles exhibit wavelike properties, thus establishing the field of wave mechanics. He won a 1929 Nobel Prize.德布罗意,路易斯·维克托·德:(1892-1987) 法国物理学家,1927年证明粒子有波动性质,因而奠定了波动力学的基础。1929年获诺贝尔奖〔Dana〕American scientist whose textbooks established him as the foremost geologist of his time.达纳,詹姆斯·德怀特:(1813-1895) 美国科学家,他的教科书为他成为那个时代一流的地质学家奠定了基础〔Pestalozzi〕Swiss educational reformer whose teaching theories, based on respect and attention to the individual, laid the foundation for the reform of education in the 19th century.裴斯泰洛齐,约翰·亨利希:(1746-1827) 瑞典教育改革家,其建立在尊重和注重独立性基础上的教学理论,为19世纪的教育改革奠定了基础〔Auden〕British-born American writer and critic whose poems, published in collections such asThe Dance of Death (1933) and The Double Man (1941), established his importance in 20th-century literature. 奥登,威(斯坦)·于(格):(1907-1973) 英裔美国作家及评论家,他的诗集,如《死亡之舞》 (1933年)和 《双重人》 (1941年)中的诗篇,奠定了他在20世纪文坛上的重要地位 〔Roberts〕Canadian writer whose poetry and other works established a literature based on Canadian themes and sources.罗伯兹,查理·乔治·道格拉斯:(1860-1943) 加拿大作家,其诗作和其它作品奠定了以加拿大的主题和素材为基础的文学〔Trent〕A city of northern Italy northwest of Venice. Probably founded in the fourth centuryb.c. , it was the site of the Council of Trent (1545-1563), which established the foundations of the Counter Reformation. Population, 98,833. 塔兰托:意大利北部一城市,位于威尼斯西北部,可能建于公元前 4世纪,它是塔兰托会议(1545-1563年)的会址,正是这次会议奠定了反宗教改革的基础。人口98,833




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