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单词 奥斯
释义 〔zoysia〕after Karl von Zois zu Laubach (1756-1800?), Austrian botanist 源自卡尔·冯· 兹奥斯 ·祖·劳拜(1756-1800?),奥地利植物学家 〔Venizelos〕Greek politician who served a number of terms as premier between 1910 and 1933 and aligned Greece with the Allies during World War I. He went into exile after an unsuccessful military and naval revolt in March 1935.凡尼济洛斯,埃留提利奥斯:(1864-1936) 希腊政治家,在1910年和1933年期间曾数任总理并在第一次世界大战期间使希腊与协约国结盟。他在1935年3月的一次失败的陆军和海军叛乱后过着流亡生活〔Hospitalet〕A city of northeast Spain, an industrial suburb of Barcelona. Population, 288,290.奥斯皮塔莱特:西班牙东北部一城市,为巴塞罗那的工业郊区。人口288,290〔mammoth〕The mammoth was introduced to the English-speaking world after mammoth skeletons were discovered in Siberia,so it is no surprise that this creature's name is taken from Russian,even though the animal roamed over Eurasia and North America.The Russian word, nowmamant' but formerlymamot as well, was borrowed into English in variant spellings.It was first recorded in 1706in the formMammuth, but in 1763 we find the formmammon. It is said that the Russian word is a borrowing of an Ostyak word (the Ostyak people live in western Siberia),but this has not been proved.猛犸这个词是在西伯利亚发现猛犸骨骼之后才引入英语的,所以这种动物的名称起源于俄语也就不足为奇了,尽管这种动物曾在欧亚大陆和北美到处游荡。俄语中的这个词,现在是mamant' , 但以前为mamot , 被引入英文时出现了不同的拼写方法。最早的记载是1706年,其形式是Mammuth, 但在1763年,其形式就变成了mammon。 据说俄语这个词也是源于一个奥斯加克语中一个词(奥斯加克人居住于西伯利亚西部),但这种说法还没有得到证实〔Oss〕A city of southern Netherlands southwest of Nijmegen. Chartered in 1399, it is an industrial and processing center. Population, 50,086.奥斯:荷兰南部城市,位于奈梅亨西南。1399年获特许状自治,现已成为工业及加工中心。人口50,086〔Polybius〕Greek historian. Only five books of his 40-volume history of Rome are extant.波利比奥斯:古希腊历史学家,在他四十卷的罗马历史中现在仅存其中的五本〔Ostyak〕The Ugric language of this people.奥斯加克语:奥斯加克人的语言,属乌戈尔语系〔Marsh〕American paleontologist noted for his study of vertebrate fossils found in the northwestern United States.马什,奥斯尼尔·查尔斯:(1831-1899) 美国古生物学家,因研究美国西北部发现的脊椎动物的化石而著名〔Damocles〕Greek courtier to Dionysius the Elder, tyrant of Syracuse, who according to legend was forced to sit at a banquet table under a sword suspended by a single hair to demonstrate the precariousness of a king's fortunes.达摩克利斯:希腊传说中的叙拉古国王狄奥尼西奥斯的朝臣,据传说其被迫坐在上悬宝剑的餐桌旁,宝剑由一根头发系住,以此来暗示君王命运的多危〔Villard〕German-born American journalist and railroad magnate. He was president of the Northern Pacific Railroad (1881-1884) and formed (1890) the company that later became General Electric. His sonOswald Garrison Villard (1872-1949), a journalist and editor, was president of the New York Evening Post (1900-1918) and owner of The Nation (1918-1935). 维拉德,亨利:(1835-1900) 德裔的美国记者和铁路巨头。他曾任北太平洋铁路公司总裁(1881-1884年),并成立了后来的电业总公司(1890年)。他的儿子奥斯沃尔德·加里森·维拉德 (1872-1949年)做过记者和编辑,担任 《纽约晚邮报》 总裁(1900-1918年),并是 《民族》 的拥有者(1918-1935年) 〔Vogul〕A member of a people inhabiting the region of the Ob River in western Siberia, closely related to the Ostyak.沃古尔人:一个居住在西伯利亚西部鄂毕河畔的民族,与奥斯加克人是近亲〔Osceola〕Seminole leader who resisted the removal of his people from Florida in the 1830's. He died under suspicious circumstances after being tricked into surrendering (1837).奥斯西奥拉:美国塞米诺尔印第安人领袖,19世纪30年代反对将其民族迁出佛罗里达州,被骗投降后死因不明(1837年)〔zoisite〕after Baron Sigismund Zois von Edelstein (1747-1819), Slovenian noble 源自巴林·西吉斯蒙德 兹奥斯 凡·艾第汀(1747-1819年),斯罗文尼亚的贵族 〔Dioscuri〕Castor and Pollux, the twin sons of Leda and brothers of Helen and Clytemnestra, who were transformed by Zeus into the constellation Gemini.狄奥斯库里的:卡斯托耳与帕洛克斯,勒达的孪生儿子,海伦和克莱特姆内斯特拉的兄弟。它们被宙斯变成双子星座〔Dionysius〕Tyrant of Syracuse (405-367) noted for his campaigns against the Carthaginians in Sicily. His sonDionysius (395?-343?), known as "the Younger,” succeeded him as tyrant in 367 and was exiled in 343 for his despotic rule. 戴奥尼索斯:叙拉古的暴君(405-367年)因对西西里岛迦太基人的战役而出名。他的儿子狄奥尼西奥斯 (395?-343年?)因为“年轻一代”而闻名,367年继任暴君,并因其残暴统治于343年被流放 〔Pyrrhus〕King of Epirus (306-302 and 297-272) who defeated the Romans at Heraclea (280) and Asculum (279) despite his own staggering losses.皮洛士:伊庇鲁斯国王(公元前306-302以及公元前297-272年),不顾自身全军覆没的损失,在赫拉克莱亚(公元前280年)和奥斯库克姆(公元前279年)交战,打败了罗马军队〔Ostyak〕A member of a Finno-Ugric people inhabiting western Siberia.奥斯加克人:居于西伯利亚西部的一支芬兰-乌戈尔族的一员〔Alcaeus〕Greek poet who reputedly invented Alcaic verse.阿乐凯奥斯:希腊诗人,以首创阿尔凯奥斯四行诗而享有盛誉




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