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单词 姓名
释义 〔cabal〕The history ofcabal reveals how a word can be transferred from one sphere of activity to another while retaining only a tenuous connection with its past. Ultimately from Hebrewbut transmitted to English probably by way of Medieval Latin and French,cabal is first recorded in English in 1616 in the sense "cabala.” Cabala was the name for the Hebrew oral tradition transmitted by Moses and also the name for a Jewish religious philosophy based on an esoteric interpretation of the Hebrew Scriptures.The notion "esoteric" is central to the development of this word in English,forcabal, probably following the sense development in French, came to mean "a tradition, special interpretation, or secret,” "a private intrigue" (first recorded in 1646-1647),and "a small body of intriguers" (first recorded in 1660).It is probably not coincidental thatcabal is found with these latter meanings during the mid-17th century, that time of plots and counterplots by Royalists and Parliamentarians.The word gained a false etymology when it was noticed that the five most influential ministers of Charles II were named Clifford, Arlington, Buckingham, Ashley, and Lauderdale.单词cable 的历史表现出一个单词在与其过去的含义仅保持微弱联系的情况下,如何能够从一个使用范围转向另一个范围。 最起始是源于希伯来语,但可能是通过中世纪的拉丁语和法语转化为英语,cabal 以“秘教”的含义在英语中最早载于1616年。 Cabala 是对摩西所传的希伯来口头传说的称谓, 也是对基于希伯来圣经神秘解说的犹太宗教哲学的称谓。“深奥的”这个概念对于这个英文单词的发展是很重要的,因为cabal 可能是沿用法语里发展起来的含义, 意为“传统,特殊的理解或秘密的,“个人阴谋”(最早记载于1646至1647年),以及“较小的阴谋者的联合体”(最早记载于1660年)。它可能与cabal 的17世纪中叶的后来含义并不一致, 在这一时期内充斥着保皇党人和议员们的阴谋和对策。由于注意到查理二世时期五位最有影响的大臣姓名分别为克利福德,阿灵顿,白金汉,阿什利和劳德戴尔(其姓名首字母合起来为CABAL),该词由此得来一错误的语源说明〔personalize〕personalized the stationery; personalized the bath towels.标有物主姓名的文具;绣有物主姓名的澡巾〔register〕A formal or official recording of items, names, or actions.正式记录,官方登记:关于条款、姓名或行为的正式的或官方的记录〔father〕Used as a title and form of address with or without the clergyman's name.神职人员:用作带或不带牧师姓名时的一种头衔和称呼〔typhoon〕Perhaps few words better illustrate the polyglot background of English thantyphoon, with its Chinese, Arabic, East Indian, and Greek background. The Greek wordtyphon, both the name of the father of the winds and a common noun meaning "whirlwind, typhoon,” was borrowed into Arabic (as was many a Greek word during the Middle Ages, when Arabic learning both preserved the classical heritage and expanded upon it, passing it on to Europe).Ùūfān, the Arabic version of the Greek word, passed into languages spoken in India,where Arabic-speaking Moslem invaders had settled in the 11th century.Thus the descendant of the Arabic word,passing into English (first recorded in 1588) through an Indian languageand appearing in English in forms such astouffon and tufan, originally referred specifically to a severe storm in India.China, another great empire, gave us yet another word for a storm,in this case the hurricane that occurred in the waters around China.This Chinese word in its Cantonese form,toi fung, was similar to our Arabic borrowing and is first recorded in English guise astuffoon in 1699. The various forms coalesced and finally becametyphoon. 也许很少有单词能像typhoon 一样表明汉语、阿拉伯语、东印度语和希腊语的多国语言背景。 希腊单词typhon 既是风神的姓名又是意为“旋风,台风”的普通名词, 被借入到阿拉伯语(就象在中世纪时许多希腊语单词进入阿拉伯语一样,那时,阿拉伯人的学问保存了古典的风格,同时在把它传向欧洲时又有所扩充)。Tufan ,希腊语的阿拉伯语形式, 传入到了印度人使用的语言,11世纪时讲阿拉伯语的穆斯林入侵者在印度定居下来。这样,阿拉伯语单词的衍生,从印度语言进入英语(最早记载于1588年),并以如touffon 和 tufan 的形式出现于英语中, 最先特指印度的猛烈风暴。中国,另一个大帝国,给了我们风暴的另一个单词,这里指的是在中国附近洋面发生的飓风。汉语单词的广东语形式toi fung 同我们的阿拉伯语借用词相近, 最早以tuffoon 的形式于1699年载入英语。 各种形式合并在一起最后变成了typhoon 〔praenomen〕The first name of a citizen of ancient Rome, asGaius in Gaius Julius Caesar. 古罗马人的首名:古罗马公民姓名中的第一个名字,如盖阿斯 就是 盖阿斯·朱利斯·凯撒 这个姓名中的第一个名字 〔NMI〕No middle initial.无中名的姓名首字母缩写〔surname〕A nickname or an epithet added to a person's name.别名或绰号:某人姓名的绰号或描述词〔undirected〕Having no prescribed destination. Used of mail.无姓名和地址的:没有规定的目的地。用于邮政〔apocalyptic〕"Stripped of its apocalyptic tone, what this amounts to is an advocacy of teaching names, dates and places by rote"(Stefan Kanfer)“除去其夸张的预示灾难的口吻后,这几乎等同于鼓吹按死记硬背的方式来教姓名、日期和地点”(斯特凡·坎费尔)〔enter〕We entered our names in the guest book; enters the data into the computer.我们在来客名薄上写下姓名;把数据输入电脑〔incognita〕Italian [feminine of] incognito [incognito] * see incognito 意大利语 incognito的阴性词 [隐匿姓名身份(者)] * 参见 incognito〔incognito〕One whose identity is disguised or concealed.隐匿姓名身份者,隐姓埋名者〔hooker〕In hisPersonal Memoirs Ulysses S. Grant described Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker as "a dangerous man . . . not subordinate to his superiors.” Hooker had his faults, of course.He may indeed have been insubordinate;undoubtedly he was an erratic leader.But there is one thing of which he is often accused that "Fighting Joe" Hooker certainly did not do:he did not give his name to prostitutes.According to a popular story,the men under Hooker's command during the Civil War were a particularly wild bunch.When his troops were on leave,we are told, they spent much of their time in brothels.For this reason, as the story goes,prostitutes came to be known ashookers. It is not difficult to understand how such a theory might have originated.The major general's name differs from the wordhooker only in the capital letter that begins it. And it is true that Hooker's men were at times ill-disciplined (although it seems that liquor, not women, was the main source of their difficulties with the provost marshal).However attractive this theory may be,it cannot be true.The wordhooker, with the sense "prostitute,” is in fact older than the Civil War. It appeared in the second edition (although not in the first) of John Russell Bartlett'sDictionary of Americanisms, published in 1859.Bartlett definedhooker as "a strumpet, a sailor's trull.” He also said that the word was derived from Corlear's Hook,a district in New York City,but this was only a guess.There is no evidence that the term originated in New York.Norman Ellsworth Eliason has traced this use ofhooker back to 1845 in North Carolina. He reported the usage inTarheel Talk; an Historical Study of the English Language in North Carolina to 1860, published in 1956. The fact that we have no earlier written evidence does not mean thathooker was never used to mean "prostitute" before 1845. The history ofhooker is, quite simply, murky; we do not know when or where it was first used,but we can be very certain that it did not begin with Joseph Hooker.Also, we have no firm evidence that it came from Corlear's Hook.Scholarly evidence or lack thereof notwithstanding,the late Bruce Catton, the Civil War historian, did not go so far as to exonerate completely the Union general.Although "the term ‘hooker’ did not originate during the Civil War,”wrote Catton, "it certainly became popular then.During these war years, Washington developed a large [red-light district] somewhere south of Constitution Avenue.This became known as Hooker's Division in tribute to the proclivities of General Joseph Hookerand the name has stuck ever since.”If the termhooker was derived neither from Joseph Hooker nor from Corlear's Hook, what is its derivation?It is most likely that thishooker is, etymologically, simply "one who hooks.” The term portrays a prostitute as a person who hooks, or snares, clients.尤利西斯·S·格兰特在他的个人回忆录 中把陆军少将约瑟夫·胡克描写成“一个危险人物…从不服从于他的顶头上司”。 胡克当然有他的缺点。他也许曾是一个难以屈服的人;但他无疑是一个怪癖的军官。但是“好战的乔”,胡克却因为一件他肯定没有干过的事情而屡遭指责;他从不对妓女透露他的姓名。根据一个流行故事,内战中胡克的手下有一伙特别狂野的人们。当他的队伍即将离开时,据说他们总在妓院里消磨时日。故事还说正因为如此,妓女开始被叫做hookers。 我们不难理解这样一个故事的起源的推测。这个将军的名字和hooker 只差开头的一个大写字母。 而且胡克的手下在当时确实纪律涣散(尽管看来是酒而非女人才导致了他们与宪兵司令之间的矛盾)。不管这个故事多么诱人,它不可能是真实的。事实上hooker 一词作为“妓女”的意思比内战的历史还要早。 它出现于约翰·罗素·巴特利特编纂的美国俗语词典 的第二版(尽管第一版中没有), 出版于1859年。巴特利特把hooker 定义为“一个妓女,水手的妓女”。 他还说这个词来源于科利尔的胡克,纽约市的一个地区,但这只是一个猜想。没有证据证明这一说法源于纽约。诺曼·爱尔斯华斯·艾利森把hooker 的用法追溯到1845年的北卡罗来纳州。 他在1956年出版的北卡罗来纳州闲话; 1860年前北卡罗来纳英语历史研究 中说明了这一用法。 缺乏早期书面证据这一事实并不意味着在1845年之前hooker 没有被用作“妓女”一义。 很简单,hooker 的历史隐晦难知; 我们不知道它在何时何地被首次使用,但我们可以肯定它并不始于约瑟夫·胡克。而且我们没有确凿证据证明它来源于科利尔的胡克。不管有无学术性的证据,已故的内战历史学家布鲁斯·卡通并没有做到为联邦将军彻底开脱的地步。尽管“‘hooker’这一词语并不是来源于内战,”卡通写道,“在那之后它肯定流行了起来。在战争年代,华盛顿在宪法大街南部某个地方发展了很大的[红灯区]。人们把这里称作胡克的辖区,作为对约瑟夫·胡克将军怪癖的献礼,这个名字从此便生根发芽”。如果hooker 这一词语既不是源于约瑟夫·胡克也不来自于科利尔的胡克, 那么它的词源究竟是什么呢?从词源学上来说hooker 很有可能仅仅是“引…上钩的人”。 这一词语把妓女描绘成一个勾引或引诱客人的人〔Amos〕A Hebrew prophet of the eighth centuryb.c. He was the earliest prophet to have a book of the Bible named for him. 阿摩司:生活于公元前 8世纪的希伯来先知,他是以其姓名作为《圣经》全书中的一章节标题的最早的一位先知 〔card〕One bearing a person's name and other information, used for purposes of identification or classification.个人名片:印有一个人的姓名及他的其它情况的纸片,用作身份证明或分类〔cognomen〕nōmen [name] * see nÒ-men- nōmen [姓名] * 参见 nÒ-men- 〔personalize〕To have printed, engraved, or monogrammed with one's name or initials:(标上姓名)使成为个人专有:使以某人的名字或姓名的第一个字母来印刷、雕刻或刺绣:〔nomenklatura〕from Latin nōmenclātūra [list of names] * see nomenclature 源自 拉丁语 nōmenclātūra [姓名,名单] * 参见 nomenclature〔monogram〕A design composed of one or more letters, typically the initials of a name, used as an identifying mark.交织字母:一种被用作辨识标记的由一个或多个字母组成的一种图案,常由姓名的字首组成〔eponym〕A person whose name is or is thought to be the source of the name of something, such as a city, country, or era. For example,Romulus is the eponym of Rome. 名祖:指姓名被或被认为用来命名某物,如城市、地区等,例如,罗穆卢斯 是 罗马 的名祖 〔epithet〕A term used as a descriptive substitute for the name or title of a person, such asThe Great Emancipator for Abraham Lincoln. 加于人名的称号,绰号:用来代替一个人姓名或头衔的称谓,如伟大的解放者 用来称呼亚伯拉罕·林肯 〔superscribe〕To write (a name or an address, for example) on the top or outside.在上面或外面写(如姓名或地址)〔kindly〕Would you kindly fill in your name and address?请您填写姓名和住址好吗?〔leave〕He left a note for you. Leave your name and address.他给你留了封短信。留下你的姓名和地址〔Garden〕Scottish-born American naturalist and physician who contributed to the classification of New World plants. The gardenia is named after him.加登,亚历山大:(1730?-1791) 苏格兰裔的美国自然学家和医生,对美洲植物分类有一定贡献。栀子花就是以他的姓名命名的〔Monsignor〕Used as a form of address prefixed to the name of such a cleric.用于这种神职人员姓名前的一种称呼形式〔anonymous〕Having an unknown or unacknowledged name:匿名的,姓氏不明的:姓名不被知道或不被认识的:〔call〕called my name from across the street; calling out numbers.从街对面呼唤我的姓名;报数〔SASE〕Self-addressed stamped envelope.回邮信封:贴足邮资写明发信人(自己)姓名地址的回信信封〔emphasis〕a lecture on housekeeping with emphasis on neatness; paused for emphasis, then announced the winner's name.一个强调整洁的客房管理演说;停顿一下以示强调,接着宣布胜利者的姓名〔bookplate〕A label bearing the owner's name or other identification that is pasted usually on the inside cover of a book. Also called ex libris 藏书者标签:一种常贴于书的封里的标签,上面写有藏书者的姓名或其他的说明 也作 ex libris〔ragamuffin〕Perhapsragamuffin should be seen as an example of melioration, or improvement in the sense of a word, since it can now be used rather affectionately of children who are normally far from dirty or unkempt.In any event,even its use for an unkempt child or man represents something of an improvementover one of its earliest uses.Ragamuffin was a name given to a demon in Piers Plowman, an allegorical poem of the 14th century. This name was once thought to be the source of our word,but researches at theMiddle English Dictionary have shown that the word was used as the last name of a woman, Isabella Ragamuffyn, earlier in the 14th century (1344), before the poem was composed.The word even then had the sense "ragged lout, tattered oaf,”though it was found only in names.The elementraga- is probably from the Middle English adjective raggi, "ragged,” also used of the devil in the sense "shaggy" and as a name.The element-muffin is probably from Middle Dutch moffel or muffe, "mitten.” 也许ragamuffin 这个词应该看作词义变良或改善的例子, 因为它现在可以用来充满感情地指那些按常规来说远非肮脏或不整洁的孩子。不论如何,即使它被用来指那些不整洁的孩子或大人的时候,其用法较最初也有了很大提高。Ragamuffin 是14世纪的一部寓言诗 犁者码头 中一个魔鬼的名字。 这个名字一度被认为是本词的来源,但对中世纪英语词典 的研究表明这个词曾在14世纪早期(1344年)用作一位妇女的姓,伊莎贝拉·拉格姆芬, 这早于那首诗创作之前。这个词甚至还曾有衣裳破烂的粗人、褴褛的呆子的意思,尽管此词仅见于姓名。构词成分raga- 可能源自中古英语的形容词 raggi “破烂的”, 也曾以“毛长而参差不齐”这个意思用于魔鬼和人名。构词成分-muffin 可能来自中世纪荷兰语中 moffel 或意为“连指手套”的 muffe 〔mynheer〕Used as a courtesy title before the name of a man in a Dutch-speaking area.先生:在讲荷兰语的地区,在男子姓名之前用作礼貌的称呼〔initial〕To mark or sign with initials, especially for purposes of authorization or approval.用姓名的首字母签名:标出或用首字母签名,尤指用于表示授权或同意〔Mac〕Used as a form of address for a man whose name is unknown.老兄(弟):用来称呼一个不知其姓名的男子〔registered〕Having the owner's name listed in a register:已注册的:在记录中有其主人的姓名的:〔surname〕nom [name] nom [姓名] 〔incognita〕A woman or girl whose identity is disguised or concealed.隐姓埋名的妇女:姓名和身份被隐匿的女子〔eponymy〕Derivation of a name of a city, a country, an era, an institution, or other place or thing from that of a person.得名由来:城市、国家、地区、组织或其它事物的名称来自一个人的姓名




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