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单词 委以
释义 〔bailiff〕A court attendant entrusted with duties such as the maintenance of order in a courtroom during a trial.法警:被委以职责的法庭警卫,如负责在审判过程中维持审判室的秩序〔warden〕An official charged with the enforcement of certain laws and regulations:执行官:被委以执行某一法律或规定的官员:〔cronyism〕Favoritism shown to old friends without regard for their qualifications, as in political appointments to office.任人唯亲:在委以政治职位时无视其资历而对老朋友进行的偏袒〔Beaufort〕English prelate and diplomat who was papal legate to a crusade against the Hussites (1427-1431) and crowned Henry VI king of France and England (1431).博福特,亨利:(1377?-1447) 英国高级教士和外交家。他是罗马教皇的使节,委以肃清胡斯运动派成员(1427-1431年)的任务,并为法国和英国国王亨利六世加冕(1431年)




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