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单词 威斯康星
释义 〔Clark〕American astronomer and lens manufacturer who with his sonAlvan Graham Clark (1832-1897) made the objective lenses of the world's two largest refracting telescopes, one at Lick Observatory in California (1888) and one at Yerkes Observatory in Wisconsin (1897). 克拉克,阿尔凡:(1804-1887) 美国天文学家及透镜制造者,和其子埃尔文·格拉汉姆·克拉克 (1832-1897年)制造了世界上两个最大的折射望远镜的物镜,一个置于加利福尼亚的里克观测台(1888年),另一个置于威斯康星的耶基斯观测台(1897年) 〔Dubuque〕A city of eastern Iowa on the Mississippi River opposite the Illinois-Wisconsin border. It was first settled permanently in 1833 and is the oldest city in the state. Population, 57,546.杜布克:美国衣阿华州东部城市,位于密西西比河畔,对岸是伊利诺斯-威斯康星边境,1833年成为永久殖民地,是该州最古老的城市。人口57,546〔Marquette〕French missionary who in 1673 accompanied Louis Jolliet on an extensive exploration of the Wisconsin, Mississippi, and Illinois rivers.马凯特,雅克:(1637-1675) 法国传教士,1673年和路易斯·朱利特一块对威斯康星、密西西比和伊利诺斯河作了仔细的考察〔Wisconsin〕Of or relating to the fourth glacial stage of the Pleistocene Epoch in North America.威斯康星冰期的:与北美洲更新世第四纪冰川有关的〔Oneida〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting central New York south of Oneida Lake, with present-day populations in Wisconsin, New York, and Ontario. The Oneida are one of the original members of the Iroquois confederacy.奥奈达族:从前居住在奥奈达湖南部纽约中心地带的一个美国土著民族,现在有一部分居住在威斯康星、纽约、安大略。此民族是伊洛魁联盟的原始成员之一〔Sauk〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting parts of Wisconsin, Illinois, and Iowa, with a present-day population mainly in Oklahoma. Sauk resistance to removal from their Illinois lands ended in 1832 with the Black Hawk War.索克族:北美土著居民,先前居住在威斯康星、伊利诺和衣阿华州的部分地区,现在主要集中在俄克拉荷马州。1832年黑鹰战争之后,索克族拒绝迁出他们伊利诺斯州土地的行动被迫中止〔Neenah〕A city of eastern Wisconsin on Lake Winnebago north-northeast of Oshkosh. Settled c. 1840, it now includes paper and paper products among its manufactured goods. Population, 23,219.尼纳:位于奥什科什的东北偏北方向,温内贝戈湖畔威斯康星东部的一个城市,建成于公元1840年,现在它是一个包含纸及纸产品的制造产品,人口23,219




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