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单词 子房
释义 〔locule〕A small cavity or compartment within an organ or a part of an animal or a plant, as any of the cavities within a plant ovary.小腔:动植物器官或身体部分内的小腔或小室。如植物子房内的众多小室〔unilocular〕Having a single compartment in the ovary or fruit, as in a melon.单房的:在子房或果实中有单个分隔空间,如在瓜中〔axile〕Situated along the central axis of an ovary having two or more locules:轴上的:位于沿着有两个或更多小室的子房的中轴线的位置的:〔pistil〕The female, ovule-bearing organ of a flower, including the stigma, style, and ovary.雌蕊,雌蕊群:包括柱头、花柱和子房的花雌蕊,长有胚珠〔pome〕A fleshy fruit, such as an apple, a pear, or a quince, having several seed chambers and an outer fleshy part largely derived from the hypanthium. Also called false fruit 梨果:一种多肉的水果,如苹果、梨或温桴,有几个子房和一个主要由杯状体发育而成的外层多肉部分 也作 false fruit〔hypogynous〕Having the floral parts, such as sepals, petals, and stamens, borne on the receptacle beneath the ovary.下位的:花各部分,比如萼片、花瓣、雄蕊等长在子房下面的花托上的〔gymnosperm〕A plant, such as a cycad or conifer, whose seeds are not enclosed within an ovary.裸子植物:一种种子没有被包入子房的植物,比如铁树目和松柏目植物〔dissepiment〕A partition dividing an organ, such as an ovary or a fruit, into chambers.隔膜,隔壁:将某一器官,如子房或果实分成几个室的分隔物〔female〕Relating to or designating an organ, such as a pistil or an ovary, that functions in producing seeds after fertilization.雌性的:与一种器官有关或指示这种器官的,如用于受精后产仔的雌蕊或子房〔fruit〕The ripened ovary or ovaries of a seed-bearing plant, together with accessory parts, containing the seeds and occurring in a wide variety of forms.果实:包括种籽且形态多样丰满的植物子房或结籽的植物的子房,常带有附属部分〔perigynous〕Having sepals, petals, and stamens around the edge of a cuplike receptacle containing the ovary, as in flowers of the rose or cherry.周位的:有萼片、花瓣或雄蕊围在包含子房的杯状花托周围的,如玫瑰或樱桃花〔cypsela〕An achene fruit derived from an inferior ovary, characteristic of plants in the composite family.连萼瘦果:由下位的子房结出的瘦果,具有菊科植物的特征〔epigynous〕Having floral parts attached to or near the summit of the ovary, as in the flower of the apple, cucumber, or daffodil.有上位的花被的:子房顶部有花被的,如苹果花,黄瓜花或水仙花




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