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单词 字型
释义 〔quarter〕To traverse (an area of ground) laterally back and forth while slowly advancing forward.以之字型慢慢地前进:沿侧线来回走动(在某一地面),同时缓慢前进〔analemma〕A graduated scale in the shape of a figure eight, indicating the sun's declination and the equation of time for every day of the year and usually found on sundials and globes.地球正投影仪:有8字型曲线,表示全年每天太阳赤纬和时差,常用在日晷和地球仪上〔return〕Having or formed by a reversal or change in direction; returning on itself, as a bend in a road or stream.蜿蜒的:道路或水流的U字型弯道的〔zigzag〕One of a series of such sharp turns.Z字型急转弯:一系列那种急转弯中的一个〔elite〕A size of type on a typewriter, equal to 12 characters per linear inch.一种打字机字型尺寸,每英寸为12个字〔zigzag〕A line or course that proceeds by sharp turns in alternating directions.Z字型线条:在方向交替中,通过急转来继续的线或路线〔Houdan〕A domesticated fowl characterized by black-and-white plumage and a V-shaped comb.奥当鸡:一种家禽,其特点是羽毛为黑白相间色,其冠呈"V"字型〔website〕The transition fromWorld Wide Web site to Web site to website seems to have progressed as rapidly as the technology itself. The development of website as a single uncapitalized word mirrors the development of other technological expressions which have tended to evolve into unhyphenated forms as they become more familiar. Thus email has recently been gaining ground over the forms E-mail and e-mail, especially in texts that are more technologically oriented. Similarly, there has been an increasing preference for closed forms like homepage, online, and printout. 从使用World Wide Web(万维网) 一词到 Web site(网络网站) 一词,再到 website(网站) 一词,其渐进过程,似乎就像网络科技本身那样进步快速。当 website 发展成为一个小写单词时,也正反映出其它科技字眼的发展也趋向于成为一般无连字符号单词,而且越来越为人所熟知。所以, email 一字近来已逐渐普遍取代 E-mail 及 e-mail ,尤其是在比较科技类范围的文章中。同样的,也有越来越喜欢采用封闭形态字型的趋势,例如 homepage(首页)、online(在线) 和 printout(印出) 〔shift〕To select uppercase characters by depressing a key on a typewriter or computer keyboard.字型转换:在打字机或电脑键盘上按一个键,使换成大写字母字型〔print〕Lettering or other impressions produced in ink from type by a printing press or other means.印刷字:通过印刷机或其他方式用墨从字型上印制出来的字或其他印记




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