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释义 〔caterpillar〕It seems that the larvae of moths and butterflies are popularly seen as resembling other, larger animals.Consider the Italian dialect wordgatta, "cat, caterpillar"; the German dialect termtüfelskatz, "caterpillar" (literally "devil's cat"); the French wordchenille, "caterpillar" (from a Vulgar Latin diminutive, .canīcula, of canis, "dog"); and last but not least,our own wordcaterpillar, which appears probably to have come through Northern French from the Old French termchatepelose, meaning literally "hairy cat.”Our wordcaterpillar is first recorded in English in 1440 in the formcatyrpel. Catyr, the first part of catyrpel, may indicate the existence of an English word.cater, meaning "tomcat,”otherwise attested only incaterwaul. Cater would be cognate with Middle High German kater and Dutch kater. The latter part ofcatyrpel seems to have become associated with the word piller, "plunderer.” By giving the variant spelling -ar, Johnson's Dictionary set the spelling caterpillar with which we are familiar today. 似乎蛾子和蝴蝶的幼虫经常会被看成与其它较大动物相似。意大利方言中gatta, 一字,“猫,毛虫”; 日耳曼方言中tüfelskatz 一字“毛虫”(直译为“邪恶的猫”); 法语词chenille, “毛虫”(来自民间拉丁语小词缀, canicula, 源自 canis ,是“狗”的意思); 最后但并非不重要的一点,英语中caterpillar 一词, 可能是来源于从法国北部传来的古法语词汇chatepelose, 字面意思是“多毛的猫”。caterpillar 一字于1440年最早记录在英语中, 以catyrpel的形式出现。 Catyr是 catyrpel 的第一部分, 可能指明英语词cater 的存在, 意指“雄猫”,否则只能存在于caterwaul一词中。 Cater可能与中世纪高地德语 kater 和荷兰语 kater 有关。 catyrpel 一词的后一部分似乎与 piller 一词有关,意思是“强盗”。 约翰逊的词典 给出了不同的拼写- ar, 从而形成了我们今天所熟悉的 caterpillar 〔mosquito〕Flies will never be popular creatures,in spite or because of their omnipresence.Two examples of the fly's influence on our lives can be found in the etymologies of the wordsmosquito and musket, both of which can be traced back tomusca, the Latin word for fly.This Latin word becamemosca in Spanish and Portuguese, Romance languages that developed from Vulgar Latin. Mosquito, the diminutive of mosca, was borrowed into English (first recorded around 1583) with the same sense "mosquito" that it had in Spanish and Portuguese. The Romance language French was the source of our wordmusket (first recorded around 1587), which came from Frenchmousquet, but this word entered French from yet another Romance language, Italian.From the descendant of Latinmusca, Italian mosca, was formed the diminutive moschetta with the senses "bolt for a catapult" and "small artillery piece.” Frommoschetta came moschetto, "musket,” the source of Frenchmousquet. The use ofmoschetta, literally "little fly,” to mean "bolt from a crossbow"can be ascribed to the factthat both bolt and insect fly, buzz, and sting.苍蝇将永远不会成为受人欢迎的动物,尽管或也许正因为它们无处不在。苍蝇影响我们生活的两个例子可在两个单词mosquito 和 musket 词源中找到, 两者都可追溯到musca, 拉丁文中是“苍蝇”的意思。这个拉丁文单词在西班牙语、葡萄牙语和其他由拉丁文演变而来的语言中变为mosca 。 Mosca 的小词 mosquito 被借入英语中(大约于1583年首次出现)跟它在西班牙语和葡萄牙语中一样,都表示“蚊子”。 从拉丁文演变来的法语是单词musket (大约在1587年首次出现)的词源, 这个词来自一个法语词mousquet , 但这一词仍然是从另一个由拉丁语演变而来的意大利语中借入法语的。起源于拉丁语musca 的意大利单词 mosca 形成了一个小词 moschetta , 意思是“弹弓上使用的螺钉”和“小炮弹”。 从moschetta 中产生了 moschetto 意为“火枪”, 是法语词mousquet 的词源。 moschetta 的字面意思是指“小苍蝇”, 用来比喻“弩上的弓箭”,这可以归因于一个事实,那就是弓箭和苍蝇都会飞,并且都能发出嗡嗡声而且会刺伤人〔powwow〕Because trances were so important to the Native American shaman as a means of getting in touch with spiritual forces beyond the ken of the normal person,the titlepowwaw, literally meaning "one who has visions,” was accorded him. One of the occurrences of this word in an early piece of propaganda designed to bring more settlers to New Englandrepresents fairly well the Puritan attitudes to the religion of the native inhabitants of the New World:"The office and dutie of the Powah is to be exercised principally in calling upon the Devil;and curing diseases of the sicke or wounded.”The word whose spelling was eventually settled in English aspowwow was also used as the name for ceremonies and councils, probably because of the important role played by the shaman in both.After the native peoples had been dealt withand the fear of devil worship was somewhat diminished,the newcomers decided that they could have powwows too,the first reference to one of these being recorded in the Salem, Massachusetts,Gazette of 1812: "The Warriors of the Democratic Tribe will hold a powwow at Agawam on Tuesday next.”The verbpowwow, "to confer,” was recorded even earlier, in 1780. 因为作为一种超出常人理解范围的与神灵联系的方式,催眠对于北美印第安人巫师来说是如此重要,故巫师被冠以字面意思为“有洞察力的人”的powwaw 这一名称。 这个词在早期为鼓励更多人去新英格兰定居而作的宣传中的出现,它很好地证明了清教徒们对于美洲大陆土著居民宗教的态度:“帕瓦仪式的职责与义务主要就是用来召唤魔鬼;治愈病人或伤者。”这个在英语中最后以powwow 的拼写形式固定下来的词也用作仪式及会议的名称, 这也许是因为巫师在两者中都起着重要作用。在与土著居民进行接触以后,随着对其魔鬼崇拜的恐惧逐渐消逝,那些新来者决定他们也可以举行帕瓦仪式,1812年马萨诸塞州塞勒姆的时事报 第一次提及了这种会议: “下星期二民主党派的斗士们将在阿加瓦姆召开会议”。动词意为“商讨”的powwow 则早在1780年就有记载了 〔slapstick〕When we talk about slapstick,we probably do not think of two sticks slapping together,yet the word has its origin in a device that was made of two flat pieces of wood fastened at one end.This device made a loud sound if one struck someone with it,a much louder sound than a single piece would have made.Such a sound and such a blow were the stuff of comedy,albeit the comedy of farce and pantomine in which this device was originally used (the word is first recorded in 1896).Through its use with other nouns,such ascomedy, slapstick developed an abstract sense that encompassed far more than its original literal meaning.Slapstick by itself (first recorded in 1926) could now refer to the whole genre of comedy in which the literal slapstick played a role. 当我们谈到闹剧时,我们可能不会想到两根木棍敲到一起,但这个词源于一种用两块一端绑在一起的平木板制成的装置。当一个人用这个装置打某人的时候,它会发出很大的声音,这种声音比一块木板所能发出的声音大得多。这种声音和打击是喜剧里的东西,尽管这种装置最初用于闹剧和哑剧中(这个词最早的有记载的使用是在1896年),通过与其它名词连用,如comedy, slapstick 发展到了抽象的含意, 包含了远比最初的字面意思要多的含意。Slapstick (最早的有记载的使用是在1926年)这个词本身现在指的是使用闹剧中的手法的一整类喜剧 〔connotation〕The set of associative implications constituting the general sense of a word in addition to its literal sense.言外之意:包括单词字面意思之外普通意义的全部内涵的意义〔letter〕had to adhere to the letter of the law.必须恪守法律的字面意思〔afraid〕The notion of removal from a state of peace happens to be the basis for constructing.exfredāre, literally "to remove from peace,” the Vulgar Latin ancestor of our wordafraid. This Vulgar Latin word is made up of the Latin prefixex-, "out of,” and a Vulgar Latin verb of the form .fridāre or .fretāre, which came from Germanic.frithuz, "peace.” The Old French wordesfraier, "to disturb,” which subsequently developed from .exfredāre, came into Middle English asaffraien, a verb whose earliest recorded sense, found in a text composed possibly around 1300, is "to frighten, disturb.” Affray, the descendant of affraien, is little used in contemporary writing and speech, but the same cannot be said of the descendant of the past participle ofaffraien, our adjective afraid. 离开平静的状态,这个概念恰好是exfredare 一词的构词基础。 这个词字面意思为“离开平静”,是afraid 一词的俗拉丁语始祖。 这个俗拉丁语词汇由意为“离开”的拉丁语前缀ex- 和俗拉丁语动词形式的 fridare 或 fretare 组成, 这一俗拉丁语动词形式又源自日耳曼语frithuz, 意为“平静”。 古法语单词esfraier, 意为“打扰”是随后从 exfredare 发展而来的, 其以affraien 的动词形式传入中古英语,这个词最早的有记载的意义为“吓唬,打扰”,见载于约1300年的一篇文章中。 Affray 为 affraien 的派生词,其很少在当代文章以及口语中使用, 但这不等于说明affraien 的过去分词的派生词,现在的形容词 afraid 也很少使用 〔materialize〕In its original sensesmaterialize is used intransitively to mean "to assume material form,” as inMarley's ghost materialized before Scrooge's eyes, or transitively to mean "to cause to assume material form,” as inDisney materialized his dream in a plot of orchard land in Orange County. But these uses are probably less common nowadays than two extended senses of the intransitive sense of the verb.In the first the meaning is roughly "to appear suddenly,”as inNo sooner had we set the menu down than a waiter materialized at our table. Some critics have labeled this use incorrect,but the criticism may suggest an overliteralism;used in this way,the verb has the sense "to appear as if by magic.”Materialize also means "to take effective shape, come into existence,” particularly as applied to things or events that have been foreseen or anticipated: materialize 的最初含义是作为不及物动词时意思是“具有物质形式,” 例如在玛雷的鬼魂在斯克鲁奇眼前显现了 一句中或作及物动词时意思是“使具有物质形式,” 例如在迪斯尼在奥兰治郡的一块果园实现了他的梦想 中。 但是现在这两种用法也许不如该词作为不及物动词的两种延伸的用法更为常见。第一种用法的大致意思是指“突然出现,”例如在我们刚放下菜单不久,侍者就突然出现在我们的饭桌旁 中。 一些批评家认为这种用法不准确,但是这种批评未免太拘泥于字面意思;同样这种用法下,该词还有“仿佛由于魔力而出现”的意思。Materialize 还有“显形,显效,出现”的含义, 尤其适用在已经预料到或被期望的事物。 〔sharp〕These adjectives all apply literally to fine edges, points, or tips: 这些形容词的字面意思都表示有尖细的边缘、顶点或尖: 〔marshal〕Hard-riding marshals of the Wild West in pursuit of criminalsreemphasize the relationship of the wordmarshal with horses. The Germanic ancestor of our wordmarshal is a compound made up of .marhaz, "horse" (related to the source of our word mare ), and .skalkaz, "servant,” meaning as a whole literally "horse servant,”hence "groom.”The Frankish descendant of this Germanic word,.marahskalk, starting from these humble beginnings, came to designate a high royal official and also a high military commander, not surprisingly so, given the importance of the horse in medieval warfare.The word passed into the period (beginning in 800) in which we speak of Old French, after the Franks and their Germanic language had been fused with the surrounding culture descended from Roman Gaul.When the Normans established a French-speaking official class in England,the Old French word came with them.The Middle English source of our word is first recorded as a surname in 1218 (and the surname Marshal, now spelled Marshall, has been held by some famous people),but it is first recorded as a common noun with the sense "high officer of the royal court" in the first English language proclamation (1258) by an English king, Henry III, after the Norman Conquest.Marshal was applied to this high royal official's deputies, who were officers of courts of law,and the word continued to designate various officials involved with courts of law and law enforcement,including the horseback-riding marshals we are familiar with in the United States.西部荒野骑着马对罪犯紧追不舍的警长形象,再次强调了marshal 这个词与马之间的联系。 我们这个单词marshal 的日耳曼语原形是一个由 marhaz “马”(与 mare 的语源相关)和 skalkaz “仆人,佣人”组成的合成词, 字面意思是“马的仆人”,也就是后来的“马夫”。这个日耳曼词的法兰克语的演变marahskalk 从最初卑微的含义演变到特指高级王室官员及高级军事将领, 不仅如此,在中世纪的战场上马也被提升到了重要地位。在法兰克人和他们所说的日耳曼语一起融入周围的罗马高卢人文化之后,这个词进入了我们讲古法语的时代(开始于800年)。当诺曼底人在英格兰建立了一个讲法语的官员阶层之后,古法语里的这个词便随之而来。该词在中世纪英语中最早于1218年作为一个姓氏被记录下来(一些著名人士的姓马歇尔,现在的拼写法为Marshall),但作为指“王室的高级官员”的普通名词,它最早出现于英国王亨利三世在诺曼征服之后做的一篇英文公告(1258年)。在此文中Marshal 用于指高级王室官员的代表, 也就是司法官员。该词涉及法律和法律实施的不同官员的含义延续了下来,其中就包括我们所熟悉的美国西部骑在马背上的警长〔flexible〕These adjectives refer literally to what is capable of withstanding stress without injuryand figuratively to what can undergo change or modification.Something that isflexible can be bent, twisted, or turned ( 这些形容词的字面意思是指能经得住压力而不被损坏的,比喻义是指能经受住变化或改变的。Flexible 形容可以弯曲、拧或扭的东西( 〔seersucker〕Through its name, seersucker, a lightweight fabric for summer suits and dresses, gives us a glimpse at the history of India.The facts of the word's history are that it came into English from the East Indian language Hindi (śīrśakar ). The word in Hindi was borrowed from the Persian compoundshīroshakar, meaning literally "milk and sugar"but used in a figurative way for a striped linen garment.The Persian wordshakar, "sugar,” in turn came from Sanskrit śarkarā. Persian, Indian, English—clearly we are dealing with multiple cultural borrowing here,and the Persians did indeed borrow sugar and the word for sugar from India in the 6th century.During and after Tamerlane's invasion of India in the late 14th century,the opportunity for borrowing Persian things and words such asshīr-o-shakar was present, since the Mongol Turk Tamerlane incorporated Persia as well as India into his empire.It then remained for the English during the 18th century, when the East India Company and England were moving toward supremacy in India, to borrow the material and its nameseersucker (first recorded in 1722 in the form Sea Sucker ) from an Indian language. 适合制作夏季服装的一种很轻的面料,通过它的名字——泡泡纱让我们对印度历史有所了解。关于这个单词的历史事实是这个词从东印度语言——印地语(sirsakar )进入英语。 在印地语中,这个词来源于波斯语复合词shiroshakar , 其字面意思是“牛奶和糖”,但用其比喻意来指一种有条纹的亚麻长袍。波斯语shakar 意思是“糖”,来自于梵文 sarkara 。 波斯语,印度语,英语——显而易见,这里我们要研究的是多元文化的借用,而事实上波斯人确实于公元6世纪从印度输入了糖和表示糖的单词。在14世纪后期泰摩兰入侵印度期间和之后,就有了借用波斯物品及单词,如shir-o-shakar 的机会, 因为突厥化了的蒙古人泰摩兰不但把波斯还把印度并入了自己的王国。在18世纪,当东印度公司和英国印度取得至高权威后,才从一种印度语言中输入了seersucker 的材料及名称(最初的记载形式是 Sea sucker ,出现于1722年) 〔flunky〕The wordflunky has come into Standard English from Scots, in which the word meant "liveried manservant, footman,”coming at least by the 19th century to be a term of contempt.The word is first recorded and defined in a work about Scots published in 1782.The definition states that aflunky is "literally a sidesman or attendant at your flank,” which gives support to the suggestion thatflunky is a derivative and alteration of flanker, "one who stands at a person's flank.”flunky 一词从苏格兰演变为标准英语。 苏格兰语中,该词意思为“穿制服的男仆,脚夫,”至少在19世纪时变为表示蔑视的词语。该词首先于1782年的一本有关苏格兰的书中得到记载和定义。定义中说flunky 在“字面意思是身边的人或身旁的随从”, 该定义支持了有关flunky 是由 flanker 派生和演变而来的说法, 意思是“一个站在别人身边的人”〔sterile〕Unfruitful literally means not bearing fruit or offspringand figuratively means not having a useful result: Unfruitful 字面意思为不结果实或生育的,比喻意义为没有一个有用结果的: 〔irony〕The use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning.反语:用词语表达与它们的字面意思相异或相反的用法〔literally〕For more than a hundred years,critics have remarked on the incoherency of usingliterally in a way that suggests the exact opposite of its primary sense of "in a manner that accords with the literal sense of the words.”In 1926, for example,H.W. Fowler cited the example 数百年来,批评家们一直在讨论literally 的一种用法的不连续性, 这一用法使其具有与主要意义“和字面意思相吻合地”正好相反的含义。例如,在1926年,H.W.福勒援引了这样一个例子 〔olicook〕Originally brought to the Hudson Valley of New York by settlers from the Netherlands, a few items of Dutch vocabulary have survived there from colonial times until the present.The wordolicook, meaning "doughnut,” comes from Dutcholiekoek —literally, "oil cake.” And the Dutch wordkill for a small running stream is used throughout New York State. Stoop, "a small porch,” comes from Dutchstoep; this word is now in general use in the Northeast and beyond.开始是由荷兰裔的定居者将荷兰语的一些词汇带到纽约州的哈得逊河流域,而这些词从殖民时代一直到现在一直被使用。单词olicook 的意思是“炸面圈”, 它源于荷兰语的oliekoek ——字面意思是油炸饼。 而在荷兰语中指一条流动的小溪的词kill ,在美国纽约州广泛使用。 stoop 即“小火把”, 源自荷兰语stoep 。 这个词在美国东北及以外地区被广泛使用。




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