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单词 学派
释义 〔Marinetti〕Italian writer who founded futurism with the publication of his 1909 manifesto. Among his works areThe Bleeding Mummy (1904) and Mafarka the Futurist (1910). 马里内蒂,埃米利奥·费利波·托马索:(1876-1944) 意大利作家,以其1909年发表的宣言为标志建立了未来主义学派,作品有《流血的木乃伊》 (1904年)和 《未来主义者马法尔卡》 (1910年) 〔Krasner〕American artist known for her spontaneous, gestural approach to painting. She was a founder of the New York School of abstract expressionism.克拉斯纳,李:(1908-1984) 美国艺术家,以她自然、示意性的绘画方式而闻名。她是抽象表现主义纽约学派的一位创立者〔Adlerian〕Of, relating to, or being a psychological school based on the belief that behavior arises in subconscious efforts to compensate for inferiority or deficiency and that neurosis results from overcompensation.阿德勒学派的:属于、关于或是基于认为,行为产生于弥补低等或缺陷的潜意识努力以及神经官能病产生于过多补偿的心理学派〔school〕A group of people, especially philosophers, artists, or writers, whose thought, work, or style demonstrates a common origin or influence or unifying belief:学派:尤指哲学家、艺术家或作家群体,其思想、作品或风格显示同样的渊源、影响或同样的信仰:〔theology〕A system or school of opinions concerning God and religious questions.神学:看法涉及上帝和宗教问题的系统或学派〔Pythagoras〕Greek philosopher and mathematician who founded in southern Italy a school that emphasized the study of musical harmony and geometry. He proved the universal validity of the Pythagorean theorem and is considered the first true mathematician.毕达哥拉斯:古希腊哲学家和数学家,在意大利南部创立学派,强调对音乐弦学及几何学的研究。他证明了毕达哥拉斯定理的广泛有效性并被认为是世界上第一位真正的数学家〔Cornelius〕German painter known for his frescoes and recognized as a leader of the new school of German art.柯尼利厄斯,彼得·冯:(1783-1867) 以其壁画著名的德国画家,被认为是德国艺术新学派的领导者〔Epicurus〕Greek philosopher who founded his influential school of Epicureanism in Athens c. 306.伊壁鸠鲁:古希腊哲学家,于公元前306年在雅典创立了其颇具影响力的伊壁鸠鲁学派〔Frescobaldi〕Italian composer whose innovative organ works influenced the German baroque composers.弗雷斯科巴尔迪,吉罗拉默:(1583-1643) 意大利作曲家,他的有创意的管乐作品影响了德国巴洛克学派作曲家〔school〕the school of Aristotle; the Venetian school of painters.亚里斯多德学派;威尼斯画派〔Alexandrian〕Of, characteristic of, or belonging to a learned school of Hellenistic literature, science, and philosophy located at Alexandria in the last three centuriesb.c. : 亚历山大学派的:公元前 最后三个世纪位于亚历山大城的希腊风格的文学、科学和哲学学派的,具有其特性的或属于其的: 〔conceptualism〕A school of abstract art or an artistic doctrine that is concerned with the intellectual engagement of the viewer through conveyance of an idea and negation of the importance of the art object itself.概念主义:一种抽象艺术或艺术学说的学派,通过否定艺术品本身的重要性和传送一种思想使观众进行心智间的交流〔psychobiology〕The school of psychiatry that interprets personality, behavior, and mental illness in terms of adaptive responses to biological, social, cultural, and environmental factors.生物心理学派:一个精神治疗学派,该学派以人对生物,社会,文化和环境因素的适应性反应来解释性格,行为和精神病症〔Elea〕An ancient Greek colony of southern Italy near the Gulf of Salerno. Reputedly founded by Xenophanes, it was the center of the Eleatic school of philosophy.埃利亚:意大利南部古代希腊的殖民地,邻近萨勒诺海湾,是埃利亚哲学学派的中心,此学派据说由色诺芬尼创立〔Cyrenaic〕Of or advocating the doctrines of Aristippus of Cyrene, who argued that pleasure is the only good in life.昔兰尼学派的:昔兰尼的亚里斯提卜主义的,或者提倡这种主义的,它劝告享乐是人生唯一的乐事〔idiom〕A style of artistic expression characteristic of a particular individual, school, period, or medium:风格,特色:以某个个人、学派、时代或媒介为代表的艺术风格:〔skeptic〕Often Skeptic An adherent of a school of skepticism. 常作 Skeptic 怀疑论者:怀疑论主义学派的党徒〔pataphysics〕The French absurdist concept of a philosophy or science dedicated to studying what lies beyond the realm of metaphysics, intended as a parody of the methods and theories of modern science and often expressed in nonsensical language.超然科学:法国怪诞学派关于一种哲学或科学概念,致力于研究超然于形而上学的存在物,倾向于模仿现代的科学方法和理论,常用毫无意义的语言来表达思想〔imam〕Any one of the founders of the four schools of law and theology.伊玛目:四个法律和神学学派的创建人之一〔Delaunay〕French painter who founded a school of painting that relied solely on color to show shape and depth.德劳内,罗伯特:(1885-1941) 法国画家,首创仅依靠颜色来表现形状和深度的绘画学派〔skeptic〕Latin Scepticus [disciple of Pyrrho of Elis] 拉丁语 Scepticus [埃利斯的皮浪学派的教义] 〔imam〕An authoritative scholar who founds a school of law or theology.伊玛目:创建了一个法律和神学学派的权威学者〔skeptic〕Skeptic A member of an ancient Greek school of skepticism, especially that of Pyrrho of Elis (360?-272?b.c. ). Skeptic 古希腊的怀疑主义学派成员:古希腊怀疑主义学派成员,尤指埃利斯的皮浪学派成员(公元前 360?-272?) 〔peripatetic〕Peripatetic Of or relating to the philosophy or teaching methods of Aristotle, who conducted discussions while walking about in the Lyceum of ancient Athens. Peripatetic 亚里士多德学派的,逍遥派的:属于或关于亚里士多德的哲学思想或教育方法的,他常在古雅典学园中边来回走动边指导问题讨论〔Uccello〕Italian painter of the Florentine school known for his experimentation with perspective. His works includeThe Battle of San Romano (c. 1456). 乌且罗,保罗:(1397-1475) 意大利佛罗伦萨学派画家,因其对透视法的运用而著名。他的作品包括《圣罗马诺之战》 (约1456年) 〔Parmenides〕Greek philosopher and a founder of the Eleatic school.帕曼尼迪思:希腊哲学家,伊利亚德学派的创始人〔Bartolommeo〕Italian painter of the Florentine school whose works includeThe Vision of Saint Bernard (1500-1507) and Madonna della Misericordia (1515). 巴托洛米奥,弗拉:(1475?-1517) 意大利佛罗伦萨学派的画家,作品包括《圣徒贝纳德的画像》 (1500-1507年)和 《Madonna della Misericordia》 (1515年) 〔Alexandrian〕Alexandrian scholars; an Alexandrian preference for the explication of earlier works.亚历山大学派的学者,用亚历山大学派阐释早期作品的偏好〔cynic〕Cynic A member of a sect of ancient Greek philosophers who believed virtue to be the only good and self-control to be the only means of achieving virtue. Cynic 犬儒学派:古代希腊哲学学派的成员,认为美德是唯一的善的东西,自制是唯一获得美德的方法〔logic〕The formal, guiding principles of a discipline, school, or science.基本原理:一个学科、学派或一门科学的正统的、起指导作用的原则〔Logos〕In Stoicism, the active, material, rational principle of the cosmos; nous. Identified with God, it is the source of all activity and generation and is the power of reason residing in the human soul.理性,理念:斯多葛学派中宇宙的活跃的、物质的、理性的原则;常识。当被认同为上帝时,它是所有活动和产生的源泉,是存在于人类灵魂中的推理能力〔Eleatic〕Of or characteristic of the school of philosophy founded by Xenophanes and Parmenides and holding the belief that immutable being is the only knowable reality and that change is the subject of mere opinion.埃利亚学派的:关于色诺芬尼和巴门尼德创立的哲学学派的或以此学派为特征的,这个学派认为不动的存在是唯一可知的事实而变化是人的观点的主观臆想〔springhead〕a society that was the springhead of Western legal thought.作为西方法律思想起源的一个学派〔Vigny〕French writer. A leader of the romantic school, he wrote several volumes of poetry, includingLes Destinées (1864). 维尼,阿尔弗烈德·维克托·德:(1797-1863) 法国作家,浪漫主义学派的代表,他著有许多诗集,包括《命运集》 (1864年) 〔hereditarianism〕The doctrine or school that regards heredity as the primary factor in determining intelligence and behavior independent of environmental influences.遗传论:认为遗传而非环境影响是决定智力与行为的首要因素的学说或学派〔Stewart〕British philosopher who was an exponent of the school of common sense.斯图尔特,杜格尔德:(1753-1828) 英国哲学家,是常识学派的支持者〔Rugby〕After Rugby School, England 源自 拉格比 学派,英格兰




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