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单词 宇宙的
释义 〔panspermia〕The theory that microorganisms or biochemical compounds from outer space are responsible for originating life on Earth and possibly in other parts of the universe where suitable atmospheric conditions exist.有生源说,胚种论:一种学说,认为来自宇宙空间的微生物或生物化学物是地球上生命的起源,并且在宇宙的其他部分可能有适合的大气状况存在〔universal〕Of or relating to the universe or cosmos; cosmic.宇宙的:属于或有关宇宙的宇宙的〔Logos〕In pre-Socratic philosophy, the principle governing the cosmos, the source of this principle, or human reasoning about the cosmos.逻各斯:在苏格拉底之前的哲学中,支配宇宙的原则、这种原则的来源或人类关于宇宙的推理〔religion〕Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.宗教信仰:对超自然的力量或被当成是造物主和宇宙的主宰的力量的相信或尊敬〔instantiate〕"Two apples  both instantiate the single universal redness"(J. Holloway)“可以用两颗苹果来具体呈现单一宇宙的红色”(J.何劳威)〔Heraclitus〕Greek philosopher who maintained that strife and change are natural conditions of the universe.赫拉克利特:希腊哲学家,他坚持斗争和变化是宇宙的自然状态的观点〔cosmology〕The astrophysical study of the history, structure, and constituent dynamics of the universe.宇宙天体学:对宇宙的历史,结构和组成动力进行的天体物理学方面的研究〔cosmography〕"a full-blown cosmography in which Earth is ‘the garbage dump of the universe’”(Mark Muro)“在一个完善的宇宙志中,地球是宇宙的垃圾堆”(马克·穆罗)〔Hawking〕British theoretical physicist noted for his research into the origin of the universe. His work influenced the development of the big bang and black hole theories.豪金,史帝芬,威廉:英国理论心理学家以其深入研究宇宙的起源而著称于世,其作品影响了宇宙起源大爆炸及黑洞理论的发展〔transcendent〕Being above and independent of the material universe. Used of the Deity.超越的:高于或独立于物质宇宙的。用来指神〔dynamism〕Any of various theories or philosophical systems that explain the universe in terms of force or energy.物力论:任一种以力和能来解释宇宙的理论或哲学体系〔conjecture〕Scientists speculate on the origin of the universe.科学家们猜测宇宙的起源。〔Logos〕In Stoicism, the active, material, rational principle of the cosmos; nous. Identified with God, it is the source of all activity and generation and is the power of reason residing in the human soul.理性,理念:斯多葛学派中宇宙的活跃的、物质的、理性的原则;常识。当被认同为上帝时,它是所有活动和产生的源泉,是存在于人类灵魂中的推理能力〔ecumenical〕Of worldwide scope or applicability; universal.全世界的:世界范围的或全球可用的;宇宙的〔conceptualize〕"Efforts to conceptualize the history and structure of the universe were already running into trouble because . . . the universe was not as uniform as had been assumed"(John Noble Wilford)“试图把宇宙的历史与结构概念化的努力已陷入困境…因为宇宙并非如人们所设想的那样一成不变”(约翰·诺贝尔·威尔福特)〔cosmochemistry〕The science of the chemical composition of the universe.宇宙化学:研究宇宙的化学组成的科学〔cosmic〕Of or relating to the universe, especially as distinct from Earth.宇宙的宇宙的,与宇宙有关的,尤其用来区别于地球〔mandala〕Any of various ritualistic geometric designs symbolic of the universe, used in Hinduism and Buddhism as an aid to meditation.曼荼罗:任一种印度教和佛教所用到的帮助禅定的象征宇宙的几何图形〔Calvino〕Italian writer of allegorical tales, such asThe Nonexistent Knight and the Cloven Viscount (1962), and science fiction, including Cosmicomics (1965). 卡尔维诺,伊塔洛:(1923-1985) 意大利寓言童话作家,作品有寓言童话如《虚构的武士和陷于困境的子爵》 (1962年)以及科幻小说,包括 《宇宙的喜剧》 (1965年) 〔anthropocentric〕Regarding human beings as the central element of the universe.人类中心说的:把人类看成宇宙的核心元素的〔Lucretius〕Roman philosopher and poet who is famous forDe Rerum Natura ( On the Nature of Things ), a long poem that attempts to explain the universe in scientific terms in order to free people from superstition and fear of the unknown. 卢克莱修:罗马的哲学家和诗人。他的《De Rerum Natura》 ( 《论量物的本性》 ),是一首为了把人们从迷信和对不可知的恐惧中解放出来试图用科学词汇解释宇宙的长诗 〔harmony〕color harmony; the order and harmony of the universe.See Synonyms at proportion 颜色协调;宇宙的秩序和谐调 参见 proportion〔Om〕The supreme and most sacred syllable, consisting in Sanskrit of the three sounds (a), (u), and (m), representing various fundamental triads and believed to be the spoken essence of the universe. It is uttered as a mantra and in affirmations and blessings.唵:最主要和最神圣的一个音节,由梵语的三个音(a),(u)和(m)构成,它代表几种最根本的三物合一组合,并被认为是宇宙的话语精髓,在郑重断言的话语和祝福话中做祷文〔atman〕Atman The essence that is eternal, unchanging, and indistinguishable from the essence of the universe. Atman 宇宙本质:来自宇宙的本质是永恒的、不变的、难以理解的本质〔cosmography〕A general description or depiction of the world or universe:宇宙志:对世界或宇宙的部的描述或描绘:〔voluntarism〕A theory or doctrine that regards the will as the fundamental principle of the individual or of the universe.唯意志论:认为意志是个人或宇宙的基本原则的理论或教条〔cosmography〕The study of the visible universe that includes geography and astronomy.宇宙结构学:研究有形宇宙的科学,其中包括地理学和天文学〔nous〕The principle of the cosmic mind or soul responsible for the rational order of the cosmos.宇宙法则:宇宙心灵或灵魂的法则,对宇宙的理性秩序负责〔Brahman〕The holy or sacred power that is the source and sustainer of the universe.宇宙力量:宇宙的来源和支撑的神圣的或值得崇奉的力量〔catholic〕Including or concerning all humankind; universal:全人类的,世界的:包括或涉及所有人类的;宇宙的〔cosmogony〕The astrophysical study of the origin and evolution of the universe.天体演化学:研究宇宙的起源和演化的一种天体物理学〔Purusha〕The primeval man, considered to be the soul of the universe, which was created out of his body.神灵:一位远古时代的人,被认为是宇宙的灵魂,宇宙从他的身体中创造出来




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