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释义 | 〔gruff〕Blunt stresses utter franknessand usually a disconcerting directness: Blunt 则强调完全坦率,通常这种直率令人发窘: 〔destitute〕Lacking resources or the means of subsistence; completely impoverished.See Synonyms at poor 匮乏的:缺乏生活的资源和手段的;完全一贫如洗的 参见 poor〔prove〕Both forms are now well established in written English as participles: 现在这两种形式在书面英语中作为分词已完全被接受: 〔full〕Totally qualified, accepted, or empowered:有资格的,被认可的:完全有资格的、完全被接受的或被许可的:〔frustrate〕These verbs mean to prevent the attainment or fulfillment of a goal or purpose.Tofrustrate is to cause to be completely unavailing: 这些动词均意指阻碍某目标的达到或目的的获得。Frustrate 是使…完全徒劳的: 〔comfit〕com- [com-] com- [表示“与,和,共同,完全”的意思] 〔anthesis〕The period during which a flower is fully open and functional.开花,开花期:花朵完全开放的时期〔hit〕To give total or desired satisfaction, as food or drink.给予完全或足够的食物或饮料〔professional〕a thoroughly professional repair job.完全专业化的修理工作〔meal〕The edible whole or coarsely ground grains of a cereal grass.粗磨粉:谷类植物完全或粗磨的可食用颗粒〔unison〕Identity of pitch; the interval of a perfect prime.同度;同音:音高一致;完全同度的间隔〔Gilbert〕American composer who was the first to base his works, such asNocturne, after Whitman (1925), wholly on American folk music themes. 吉尔伯特,亨利·富兰克林·贝尔克奈普:(1868-1928) 美国作曲家,他是第一个完全以民间音乐的主题为基础创作自己的作品,如《夜曲·惠特曼之后》 (1925年) 〔expunge〕To eliminate completely; annihilate.See Synonyms at erase 消除:完全剔除;使化为乌有 参见 erase〔perplexed〕per- [per-] per- [前缀,表示“通过,完全”等意] 〔surface〕"a flamboyant, powerful confidence man who lives entirely on the surface of experience"(Frank Conroy)“完全生活在经验表面的一个浮夸、有权力的自信的男人”(弗兰克·康罗伊)〔standstill〕Complete cessation of activity or progress:停止,停滞:行为或进展的完全停顿:〔image〕One that closely or exactly resembles another; a double:翻版,酷似:极像或完全像另一物的人或物;相似者:〔quality〕"The spring of water . . . entirely lost the deliciousness of its pristine quality" (Nathaniel Hawthorne). “春天的水…完全失去了它纯洁本性的甘甜” (纳撒尼尔·霍桑)。 〔session〕A period of time devoted to a specific activity.一段时间:完全专注某活动的一段时间〔teetotal〕Of, relating to, or practicing complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages.绝对戒酒的:属于、关于或练习完全戒除酒精类饮料的〔full〕"He was already pretty full of himself"(Ron Rosenbaum)“他完全陶醉在自我之中”(罗恩·罗森鲍姆)〔clinker〕An extremely hard burned brick.缸砖:完全烧硬的砖〔immersible〕Capable of being completely immersed in water without suffering damage:可浸入水中的:可完全浸入水中而不被破坏的:〔wrap〕Completely immersed or absorbed in:全神贯注于:完全沉浸于或专注于:〔justify〕an angry outburst justified by extreme provocation;过分的挑衅导致的完全有理由的勃然大怒;〔ionize〕To convert or be converted totally or partially into ions.(使)离子化:使或被完全或部分地转化为离子〔shadow〕An area that is not or is only partially irradiated or illuminated because of the interception of radiation by an opaque object between the area and the source of radiation.阴影:因在其与光源之间有不透明物体截断光线而产生的完全或部分不发光或光亮的区域〔interneuron〕A nerve cell found entirely within the central nervous system that acts as a link between sensory neurons and motor neurons.中间神经原:被发现完全在中枢神经系统内部的一个神经细胞,是感觉神经原和运动神经原之间的联系纽带〔perfect〕Thoroughly skilled or talented in a certain field or area; proficient.技艺精湛的:在某个领域完全熟练或有技能的;熟练的〔ornate〕"the building . . . coldly classical or frantically baroque" (William Dean Howells).“这座建筑…完全古典的或极尽巴洛克风格的” (威廉·迪恩·豪威尔)。〔solely〕did it solely for love.完全为了爱情而做〔immerse〕To engage wholly or deeply; absorb:沉迷…中,陷入:完全或深深地从事;专心于:〔lambert〕The unit of brightness in the centimeter-gram-second system, equivalent to the brightness of a perfectly diffusing surface that emits or reflects one lumen per square centimeter.朗伯:在厘米-克-秒制中的一种亮度单位,相当于完全漫射的表面上辐射或反射1流明每平方厘米的亮度〔awake〕Completely conscious; not in a state of sleep.醒着的:完全有意识的;不是处于睡眠状态的〔seamless〕Perfectly consistent:没漏洞的:完全连续的:〔holograph〕holo- [holo-] holo- [前缀,表“全部,完全”] 〔perorate〕per- [per-] per- [前缀,表示“极,完全”等意] 〔smash〕To crush or destroy completely:摧毁:完全撞碎或毁坏:〔give〕To devote (oneself) completely:将(自己)完全奉献:〔over〕So as to be completely enclosed or covered:完全包起来地,覆盖地:以便被彻底包围或覆盖地,起覆盖作用地: |
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