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单词 完成时
释义 〔pluperfect〕The pluperfect tense, formed in English with the past participle of a verb and the auxiliaryhad, as had learned in the sentence He had learned to type by the time the semester was over. Also called past perfect 过去完成时:过去完成时态,在英语中由一个动词的过去分词加助动词had 构成,如 had learned 在 He had learned to type by the time the semester was over(在那个学期结束之前他学会了打字)一句中 也作 past perfect〔imperfect〕perfectus [perfect] * see perfect perfectus [完美的,完成时的] * 参见 perfect〔get〕To have as an obligation. Used in the present perfect form with the meaning of the present:必须:作为义务而具有,用现在完成时表示现在的含义:〔form〕form the pluperfect.构成过去完成时〔sederunt〕From Latin sēdērunt [third person pl. perfect tense of] sedēre [to sit] * see sed- 源自 拉丁语 sēdērunt sedēre的第三人称复数完成时 [坐] * 参见 sed- 〔eureka〕Greek heurēka [I have found (it) (supposedly exclaimed by Archimedes upon discovering how to measure the volume of an irregular solid and thereby determine the purity of a gold object)] [first person perfect of] heuriskein [to find] 希腊语 heurēka [“我找到了!”,“我搞清楚了!”(源自希腊数学家和发明家阿基米德发现测量不规则固体体积的方法,并以此发现测定金子纯度的方法时的惊呼)] heuriskein的第一人称完成时 [找到] 〔yet〕In formal styleyet in the sense "up to now" requires that the accompanying verb be in the present perfect, rather than in the simple past: 在正式文体中,yet 表达“迄今”这一意思时,须与现在完成时动词连用, 而不是简单的过去时: 〔peccavi〕Latin peccāvi [I have sinned] [first person sing. perfect tense of] peccāre [to sin] * see peccable 拉丁语 peccāvi [我有罪] peccāre的第一人称单数完成时 [犯罪] * 参见 peccable〔have〕Used with a past participle to form the present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect tenses indicating completed action:与过去分词连用构成现在完成时、过去完成时或将来完成时以表示结束的行为:〔floruit〕Latin flōruit [third person sing. perfect tense of] flōrēre [to flourish] * see flourish 拉丁语 flōruit flōrēre的第三人称单数完成时 [繁荣] * 参见 flourish〔get〕To have current possession of. Used in the present perfect form with the meaning of the present:有:现在拥有…,用现在完成时表示现在的含义:〔elegit〕from Latin [one has chosen (the first word of a phrase frequently used in the writ)] [third person sing. perfect tense of] ēligere [to choose] * see elect 源自 拉丁语 [某人选择使用(文书中常用的短语中的第一个字)] ēligere的第三人称单数完成时 [选择] * 参见 elect




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