单词 | 官员 |
释义 | 〔unbecoming〕conduct unbecoming an officer.See Synonyms at improper 不符合官员身份的行为 参见 improper〔bursar〕An official in charge of funds, as at a college or university; a treasurer.掌管财务者:掌管财务的官员,如在学院或大学里;财务官员〔staff〕A group of military officers assigned to assist a commanding officer in an executive or advisory capacity.全体参谋人员:指派协助有权的军官做一些行政工作或提出建议的一组军队官员〔zamindar〕An official in precolonial India assigned to collect the land taxes of his district.印度征收地税者:在沦为殖民地前的印度,被派去征收他所管辖区土地税的官员〔ombudsman〕A government official, especially in Scandinavian countries, who investigates citizens' complaints against the government or its functionaries.巡视官:专门调查公民对政府或其公务员的不满的一位政府官员,尤指斯堪的纳维亚国家的一官员〔wash〕a football player who was washed out; an officer candidate who washed out after one month.被罚下场的足球队员;一月后被免职的候选官员〔Dallas〕West Indian-born American public official who as secretary of the treasury (1814-1816) urged the adoption of a protective tariff.达拉斯,亚历山大·詹姆斯:(1759-1817) 西印度裔美籍公众官员,在担任财政部部长(1814-1816年)期间,促使采纳保护性关税〔assessor〕An official who evaluates property for taxation.估价员:为征税对财产估价的官员〔Donovan〕American army officer and public official who founded and directed (1942-1945) the Office of Strategic Services, an intelligence-gathering agency that was a forerunner of the CIA.多诺万,威廉·约瑟夫:(1883-1959) 美国军官和官员,建立并领导了(1942-1945年)战略局。战略局是中央情报局前身,从事收集情报工作〔esquire〕Esquire Abbr. Esq.Used as an honorific usually in its abbreviated form, especially after the name of an attorney or a consular officer: Esquire 缩写 Esq.…先生:经常使用其简写形式Esq.表示尊重,特别用在辩护律师或领事馆官员的名字后面:〔roundsman〕A police officer in charge of several other officers.巡佐,巡官:领导其他官员的警官〔Livingston〕Scottish-born American colonist and public official who served as secretary for Indian affairs (1695-1728).利文斯通,罗伯特:(1654-1728) 苏格兰裔美国殖民者和官员,曾任印第安事务大臣(1695-1728年)〔return〕To render or deliver (a writ or verdict, for example) to the proper officer or court of law.呈递,提出:向有关官员或法庭提供或传送(例如,一份令状或裁决)〔selectman〕One of a board of town officers chosen annually in New England communities to manage local affairs.市镇管理委员会成员:新英格兰社区中每年选拔出来管理地方事务的市镇委员会的官员〔tahsildar〕A district official in India in charge of revenues and taxation.税务员:印度主管税务和征税的地区官员〔robe〕An official garment worn on formal occasions to show office or rank, as by a judge or high church official.礼袍:一种法官或高级神职官员在正式场合穿以表明职位或级别的袍服〔coattail〕elected to office on the coattails of a popular governor.由于一位受人爱戴的官员的帮助而被推选到政府机关〔marshal〕A U.S. federal officer of a judicial district who carries out court orders and discharges duties similar to those of a sheriff.联邦司法区执政官:美国司法区的联邦官员,负责实施法庭命令和征收税金,类似行政司法长官〔barratry〕"Gross misconduct of the officers is . . . barratry"(Tom Clancy)“这些船上官员的胡作非为是…重大失职”(汤姆·克兰西)〔staff〕A group of assistants to a manager, an executive, or another person in authority.经理助理、执政官员或其它掌权者的工作班子〔Halifax〕British public official who was viceroy of India (1926-1931) and foreign secretary (1938-1940), implemented Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's policy of appeasement toward Nazi Germany, and served as ambassador to the United States (1941-1946).哈利法克斯:英国政府官员,1926-1931年曾任印度总督,1938-1940年及外交大臣,对纳粹德国奉行内维尔·张伯伦首相的绥靖政策,1941-1946年任驻美大使〔republic〕A political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them.共和政体:一种最高权力掌握在有权投票选举对其负责的官员和代表的室民团体的政治体制〔herald〕An official formerly charged with making royal proclamations and bearing messages of state between sovereigns.传令官:从前负责起草皇家公告并公布君主间的国事通讯的官员〔Clayton〕American public official who as secretary of state (1849-1850) negotiated the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty with Great Britain (1850), establishing the neutrality of a proposed canal across Central America.克莱顿,约翰·米德尔顿:(1796-1856) 美国政府官员,曾任国务卿(1849-1850年),与英国达成克莱顿-布尔沃条约(1850年),确立了穿越中美的运河其中立地位〔federal〕Often Federal A federal agent or official. 常作 Federal 联邦代理人或官员〔Stimson〕American public official who served as U.S. secretary of state (1929-1933) and secretary of war (1940-1945) during World War II. He was the chief adviser on atomic weaponry to Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S Truman.史汀生,亨利·刘易斯:(1867-1950) 美国公共官员,曾任国务卿(1929-1933年),二次世界大战期间任陆军部长(1940-1945年),他是富兰克林·D·罗斯福和哈里·S·杜鲁门总统的主要原子武器顾问〔marshal〕A military officer of the highest rank in some countries.元帅,最高指挥官:某些国家最高军衔的军队官员〔scavenger〕Alteration of Middle English scauager, schavager [official charged with street maintenance] 中古英语 scauager的变化, schavager [负责维持街道的官员] 〔samarskite〕After Col. M. von Samarski , 19th-century Russian mining official 源自卡尔·M·冯 撒玛斯基 ,19世纪俄国采矿官员 〔accreditation〕The act of accrediting or the state of being accredited, especially the granting of approval to an institution of learning by an official review board after the school has met specific requirements.鉴定:鉴定合格的行动或被鉴定合格的状态,特别是当学校达到一定要求后由官员评审委员会授予的合格的行为〔bureaucracy〕Administration of a government chiefly through bureaus or departments staffed with nonelected officials.行政系统:主要通过有未经挑选的官员的政府机关局或处进行的行政管理〔resident〕A diplomatic official residing in a foreign seat of government.驻外公使:在外国的政府统治中心驻扎的外交官员〔Grey〕British public official who as secretary of state (1905-1916) advocated the 1914 declaration of war on Germany.格雷爵士,爱德华:(1862-1933) 英国政府官员,任外交大臣(1905-1916年)时,他主张1914年的对德宣战〔sheik〕A religious official.教长:宗教官员〔Crawford〕American public official who held numerous governmental posts and was one of four candidates for President in the election decided by the House of Representatives (1824).克劳福德,威廉·哈里斯:(1772-1834) 美国政府官员,曾历任政府官职,在众议院决定性的选举中成为四个总统候选人之一(1824年)〔sommelier〕from Old French [officer in charge of provisions, pack-animal driver] 源自 古法语 [掌管钱粮供应的官员,一群动物的驱赶者] 〔execution〕A writ empowering an officer to enforce a judgment.执行令:授予官员执行判决的令状〔Smokey〕A law-enforcement officer on highway patrol.州警察:在高速公路上巡逻的执行法律的官员〔protection〕Bribes paid to officials by racketeers for immunity from prosecution.保护费:诈骗勒索者为免于被起诉而向官员提供的贿赂〔selectwoman〕A woman who is one of a board of town officers chosen annually in New England communities to manage local affairs.市镇管理委员会女成员:新英格兰社区每年选拔出来管理地方事务的市镇委员会的女官员 |
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