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单词 官方
释义 〔dispatch〕A written message, particularly an official communication, sent with speed.急件,快递:迅速发送的书面消息,特指官方通讯〔Hispanic〕There are a number of words denoting persons who trace their origins to a Spanish-speaking country or culture.Hispanic is the broadest of these terms, encompassing all Spanish-speaking peoples in both hemispheresand emphasizing the common denominator of language between communitiesthat sometimes have little else in common.It is widely used in both official and unofficial contextsand is entirely acceptable,although like the termSpanish American, it has occasionally been criticized as unduly emphasizing the role of European influences in shaping ethnic identity to the neglect of indigenous cultures.Latino is also in wide use, but it is somewhat less formal in most contextsand is generally restricted to persons of Latin-American descent.See Usage Note at Chicano 有许多单词表示那些来历或出身可以溯及西班牙语国家或文化的人,Hispanic 是这些词中应用最广泛的, 包括了两个半球所有讲西班牙语的民族,并且强调不同团体的语言上的共同特征,尽管它们在别的方面共同点很少。这个词被广泛地用于官方和非官方的语境中,并且被完全接受,尽管象Spanish American 一样, 偶然会有人批评它过分地强调在形成忽视本土文化的种族特性的欧洲影响。Latimo 应用得很广泛, 但在大多数语境下它不太正式,并且一般只限于有拉丁美洲血统的人 参见 Chicano〔mandarin〕Mandarin The official national standard spoken language of China, which is based on the principal dialect spoken in and around Beijing. Also called Guoyo ,Putonghua Mandarin 普通话:中国的官方标准语言,是以北京及其周围地区的主要方言为基础制订的 也作 Guoyo,Putonghua〔decree〕An authoritative order having the force of law.法令,政令;敕令:具有法律威力的官方命令〔martyrology〕An official list or catalog of religious martyrs, especially of Christian martyrs.天主教殉教者名册:一个官方清单或殉教者的目录,尤指信奉基督教的殉道者〔appraise〕To evaluate, especially in an official capacity.评估:评价,尤指以官方身份作的评价〔condemn〕To judge or declare to be unfit for use or consumption, usually by official order:宣告…不适用:判定或宣布不适于使用或消费,一般以官方命令形式宣布:〔Laffite〕French pirate leader who aided U.S. troops in the War of 1812 in return for an official pardon for his crimes.拉菲特,简:(1780?-1826?) 法国海盗首领,作为对官方赦免他罪行的回报,他在1812年战争中曾帮助过美国舰队〔delegation〕Abbr. del.A person or group of persons officially elected or appointed to represent another or others.缩写 del.代表(团):被官方选举出或任命的,代表其它个人、团体的人或团体〔document〕A written or printed paper that bears the original, official, or legal form of something and can be used to furnish decisive evidence or information.公文,文件,文献:载有原始的、有关某事的官方或法律形式的书写或打印文本,用以提供决定性证据或信息〔ban〕A prohibition imposed by law or official decree.禁令:由法律或官方命令的强制性禁止〔bumf〕Printed matter, such as pamphlets, forms, or memorandums, especially of an official nature and deemed of little interest or importance.公文:印刷性的材料,如小册子,表格或备忘录,尤指具有官方文件性质,并无多大兴趣或重要性的文件〔Istanbul〕The largest city of Turkey, in the northwest part of the country on both sides of the Bosporus at its entrance into the Sea of Marmara. Founded c. 660b.c. as Byzantium, it was renamed Constantinople in a.d. 330 by Constantine the Great, who made it the capital of the Eastern Roman, or Byzantine, Empire. The city was sacked by Crusaders in 1204 and taken by the Turks in 1453. Istanbul was chosen as the official name in 1930. Population, 2,772,708. 伊斯坦布尔,君士坦丁堡:土耳其最大的城市,位于该国的西北部、博斯普鲁斯海峡的两岸、马尔马拉海的入口处。于公元前 660年建时称作拜占庭, 公元 330年由君士坦丁大帝改名为君士坦丁堡,他把它定为东罗马帝国的首都,或君士坦丁帝国。1204年,该城被十字军掠夺,1453年被土耳其人占领。1930年,“伊斯坦布尔”被指定为官方名称。人口2,772,708 〔citation〕An official commendation for meritorious action, especially in military service:褒奖:对功勋行为的官方表彰,尤指在军事服务中:〔governor〕The American Revolution did away with much that was British,but it neglected to discard an important British political term.The wordgovernor certainly seems to denote a very American office, and England has no corresponding official with that title for its counties.Nonetheless,governor has had a long history in English with reference to political rulers. In Middle Englishgovernour, the ancestor of governor, meant both "a sovereign ruler" and "a subordinate or substitute ruler.”In the later sense it was a natural term to use for heads of the British colonies in North America as well as elsewhere.During our colonial periodroyal governors were often unpopular,yet the word was not dropped after the Revolutionary Warand in fact was chosen to designate the executive head of a state when the United States of America was created.美国独立战争扫除了英国的许多东西,但却忽略了摒弃一个重要的英国政治术语。governor 这个单词肯定被看作是一个美国官方职务, 因为英国没有这样的官方职务。然而governor 作政权统治者含义在英国有很长的历史。 在中世纪的英语里,governour 是 governor 的前身, 意思是“主权统治者”和“下一级统治者或代理统治者。”用后一个意思来指英国在北美的殖民地或其他地方的首脑是很贴切的。在美国殖民地时期,皇家总督不大为人所知,然而这个词在独立战争以后并没被废除,实际上它被用来指美国建国以后各州的州长了〔declare〕To make known formally or officially.See Synonyms at announce 宣告,公告:正式地或通过官方使…为人所知 参见 announce〔cite〕To commend officially for meritorious action in military service.嘉奖:官方赞扬军事服务中的有功行为〔illegal〕Prohibited by official rules:犯规的:为官方规则所禁止的:〔Adams〕American public official who as an ambassador during the Civil War helped dissuade Great Britain from officially recognizing the Confederacy.亚当斯,查尔斯·弗朗西斯:(1807-1886) 美国外交家,内战期间驻英大使,劝阻英国官方承认南部邦联政府〔assist〕Official credit that is given for such an act.给予此类行为的官方荣誉〔Bolshevik〕The wordBolshevik, an emotionally charged term in English, is derived from a very common word in Russian,bol'she, "bigger, more,” the comparative form ofbol'shoĭ, "big.” The nameBol'shevik was given to the faction in the majority at the Second Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party in 1903 (the term is first recorded in English in 1907).The smaller faction was known asMen'sheviki, from men'she, "less, smaller,” the comparative ofmalyĭ, "little, few.” TheBol'sheviki, who sided with Lenin in the split that followed the Congress, subsequently became the Russian Communist Party.In 1952 the wordBol'shevik was dropped as an official term in the Soviet Union, but it had long since passed into other languages, including English.It had even spawned the slang termbolshie, though there is nomenshie. 单词Bolshevik 在英语中是带有感情色彩的单词, 来源于俄语中非常普通的词bol'she “较大的,较多的”, 是bol'shoi “大”的比较级形式。 Bol'shevik 这个名字是给予1903年俄国社会民主工人党第二次大会时的多数派的 (英语中最早记有该词是1907年)。少数派即著名的Men'sheviki 来源于 men'she, “较少,较小”, 是malyi “小,少”的比较级形式。 Bol'sheviki ,即讨论会后分裂时站在列宁一边的那些人, 后来成为俄国共产党。1952年,Bol'shevik 一词成为苏联的官方术语。 但它已传入包括英语的其他语言。它甚至衍生了一个俚语词bolshie, 尽管不存在menshie 〔oblivion〕Official overlooking of offenses; amnesty.大赦,赦免:官方对犯罪的赦免;大赦〔passport〕An official government document that certifies one's identity and citizenship and permits a citizen to travel abroad.护照:证明某人的身份和公民资格以及允许公民到国外旅行的正式官方文件〔Brady〕American pioneer photographer who was famous for his portraits and was appointed official Union photographer of the Civil War in 1861.布雷迪,马修B.:(1823-1896) 美国摄影先驱,因其肖像摄影而闻名,在1861年美国内战中被指定为官方摄影协会成员〔hostess〕A woman who receives or entertains guests in a social or official capacity.女主人:以社交身份或官方身份接待或款待客人的女性〔inspection〕Official examination or review, as of barracks or troops.检阅:官方对兵营或部队的检查或考察〔interlocutor〕Someone who takes part in a conversation, often formally or officially.对话者:参加谈话的人,通常是正式地或官方〔Vienna〕The capital and largest city of Austria, in the northeast part of the country on the Danube River. Originally a Celtic settlement, it became the official residence of the house of Hapsburg in 1278 and a leading cultural center in the 18th century, particularly under the reign (1740-1780) of Maria Theresa. Vienna was designated the capital of Austria in 1918. Population, 1,524,510.维也纳:奥地利首都和最大的城市,在这个国家的东北部的多瑙河上。最早是凯尔特集居地,1278年成为哈布斯堡王朝的官方住址,到了18世纪成为主要的文化中心,特别是玛丽亚·特丽莎王朝的统治下(1740-1780年)。维也纳在1918年被指定为奥地利首都。人口1,524,510〔empower〕To invest with power, especially legal power or official authority.See Synonyms at authorize 授权:授予权力,尤指法律权力或官方权力 参见 authorize〔Mister〕Used as the official term of address for certain U.S. military personnel, such as warrant officers.长官:某美国军事人员的官方称呼,如海军二级准尉们〔discharge〕An official document certifying such release, especially from military service.退伍令:以书面形式证明解除的官方文件,尤指从军队退伍〔adviser〕One that advises, such as a person or firm that offers official or professional advice to clients.顾问:提供建议者,例如向客户提供官方或专业方面建议的人或商社〔veto〕An official document or message from a chief executive stating the reasons for rejection of a bill.否决理由书:由主行政官给出的一份官方文件或者咨文,表明反对议案的原因〔Gorky〕Russian writer who supported the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 and helped develop socialist realism as the officially accepted literary aesthetic. His works includeThe Life of Klim Samgin (1925-1936), an unfinished cycle of novels. 高尔基,马克斯姆:(1868-1936) 俄国作家,支持1917年的布尔什维克革命,帮助发展出社会主义现实派创作手法,并使之成为官方接受的文学形式。他的作品包括一部未完成的小说集《克里姆·萨姆金的一生》 (1925-1936年) 〔line〕An official or prescribed policy:路线,方针,政策:官方或指定的政策:〔officialism〕Rigid adherence to official regulations, forms, and procedures.官派,(死板的)形式主义:对官方规定、形式和过程的死板地坚持〔apartheid〕Although South Africa has not furnished a great number of words that have achieved general currency in British and American English,one in particular,apartheid, has gained wide circulation. The first recorded use ofapartheid as an English term, in the Cape Times on October 24, 1947, is an ironic commentary on much of the word's use since then: "Mr. Hofmeyr said apartheid could not be reconciled with a policy of progress and prosperity for South Africa.” According to the March 15, 1961, issue of theLondon Times, the wordself-development was supposed to replace apartheid as the official term used by the South African Broadcasting Corporation for "the Government's race policies. ” And inMove Your Shadow, published in 1985, Joseph Lelyveld says that the "word is [now] shunned, even resented by the [National Party's] high priests as if it were an epithet fashioned by the country's enemies.” Butapartheid as a word and as a reality has been slow to disappear. The history ofapartheid, however, offers a possible model for change in this policy, for the word is an example of a mixture and combination of resources, in this case linguistic.Apartheid is an English word that came into South African English from Afrikaans, the language of the Dutch settlers of South Africa. They in turn had made up the word from the Dutch wordapart, "separate,” and the suffix -heid, which corresponds to our suffix -hood. Thusapartheid literally means "separateness.” The Dutch had earlier borrowed the wordapart, as did we, from the French phrase à part, meaning "to one side.” 尽管南非并没有向英国和美国英语里加入很多得以普遍使用的词汇,但尚有一例外,apartheid 这个词就得到了普遍应用。 apartheid 一词作为英语词汇的使用最早记录于1947年10月24日的 开普时报 上,从那时起对该词的使用就作了反讽式的评论: “霍夫梅伊先生说种族隔离制不能与南非进步及繁荣的政策相容。”根据1961年3月15日的一期伦敦时报 , 南非广播公司试图以self-development 作为官方用语来代替 apartheid 表示“政府的种族政策”。 在1985年出版的移动你的影子 中,约瑟夫·莱莉瓦德说“这个词为高级牧师们所回避甚至痛恨, 似乎它是这个国家的敌人创造出来的修饰语。”但apartheid 作为词汇和作为现实存在消失得很慢。 然而apartheid 的历史为这种政策的变化提供了一个可能的模式, 因为这个词是语言学方面各种来源混合及联合的一个例子。Apartheid 是从南非的荷兰殖民者的语言进入南非英语的一个英语词汇。 依次由荷兰词apart “分隔”,和后缀 -heid (其与后缀 -hood 相对应)构成。 这样,apartheid 可逐字译为“分隔,隔离。” 荷兰人较早地借用了apart 一词,就如我们从法语里借用了意为“到一边”的 a part 一样 〔authorization〕Something that authorizes; sanction.See Synonyms at permission 认可:经过官方认可、授权的东西;批准 参见 permission〔paper〕Often papers An official document, especially one establishing the identity of the bearer. 常作 papers 公文:一种官方文件,尤指内容具有一致性的〔disestablish〕To deprive (a church) of official governmental support.取消官方政府对(教会)的支持




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