单词 | 官方的 |
释义 | 〔commitment〕Official consignment, as to a prison or mental health facility.官方拘留:官方的授权,给监狱或心理健康机构〔commendation〕Something, especially an official award or citation, that commends.奖品,奖状:称赞的某事,特别是官方的奖品或奖状〔register〕To enroll officially or formally, especially in order to vote or attend classes.登记,注册:正式或官方的注册,尤指是为了投票或上课〔official〕an official representative.一个官方的代表〔interdict〕To forbid or debar, especially authoritatively.See Synonyms at forbid 禁止,尤指官方的 参见 forbid〔inspect〕To review or examine officially:检阅:官方的考察或检查:〔indenture〕An official or authenticated inventory, list, or voucher.清单:官方的或经过鉴定的详细目录、单据或收据〔imprimatur〕Official approval; sanction.官方的认可;同意〔rescript〕A formal decree or edict.官方的命令:正式法令或政令〔abrogate〕To abolish, do away with, or annul, especially by authority.撤消,废除:尤指官方的正式废除、中止或取消〔reprimand〕To reprove severely, especially in a formal or official way.See Synonyms at admonish 谴责:严厉训斥,尤指以正式的或官方的形式 参见 admonish〔approve〕These verbs mean to express a favorable opinion or to signify satisfaction or acceptance.Though approve, the most widely applicable, often means simply to consider right or good (knew my parents wouldn't approve of what I had done), it can also denote official consent: 这些动词意指表达一种赞扬的意见或表明满意或接受。虽然 approve 应用最为广泛,常意味着简单地认为正确或好的(知道我父母不会赞成我所做的), 它也可指明官方的同意: 〔sanction〕To give official authorization or approval to:批准:给予官方的授权或批准:〔appraisal〕An expert or official valuation, as for taxation.鉴定,估价:如在税收方面专家或官方的估价〔chiaus〕An official Turkish messenger, emissary, or sergeant.信使:土耳其官方的信使、使者或军士〔authoritative〕Having or arising from authority; official:官方的:有着或由政府发起的;官方的:〔register〕A formal or official recording of items, names, or actions.正式记录,官方登记:关于条款、姓名或行为的正式的或官方的记录〔repeal〕To revoke or rescind, especially by an official or formal act.撤消:取消或撤销,尤指通过官方的或正式的条令〔approval〕An official approbation; sanction.官方的批准;认可〔give〕To bestow, especially officially; confer:给予(尤指官方的);授予:〔convene〕To come together usually for an official or public purpose; assemble formally.正式集会:通常为一个官方的或公开的目的聚集在一起;正式集会〔reprimand〕A severe, formal, or official rebuke or censure.训斥:严厉的、正式的或官方的指摘或斥责〔return〕A report, list, or set of statistics, especially one that is formal or official.报告:正式或官方的报告、名单或一组统计数据〔note〕A formal written diplomatic or official communication.正式文件:正式的外交或官方的文件〔representation〕The state or condition of serving as an official delegate, agent, or spokesperson.代表,代理:作为官方的代表、代理或发言人的状态或情形〔interrogate〕To examine by questioning formally or officially.See Synonyms at ask 讯问:通过正式或官方的提问来检查 参见 ask〔shire〕from Old English scīr [official charge, administrative district] 源自 古英语 scīr [官方的指令,行政区域] 〔visit〕To go to see in an official or professional capacity:视察:以官方的或职业性的资格去看:〔apartheid〕An official policy of racial segregation practiced in the Republic of South Africa, involving political, legal, and economic discrimination against nonwhites.种族隔离制:南非共和国实行的一种官方的种族隔离政策,包括在政治、法律和经济诸方面对非白色人种的歧视〔residentiary〕Having a residence, especially an official one.定居的:有居住资格的,尤指官方的〔semiofficial〕Having some official authority or sanction.半官方的:拥有某些官方的职权或认可的〔doom〕A decision or judgment, especially an official condemnation to a severe penalty.判决:尤指官方的重大判决或定罪〔ruling〕An authoritative or official decision:裁决,裁定:权威的或官方的决定:〔imprimatur〕Abbr. imp.Official approval or license to print or publish, especially under conditions of censorship.缩写 imp.出版许可:官方的出版或印刷的许可或执照,特别是在新闻审查的情况下〔authoritative〕an authoritative decree; authoritative sources.一项官方的法令;官方来源〔inaugurate〕To cause to begin, especially officially or formally:开创:开创、开始,尤指官方的或正式的:〔hear〕To listen to in an official, professional, or formal capacity:审理,听证:以官方的、职业的或是正式的身份听取:〔census〕An official, usually periodic enumeration of a population, often including the collection of related demographic information.人口普查:一种官方的通常是阶段性的人口统计详表,通常包括大量相关的人口统计信息〔messenger〕A military or official courier.传令员:军队的传令兵或官方的传令官〔admonish〕 reprimand both refer to sharp, often angry criticism;of the tworeprimand more frequently implies formal or official censure: reprimand 都表示刻薄的,通常是愤怒的批评;在两者之间reprimand 在更多情况下暗示正式的或官方的责难: |
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