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释义 〔colonize〕To migrate to and settle in; occupy as a colony.移民:向…移民或定居于;作为殖民地占领〔immigrate〕To enter and settle in a country or region to which one is not native.See Usage Note at migrate 移民:进入并定居于不是某人本土的别国或别的地区 参见 migrate〔Lorain〕A city of northern Ohio on Lake Erie west of Cleveland. Settled in 1807, it is now highly industrialized. Population, 71,245.洛雷恩:美国俄亥俄州北部一城市,位于克利夫兰市以西伊利湖畔。1807年移民开始定居于此,现在工业高度发达。人口71,245〔Groton〕A town of southeast Connecticut on the Thames River opposite New London. Settled c. 1650, it is a port and the site of a U.S. submarine base. Population, 45,144.格罗顿:美国康涅狄格州东南一城镇,位于新伦敦对面,在泰晤士河上。1650年起殖民者定居于此后,此地成为一港口和美国潜水艇基地。人口45,144〔Moluccas〕A group of islands of eastern Indonesia between Celebes and New Guinea. Discovered in the early 16th century, the islands were settled by the Portuguese but taken in the 17th century by the Dutch, who used them as the basis for their monopoly of the spice trade.摩鹿加群岛,香料群岛:印度尼西亚东部、西里伯岛和新几内亚岛之间的一组群岛。发现于16世纪初期,葡萄牙人最早定居于此,但在17世纪被荷兰人攻占,并把群岛作为他们垄断香料贸易的基地〔Brancusi〕Romanian-born sculptor who settled in Paris in 1904. He broke sharply with the realist tradition, making abstract sculptures, chiefly in metal and stone, of great geometric simplicity.布兰诺西,康斯坦丁:(1876-1957) 罗马尼亚裔雕刻家,于1904年定居于巴黎。他鲜明地打破现实主义传统,主要用金属和石头为材料创作了极简单明快的几何造型的抽象雕塑〔Barbary〕A region of northern Africa on the Mediterranean coast between Egypt and the Atlantic Ocean. Settled by Berbers in the 2nd millenniumb.c. , it fell to the Arabs in the 7th century a.d. From the 16th to the 19th century it was used as a base by pirates who raided ships in the Mediterranean Sea and extracted tribute from the European powers trading in the area. 巴巴里:北非一地区,濒地中海海岸,在埃及与大西洋之间。公元前 2000年时柏柏尔人定居于此。 公元 7世纪时被阿拉伯人占领。从16至19世纪成为海盗的据点。海盗们在地中海上洗劫船只,并从在此地区从事贸易的欧洲列强那里勒索钱财 〔Moravia〕A region of central Czechoslovakia. Settled by a Slavic people at the end of the sixth centurya.d. , it became an independent kingdom in 870 but fell to the Magyars in 906 and later to the Bohemians. In 1526 Moravia came under the rule of the Austrian Hapsburgs. It was incorporated into Czechoslovakia in 1918. 摩拉维亚:捷克斯洛伐克中部一个地区,在公元 6世纪末期由斯拉夫人定居于此,后来在870年成为一个独立的王国,但是在906年又陷落于马扎尔人之手,后来又被波希米亚人控制。在1526年摩拉维亚处于奥地利哈布斯堡人的统治之下,并于1918年并入捷克斯洛伐克 〔settlement〕Establishment, as of a person in a business or of people in a new region.建立:某人固定于某事业或人们定居于一个新地区〔settler〕One who settles in a new region.移民者:定居于新地区的人〔outlaw〕The wordoutlaw brings to mind cattle rustlers and gunslingers of the Wild West, but it comes to us from a much earlier time,when guns were not yet inventedbut cattle stealing was.Outlaw can be traced back to the Old Norse word ūtlagr, "outlawed, banished,” made up ofūt, "out,” and lög, "law.” Anūtlagi (derived from ūtlagr ) was someone outside the protection of the law. The Scandinavians, who invaded and settled in England during the 8th through the 11th century, gave us the Old English wordūtlaga, which designated someone who because of criminal acts must give up his property to the crown and could be killed without recrimination.The legal status of the outlaw became less severe over the course of the Middle Ages.However, the looser use of the word to designate criminals in general, which arose in Middle English, lives on in tales of the Wild West.单词outlaw 使人联想到美国西部的偷牛贼和持枪歹徒, 然而在此之前很早这词就已存在了,那时枪还没有发明出来,但已有偷牛贼了。Outlaw 可溯源到古斯堪的纳维亚语 utlagr, 意为“非法的,被放逐的”, 由ut 意为“在…外”和 log 意为“法律”组成。 Utlagi (从 utlagr 衍生而来)形容不受法律保护的人。 在8世纪到11世纪间侵略并定居于英格兰的斯堪的纳维亚人创造了古英语词utlaga, 指由于犯罪行为而必须把财产献给皇家并且即使被杀死也不能反诉。在中世纪时期被放逐者的法律地位不如以前那么严格了。然而中世纪英语中兴起的命名罪犯总称的这种宽松用法在美国西部的传说中仍然存在〔Pleven〕A city of northern Bulgaria northeast of Sofia. Settled by Thracians, it was ruled by Turkey from the 15th to the 19th century. Population, 144,000.普列文:保加利亚北部一城市,位于索非亚东北。色雷斯人定居于此,从15世纪到19世纪由土耳其统治。人口144,000〔Mescalero〕An Apache tribe formerly inhabiting southern New Mexico, western Texas, and north-central Mexico, with a present-day population in southern New Mexico.梅斯卡勒罗人:阿帕切族印第安人,原先定居于美国新墨西哥州南部、得克萨斯州西部及墨西哥中北部,现今此族人则居于新墨西哥南部〔Newton〕A city of south-central Kansas north of Wichita. Russian Mennonites settled here in the early 1870's. Population, 16,700.牛顿:美国堪萨斯州中南部城市,位于威奇托北部。沙俄孟诺派信徒曾在19世纪70年代定居于此。人口16,700〔Valencia〕also [bä-lĕnʹthyä] A region and former kingdom of eastern Spain on the Mediterranean coast south of Catalonia. Inhabited by Iberian peoples in early times, it was colonized by Greek and Carthaginian traders and fell to the Moors in the eighth century. The Cid ruled the region and the city of Valencia from 1094 until his death in 1099. 也作 [bä-lĕnʹthyä] 巴伦西亚:西班牙东部的一个地区和以前的王国,位于卡特罗尼亚以南的地中海海岸线上,早期由伊比利亚人定居于此,希腊人和迦太基商人将其变成殖民地并于8世纪落入摩尔人手中,熙德从1094年直至其在1099年死亡一直统治着这个地区和巴伦西亚城市〔Bosnia〕A region of west-central Yugoslavia. It was settled by Serbs in the 7th century and became an independent state in the 12th century. Bosnia was controlled by Turkey after 1483 and was later annexed by the Austro-Hungarian Empire.波斯尼亚:南斯拉夫中西部的一地区。7世纪塞族人定居于此,12世纪成为一个独立国家。1483年以后波斯尼亚被土耳其控制,后来被奥匈帝国吞并〔Kitchener〕A city of southern Ontario, Canada, west-southwest of Toronto. Settled by Mennonites (1806) and by Germans who named it Berlin in 1825, it was renamed in honor of Lord Kitchener in 1916. Population, 139,734.基奇纳:加拿大安大略省南部一城市,位于多伦多西南偏西,由孟诺派信徒定居于此(1806年)。1825年德国人命名为柏林。1916年为表示对基奇纳勋爵的敬意而改名。人口139,734〔Mercia〕An Anglo-Saxon kingdom of central England. It was settled by Angles c.a.d. 500 and enjoyed its greatest influence during the rule (757-796) of Offa. In 874 the kingdom was overrun by the Danes and split between Wessex and the Danelaw. 麦西亚:英格兰中部的一个盎格鲁-撒克逊王国。盎格鲁人于公元 500年开始定居于此。在奥发统治期间(757-796年)国力达到鼎盛。874年,王国被丹麦人推翻,并分裂成威塞克斯和施行丹族法的地区两部分 〔pioneer〕To settle (a region).定居于(一地区)〔Reading〕A city of southeast Pennsylvania on the Schuykill River northwest of Philadelphia. Settled in 1748, it is an important commercial, industrial, and transportation center. Population, 78,380.里丁市:宾夕法尼亚州东南中的一座城市,位于费城西北面的斯凯基尔河上。1748年有人定居于此,是一个重要的商业、工业和交通中心。人口78,380〔Ashkenazi〕A member of the branch of European Jews, historically Yiddish-speaking, who settled in central and northern Europe.德裔犹太人:欧洲犹太人一支中的一员,历史上定居于中欧与北欧讲意第绪语的人〔Mecklenburg〕A historical region of northeast Germany on the Baltic Sea. It was originally occupied c. sixth centurya.d. by Slavic peoples who were then displaced by Germanic settlements. After 1621 Mecklenburg was divided into two duchies, which joined the German Confederation in 1867. 梅克伦堡州:历史上德国东北部一地区,临近波罗的海。这儿最早在公元 6世纪就有斯拉夫人居住,后为定居于此的日耳曼人所占领。1621年以后,梅克伦堡州被分成两个公爵领地,并于1867年加入了德意志联邦 〔Venetia〕A historical region of northern Italy and northwest Yugoslavia. An ancient Roman territory including Istria and the lands between the Po River and the Alps, it was named after the Veneti, a people who settled the area in c. 1000b.c. Part of the region was ceded to Yugoslavia in 1947. 威尼西亚:历史上位于意大利北部和南斯拉夫西北部的一个地区。它是一个包括伊世特利亚半岛以及波河和阿尔卑斯山脉之间土地的古罗马领地,以威尼西亚民族命名,该民族于公元前 1000年定居于此。该地区的部分地区于1947年割让给了南斯拉夫 〔Moncton〕A city of southeast New Brunswick, Canada, northeast of Saint John. Originally settled by Acadians, it was resettled by Germans in 1763. Population, 54,743.蒙古顿:加拿大新不伦瑞克省东南部一城市,位于圣约翰的东北部。阿卡迪亚人首先定居于此,1763年德国人重新定居。人口54,743〔Calusa〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting the southwest coast of Florida from Tampa Bay to the Florida Keys. The Calusa were extinct by the mid-18th century.凯鲁萨族:过去定居于坦帕湾至佛罗里达群岛之间的佛罗里达州西南海岸一带的北美原住民族。凯鲁萨族在18世纪中期完全绝迹〔Naucratis〕An ancient city of Egypt in the Nile River delta southeast of Alexandria. Greek colonists probably settled here in the seventh centuryb.c. 瑙克拉提斯:埃及尼罗河三角洲上的一个古城,位于亚历山大的东南部,希腊的殖民主义可能在公元前 7世纪时定居于〔homestead〕To claim and settle (land) as a homestead.主张对土地的权利并定居于此作为宅基〔Mordvinia〕A region of eastern European U.S.S.R. Settled by a Finno-Ugric people first mentioned in the sixth centurya.d. , it was annexed by Russia in 1552. 莫德维尼亚:原苏联欧洲部分东部一个地区,第一次在公元 6世纪被提及,当时由苏诺-乌格里克人定居于此,在1552年被俄国吞并 〔Zululand〕A historical region of northeast South Africa. Settled by members of a Bantu nation, it was annexed by the British in 1887.祖鲁兰:南非东北部一历史地区。班图族人定居于此,1887年被英国吞并〔Morgan〕Welsh buccaneer who raided Spanish ships and settlements in the Caribbean and was acting governor of Jamaica (1680-1682).摩根,亨利:(1635?-1688) 抢劫西班牙船只并定居于加勒比的威尔士海盗,曾出任牙买加总督(1680年-1682年)




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