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释义 〔insubstantial〕Lacking substance or reality.See Synonyms at immaterial 缺乏实质或现实性的 参见 immaterial〔meat〕The essence, substance, or gist:要旨,实质,内容:〔dark〕“[He] retreated from the limelight to the shadowy fringe of music history" (Charles Sherman).The word can refer to something that seems to lack substance and is mysterious and possibly sinister: “ 从受人注意的中心回到音乐史的虚幻边缘” (查尔斯·谢尔曼)。这个词可用来指看起来好象缺乏实质和神秘的或可能邪恶的事情: 〔ceremony〕A formal act without intrinsic purpose; an empty form:客套:没有实质意图的正式举动;虚的形式:〔sketchy〕Lacking in substance or completeness; incomplete.不完全的:缺乏实质或完整性的;不完全的〔empty〕 Empty applies to what is without contents or substance: Empty 指没有内容或实质的: 〔concrete〕Of or relating to a material thing or group of things as opposed to an abstraction.有形的:与一实质事物或一组物体有关的,与抽象的对称〔gambit〕Critics familiar with the nature of chess gambitshave sometimes maintained that the word should not be used in an extended sense except to refer to maneuvers that involve the tactical sacrifice of some advantage.Butgambit is well established in the general sense of "maneuver" and in the related sense of "a remark intended to open a conversation,” which usually carries no implication of sacrifice.通晓国际象棋中开局让棋实质的批评家们,有时坚持这个词除了指为获得一定利益而进行策略性牺牲的计谋外,不可用于扩展的意义。但是gambit 的一般性含义“策略”已成既定模式, 其在表示“为了打开话题而说的话语”中的相关意义通常与牺牲毫无关联〔pap〕Material lacking real value or substance:缺乏价值或实质的东西:〔lite〕"lite music, shimmering on the surface and squishy soft at the core"(Mother Jones)“轻音乐,表面闪闪发光而实质绵软”(琼斯妈妈)〔real〕Relating to, being, or having value reckoned by actual purchasing power:实质的:关于、作为或具有按实际购买力评估的价值的:〔Heteroousian〕ousia [substance, nature] * see Homoiousian ousia [实体,实质] * 参见 Homoiousian〔smoke〕Something insubstantial, unreal, or transitory.幻像:没有实质的、虚假的或暂时的事物〔oligopoly〕A market condition in which sellers are so few that the actions of any one of them will materially affect price and have a measurable impact on competitors.寡头卖主垄断:一种由少数卖方控制的市场状况。因为卖主极少,以至卖主的任何行为都可能对价格产生实质影响,从而对其竞争对手产生相当大的冲击影响力〔tenuity〕The quality or condition of being tenuous; lack of thickness, density, or substance.细:细、薄的性质或状态;缺乏厚度、密度或实质〔fragile〕Lacking substance; tenuous or flimsy:虚弱的:缺乏实质的;无力的或没有价值的:〔vapor〕Something insubstantial, worthless, or fleeting.无实质之物:没有实质、没有价值或飞逝的东西〔watery〕Lacking force or substance; weak or insipid:弱的,乏味的:缺乏力量或实质的;弱的或乏味的:〔junk〕Having a superficial appeal or utility, but lacking substance:徒有其表的:表面上看来很吸引人或有用但缺乏内容或实质的:〔root〕An essential part or element; the basic core:实质部分或要素;核心:〔quiddity〕The real nature of a thing; the essence.实质:一事物的真实性质;本质〔immaterial〕The central meaning shared by these adjectives is "lacking material body, form, or substance": 这些形容词共有的中心意思是“没有物质实体、形式或实质的”: 〔handle〕I was finally able to get a handle on the true nature of the problem.最终我能够理解这个问题的实质〔gravitas〕Substance; weightiness:实质的;具重要性的:〔vaporous〕Insubstantial, vague, or ethereal:不实质的、模糊的或稀薄的:〔consubstantial〕Late Latin substantiālis [substantial] * see substantial 后期拉丁语 substantiālis [实质的] * 参见 substantial〔marrow〕The inmost, choicest, or essential part; the pith.实质,精华,精髓:最深层、最紧要或最必要的部分;精华〔equivalent〕Being essentially equal, all things considered:相当的:总体来说实质相同的:〔root〕I finally got to the root of the problem.我们最终抓住了问题的实质〔sham〕The quality of deceitfulness; empty pretense.假冒:欺骗的实质;空洞的托辞〔shallow〕Measuring little from bottom to top or surface; lacking physical depth.浅的:从底部向顶部或表面度量很少的;缺少实质深度的〔vacuous〕Devoid of substance or meaning; inane:没有实质的或没有意义的;空洞的,无意义的:〔conjecture〕Guess implies an inference drawn in a haphazard mannerand suggests substantial grounds for doubt: Guess 指以假设的方式得出推论,暗示怀疑的实质缘由: 〔essential〕Something necessary or indispensable.必需品:某物要素或实质〔circus〕The modern circus owes its name but fortunatelynot its regular program of events to the amusement of ancient times.The Latin wordcircus, which comes from the Greek word kirkos, "circle, ring,” referred to a circular or oval area enclosed by rows of seats for spectators.In the center ring, so to speak, was held a variety of events,including chariot races and gladiatorial combats, spectacles in which bloodshed and brutality were not uncommon.The first use ofcircus recorded in English, in a work by Chaucer written around 1380,probably refers to the Circus Maximus in Rome.Our modern circus, which dates to the end of the 18th century,was originally an equestrian spectacle as well,but the trick riders were soon joined in the ring by such performers as ropedancers, acrobats, and jugglers.Even though the circular shape of the arena and the equestrian nature of some of the performances are carried over from its Roman namesake,the modern circus, despite occasional accidental violence,has little connection with its brutal namesake of long ago.现代马戏团应把它的名称归因于古时候的娱乐,值得庆幸地不是归因于它的固定节目。拉丁文的circus 源于希腊文 kirkos “圆,环”, 指被容纳观众的座位围起的圆形或椭圆形场地。在称之为中央环地的场地中举行多种表演,包括战车赛跑和角斗,屠杀和残暴的景象并不少见。英语中记录的circus 的最早使用, 是在乔叟写于大约1380年的一本著作里,可能意指罗马的大竞技场。现代马戏团可追溯到18世纪末,最初也是马术表演,但走钢丝演员、高空杂技演员和杂耍演员很快在圆形场地中加入特技骑手的行列。尽管马戏场地的圆形形状和一些表演的马术实质是由罗马的同名物得到的,现代马戏团,尽管偶尔出现意外的暴力,与它久远以前残暴的同名物几乎没有关联〔verbalist〕One who favors words over ideas or substance.咬文嚼字者:爱用言辞多于思想或实质的人〔incorporeal〕Lacking material form or substance.See Synonyms at immaterial 精神上的:缺少物质形式的或实质的 参见 immaterial〔essence〕By nature; essentially:本质上;实质的:〔being〕All the qualities constituting one that exists; the essence.要素:所有构成存在的性质;实质〔spirit〕The actual though unstated sense or significance of something:没有明言的真实意义,实质




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