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释义 | 〔modernism〕Often Modernism A Roman Catholic movement, officially condemned in 1907, that attempted to examine traditional belief according to contemporary philosophy, criticism, and historiography. 常作 Modernism 天主教的现代主义:于1967年遭正式谴责的罗马天主教的一个运动,它试图根据当代的哲学、评论和史学观点审视传统的信仰〔trot〕To bring out and show for inspection or admiration:炫耀:拿出来展示供人审视或欣赏:〔survey〕To inspect carefully; scrutinize:仔细地审视;检查:〔survey〕"Two women were surveying the other people on the platform"(Thomas Wolfe)See Synonyms at see 1“两个女子正在审视月台上的其他人”(托马斯·沃尔夫) 参见 see1〔glass〕To scan (a tract of land or forest, for example) with an optical instrument.了望,审视:用光学仪器了望(例如,一片土地或森林)〔Gide〕French writer noted for his diaries and novels, such asThe Immoralist (1902) and Lafcadio's Adventures (1914), which examine alienation and the drive for individuality in an often disapproving society. He won the 1947 Nobel Prize for literature. 纪德,安德鲁:(1869-1951) 法国作家,以其日记和小说闻名,如《不朽》 (1902年)和 《拉夫卡迪奥历险记》 (1914年),这些作品是对这个通常不令人满意的社会中的人与人之间的疏远和工作上的压力的一种审视。他获得1947年的诺贝尔文学奖 〔view〕A systematic survey; coverage:审视,综览:系统性观察;覆盖面:〔enlightenment〕Enlightenment A philosophical movement of the 18th century that emphasized the use of reason to scrutinize previously accepted doctrines and traditions and that brought about many humanitarian reforms. Used withthe. Enlightenment 启蒙运动:18世纪的一个哲学运动,强调运用理智来审视先前被接受了的信条和传统,该运动带来了许多人道主义改革。与the 连用 |
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