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单词 寄生于
释义 〔tick〕Any of various usually wingless, louselike insects of the family Hippobosciddae that are parasitic on sheep, goats, and other animals.扁虱:虱蝇科的多种寄生于绵羊、山羊和其它动物身上的似虱无翅昆虫〔pinedrops〕A purplish-brown, leafless, North American plant(Pterospora andromedea) living as a parasite on roots and having urn-shaped, reddish or white flowers arranged in a terminal raceme. 无叶寄生植物:北美洲的无叶紫褐色植物(大鸟巢翅孢 翅孢属) ,寄生于植物根部,有红或白色的壶形花朵及总状花序 〔chalcid〕Any of various minute wasps of the superfamily Chalcidoidea, many of whose larvae parasitize the larvae of other insects.小蜂:小蜂总科的一种体态微小的蜂虫,许多此类昆虫的幼虫寄生于其他昆虫的幼虫内〔schistosome〕Any of several chiefly tropical trematode worms of the genusSchistosoma, many of which are parasitic in the blood of human beings and other mammals. Also called bilharzia ,blood fluke 血吸虫:几种主要的热带吸虫类血吸虫 ,寄生于人体和其它哺乳动物的血液中 也作 bilharzia,blood fluke〔strongyle〕Any of various nematode worms of the family Strongylidae, often parasitic in the gastrointestinal tract of mammals, especially horses.圆线虫:一种圆线虫科的线虫,经常寄生于哺乳动物的胃肠区,尤其是马的胃肠〔gid〕A disease of herbivores, especially sheep, caused by the presence of the larvae of the tapewormMulticeps multiceps in the brain and resulting in a staggering gait. Also called sturdy 蠕虫性旋回病:食草动物的一种病,尤指羊,主要是由多头绦虫 的绦虫幼虫引起的,寄生于羊的脑中导致羊摇晃晕倒 也作 sturdy〔wheatworm〕A small nematode worm(Anguina tritici) that is parasitic on and destructive to wheat. 小麦线虫:一种小的线虫(小麦粒瘿线虫 鳗属) 寄生于小麦并对小麦有毁灭性作用 〔infest〕To live as a parasite in or on tissues or organs or on the skin and its appendages:寄生于:在组织内、器官上、皮肤上和体表器官上象寄生虫一样生存:〔bot〕bots (used with a sing. or pl. verb)A disease of mammals, especially cattle and horses, caused by infestation of the stomach or intestines with botfly larvae. bots (与单数或复数动词连用)蝇蛆病:由马蝇幼虫寄生于胃肠中而引起的哺乳动物,尤其是牛和马的一种疾病〔bot〕bots (used with a sing. or pl. verb)A disease of mammals, especially cattle and horses, caused by infestation of the stomach or intestines with botfly larvae. bots (与单数或复数动词连用)马胃肠蝇蛆,牛胃肠蝇蛆:哺乳动物(尤指牛或马)的疾病,由寄生于胃肠的马蝇卵所引起〔heteroecious〕Spending different stages of a life cycle on different, usually unrelated hosts. Used of parasites such as rust fungi and tapeworms.异寄主的:在生命周期的不同阶段,寄生于不同的、通常为不相关的寄生主上的,如锈菌真菌和绦虫等寄生虫〔mealworm〕The larva of various beetles of the genusTenebrio that infest flour and other grain products and are often raised for bird feed. 大黄粉虫幼体:一种拟步行虫 属的甲壳虫幼虫,寄生于面粉和其他谷类产品中,常被作为鸟食而饲养 〔leech〕One that preys on or clings to another; a parasite.吸血鬼,寄生虫,食客:寄生于他人或粘着于他人的人;寄生虫〔mite〕Any of various small or minute arachnids of the order Acarina that are often parasitic on animals and plants, infest stored food products, and in some species transmit disease.螨类:蜱螨目的任何一种小的乃至微小的蜘蛛纲动物,通常寄生于动植物体内,也寄生在储藏食物中,有些种还传播疾病〔gregarine〕Any of various sporozoan protozoans of the order Gregarinida that are parasitic within the digestive tracts of various invertebrates including arthropods and annelids.簇虫:任一种簇虫孢子虫类的原生动物,寄生于各类无脊椎动物,包括节肢动物和环节动物的消化道内〔braconid〕Any of several ichneumon flies of the family Braconidae, the larvae of which are parasitic on other insects.小茧蜂:一种属于小茧蜂科的姬峰,其幼虫寄生于其他昆虫体内〔praziquantel〕A drug, C19H 24N 2O 2, that kills trematodes and tapeworms parasitic to humans, used especially in the treatment of schistosomiasis. 吡喹酮:杀死寄生于人类的吸虫和绦虫的药剂,C19H 24N 2O 2,尤其用于治疗血吸虫病 〔echovirus〕Any of a number of retroviruses of the family Picornaviridae, inhabiting the gastrointestinal tract and associated with various diseases, such as viral meningitis, mild respiratory infections, and severe diarrhea in newborns.艾柯病毒:任一种属于小核糖核酸病毒科的逆转录酶病毒,寄生于胃肠道内,与许多疾病有关,如病毒性脑膜炎、轻微呼吸道感染和严重的新生儿腹泻等〔malaria〕An infectious disease characterized by cycles of chills, fever, and sweating, caused by the parasitic infection of red blood cells by a protozoan of the genusPlasmodium, which is transmitted by the bite of an infected female anopheles mosquito. Also called paludism ,swamp fever 疟疾:一种传染性疾病,症状为周期性地感到冷、热和发汗,病因是寄生于红血球的一种疟原虫 属原生动物,这种动物通过已感染病菌的雌性疟蚊传播 也作 paludism,swamp fever〔parasitize〕To live on or in (a host) as a parasite.寄生于…:作为寄生物生活在(宿主的)上面或体内〔entozoan〕Any of various animals, such as tapeworms, that live within other animals, usually as parasites.内寄生动物:任何一种寄生于其他动物体内的动物,如绦虫〔botulinum〕An anaerobic, rod-shaped bacterium(Clostridium botulinum) that secretes botulin and inhabits soils. 肉毒杆菌:一种厌氧型杆菌(肉毒梭状芽孢杆菌) ,能分泌肉毒杆菌毒素,寄生于土壤中 〔botfly〕Any of various stout, two-winged flies, chiefly of the generaGasterophilus and Oestrus, having larvae that are parasitic on various animals, especially horses and sheep, and sometimes on humans. 马蝇:一种胃蝇属 和 狂蝇属 身体大的双翼蝇,其幼虫寄生于多种动物,尤其是马和羊,有时也寄生在人体内 〔beechdrops〕A brownish eastern North American annual plant(Epifagus virginiana) having scalelike leaves and whitish tubular flowers with brown-purple stripes. It is parasitic on the roots of the beech tree. 山毛榉寄生:北美东部的一种一年生褐色植物(美国山毛榉寄生) ,叶子呈鳞状,发白的管状花上带有褐紫色条纹,寄生于山毛榉树树根 〔squawroot〕An eastern North American plant(Conopholis americana) parasitic on the roots of oaks and other trees and having tubular yellowish flowers and a stem covered with brownish scales. 美类叶升麻根:寄生于橡树和其它树的根上的一种北美东部产(美洲黄鳞草) 植物,长有管状浅黄色花朵和布满褐色鳞片的枝干




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