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单词 对我来说
释义 〔mean〕The opinions of the critics meant nothing to him. She meant so much to me.对他来说,批评家们的意见没有任何意义。她对我来说那么重要〔diddly〕His advice wasn't worth diddly to me.他的意见对我来说毫无价值〔magic〕"For me the names of those men breathed the magic of the past"(Max Beerbohm)“对我来说,那些人的名字带着昔日神秘的魅力”(马克思·比尔博姆)〔gringo〕The wordgringo is an offensive term in Latin America for a foreigner, particularly an American or English person.But the word existed in Spanish before this particular sense came into being.In fact,gringo may be an alteration of the word griego, the Spanish development of LatinGraecus, "Greek.” Griego first meant "Greek, Grecian,”as an adjective and "Greek, Greek language,” as a noun.The saying "It's Greek to me" exists in Spanish,as it does in English,and helps us understand whygriego came to mean "unintelligible language" and perhaps, by further extension of this idea,"stranger, that is, one who speaks a foreign language.”The altered formgringo lost touch with Greek but has the senses "unintelligible language,” "foreigner, especially an English person,”and in Latin America, "North American or Britisher.”Its first recorded English use (1849) is in John Woodhouse Audubon'sWestern Journal: "We were hooted and shouted at as we passed through, and called ‘Gringoes.’”在拉丁美洲,gringo 一词是对外国人, 尤其是英美人的不尊敬的称呼。但在有这一特定含义之前这个词已存在于西班牙语之中。事实上,gringo 也许是 griego 一词的变体, 而后者则是西班牙语对拉丁语中Graecus “希腊的”一词的发展。 Griego 开始作形容词时意为“希腊的”; 作名词时意为“希腊,希腊语”。在西班牙语中也有“这对我来说象希腊语一样”的说法,这同英语中一样。这就帮我们理解为什么griego 开始有“胡说八道”的意思, 随着这层意思地延伸,就指“陌生人,即一个讲外语的人”。gringo 的变体已与希腊毫无关系而却有了“胡说八道”、 “外国人,尤指讲英语的人”等含义;在拉丁美洲它更指“北美人或英国人”。此词有记载的第一次在英语中的运用(1849年)是在约翰·伍德豪斯·奥杜邦的西部游记 中: “我们走过时四周都是叫喊声、怪叫声和‘外国佬’的叫骂声”〔important〕an important message that must get through; close friends who are important to me.必须传达的重要的消息;对我来说非常重要的亲密朋友〔pleasure〕"The rule of joy and the law of duty seem to me all one" (Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.).“快乐的标准与义务的法则对我来说是同一件事” (小奥利弗·温德尔·霍姆斯)〔problematic〕"if you ever get married, which seems to me extremely problematic"(Oscar Wilde)“你是否结过婚,这一点对我来说很值得怀疑”(奥斯卡·怀尔德)〔with〕With me, it is a question of priorities.对我来说,这是个优先权的问题〔relieve〕"No arguments shall be wanting on my part that can alleviate so severe a misfortune" (Jane Austen).Toassuage is to soothe or make milder: “对我来说要减轻如此严重的不幸,不需要任何争论” (简·奥斯汀)。Assuage 是抚慰或使更适度: 〔count〕You really count with me.对我来说你确实很重要




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