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单词 寻求
释义 〔court〕To attempt to gain; seek:试图得到;寻求〔allegorize〕allegorize the quest for the Holy Grail as an inner spiritual search.把寻求圣杯解释为内在的精神追求〔pilgrim〕One who embarks on a quest for something conceived of as sacred.追寻者:寻求某种被认为是神圣的东西的人〔trustbuster〕One that seeks to prosecute or dissolve business trusts.反托拉斯官员:寻求救济或解决商业信托问题的人〔alkahest〕The hypothetical universal solvent once sought by alchemists.万能溶剂:炼金术士曾一度寻求的假想的万能溶剂〔hit〕To achieve or find something desired or sought:达成,找到:获得或找到需要或寻求的东西:〔town〕In spirited pursuit of the entertainment offered by a town or city.积极地寻求镇或城市的娱乐活动〔courtier〕One who seeks favor, especially by insincere flattery or obsequious behavior.奉承者,谄媚者:寻求好感的人,尤指通过不真诚的奉承和殷勤的举止〔errant〕Roving, especially in search of adventure:游历的:尤指为寻求冒险经历而漂流、游荡的:〔refugee〕One who flees in search of refuge, as in times of war, political oppression, or religious persecution.难民:在战争、政治压迫或宗教迫害的时候为寻求避难而逃出的人〔culture〕"to seek elegance rather than luxury,and refinement rather than fashion" (William Henry Channing). “寻求典雅而不是奢侈,寻求高雅而不是时尚” (威廉·亨利·查宁)。〔Kanpur〕A city of northern India on the Ganges River southeast of Delhi. During the Indian Mutiny, a disgruntled pension-seeker slaughtered the entire British garrison, including women and children (July 1857). Population, 1,481,879.坎普尔:印度北部一城市,在恒河上,位于德里东南部。在印度兵变期间,一个不满的寻求补助金的人于1857年7月屠杀了包括女人和儿童在内的全部英国守备部队。人口1,481,879〔junketeer〕To go on a junket, especially at the expense of a government or a favor-seeking business or agency.旅游,尤指由政府出钱做公费旅游,或由寻求优惠的企业或机构出资做公费旅游〔sensuous〕Voluptuous principally implies abandoning oneself to pleasures,especially sensual pleasures: Voluptuous 主要指放纵自己寻求快乐,尤指感官上的快乐: 〔coca〕The dried leaves of such a plant, chewed by people of the Andes for a stimulating effect and also used for extraction of cocaine and other alkaloids.古柯叶:这种植物的干树叶,安第斯山脉的人们为寻求刺激作用而嚼碎,也用于提取古柯碱和其他生物碱〔Klondike〕A region of Yukon Territory, Canada, just east of Alaska and traversed by theKlondike River, about 145 km (90 mi) long. Gold was discovered here in August 1896, leading to the gold rush of 1897-1898 in which more than 25,000 people sought their fortune in the frozen north. Small quantities of gold are still mined in the area. 克朗代克:加拿大育空地的一个地区,在阿拉斯加正东方。克朗代克河 流经此地区,流程约145公里(90英里)。1896年8月这里发现金矿,引发了1897-1898年的淘金热,有超过25,000的人在冰冻的北方寻求他们的财富,这个地区现在仍有少量的金矿 〔require〕alteration influenced by quaerere [to seek] 受 quaerere的影响 [寻求] 〔Gracchus〕Roman social reformer. Known with his brotherGaius Sempronius Gracchus (153-121 b.c. ) as "the Gracchi,” he sought to aid poor farmers through greater subdivision of land but was killed in a riot. Gaius assumed his brother's work, initiating several reforms, and met a similar fate. 格拉古·提比略,提比略·森普罗斯:(163-133) 罗马社会改革家。与其弟盖约·森普罗纽·格拉古 ( 公元前 153-121年)以“格拉古兄弟”之称闻名,寻求通过土地的大规模再划分来帮助贫穷的农民,但在一次暴乱中被杀。盖约接替其兄的工作,发动了几次改革,但遭到了类似的命运 〔brinkmanship〕The practice, especially in international politics, of seeking advantage by creating the impression that one is willing and able to push a highly dangerous situation to the limit rather than concede.边缘政策:通过创造一种印象来寻求利益的国际政治实践,即一个人情愿并能够把高度危险的局势推到极限而不是退避〔prosecute〕To seek to obtain or enforce by legal action.依法进行:通过法律行为寻求或加强〔Wheeler〕American Confederate general and politician. One of the South's most popular and aggressive commanders, he later served as U.S. representative from Georgia (1881-1883 and 1885-1900) and sought reconciliation between the North and South.惠勤,约瑟夫:(1836-1906) 美国南部邦联的将军及政客,作为南部最受欢迎及最具有攻击力的指挥官之一,他后来就任乔治亚洲的众议员(1881-1883年及1885-1900年间),曾努力寻求南北方之间的和解〔unsought〕Not looked for or requested:未被寻求或请求的:〔daring〕Willing to take or seek out risks; bold and venturesome.See Synonyms at adventurous 勇敢的,大胆的:敢于接受危险或寻求冒险的;大胆的和好冒险的 参见 adventurous〔cultivate〕To seek the acquaintance or goodwill of; make friends with.交朋友:寻求…的了解或友好;与…交朋友〔inquiry〕A close examination of a matter in a search for information or truth.调查,审查:对某事进行彻底地调查从而寻求信息或真相〔solicit〕a candidate who solicited votes among the factory workers.在工厂工人中寻求选票的侯选人〔tendril〕A twisting, threadlike structure by which a twining plant, such as a grape or cucumber, grasps an object or a plant for support.卷须:一种缠绕状的、象线一样的组织,通过缠绕植物如葡萄或黄瓜来抓紧一个物体或一株植物以寻求支撑〔candidate〕A person who seeks or is nominated for an office, prize, or honor.候选人,候补人:一个寻求得到或被提名担任一项官职、获得一个奖励或荣誉的人〔rogatory〕Requesting information. Used especially of a request by one court of another, often foreign court for aid in obtaining desired information:查询的,调查的:寻求信息。尤用于一个法庭向通常是外国法庭的另一法庭寻求帮助以获得所需信息:〔adventurer〕One that seeks adventure.冒险家:寻求冒险的人〔Wavell〕British field marshal who routed Italian forces in North Africa (1940-1941) before being defeated by the Germans. As viceroy of India (1943-1947) he sought to prepare India for independence.韦弗尔,阿希巴尔德·珀希维尔:(1883-1950) 英国战地指挥官,在北非(1940-1941年)被德军击败之前他追击意大利军队。作为印度总督(1943-1947年),他寻求使印度做独立的准备〔Birney〕American politician and abolitionist who sought to end slavery through political channels and moral argumentation.伯尼,詹姆斯·吉莱斯皮:(1792-1857) 美国政治家和废奴主义者,通过政治渠道和道德论教寻求废除奴隶制〔repeat〕petere [to seek] * see pet- petere [寻求] * 参见 pet- 〔Garfield〕The 20th President of the United States (1881). He was assassinated by Charles Guiteau (1841-1882), a frustrated office-seeker.加菲尔德,詹姆斯·亚伯拉罕:(1831-1881) 美国第20位总统(1881年),被一个受挫的公职寻求人查尔斯吉托(1841-1882年)所刺杀〔serendipity〕We are indebted to the English author Horace Walpole for coining the wordserendipity. In one of his 3,000 or more letters, on which his literary reputation primarily rests,and specifically in a letter of January 28, 1754,Walpole says that "this discovery, indeed, is almost of that kind which I call Serendipity, a very expressive word.”Perhaps the word itself came to him by serendipity.Walpole formed the word on an old name for Sri Lanka,Serendip. He explained that this name was part of the title of "a silly fairy tale, calledThe Three Princes of Serendip : as their highnesses traveled, they were always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things which they were not in quest of . . . One of the most remarkable instances of thisaccidental sagacity ( for you must observe thatno discovery of a thing you are looking for, comes under this description) was of my Lord Shaftsbury [Anthony Ashley Cooper],who happening to dine at Lord Chancellor Clarendon's [Edward Hyde],found out the marriage of the Duke of York [later James II] and Mrs. Hyde [Anne Hyde, Clarendon's daughter], by the respect with which her mother [Frances Aylesbury Hyde] treated her at table.”我们非常感激英国作家霍勒斯·沃尔浦尔创造了单词serendipity。 他文学上的声誉主要依靠他的三千封或更多的信件中的一封,尤其是写于1754年一月二十八日的信中,沃尔浦尔说道“这一发现,实际上几乎是我称作意外发现珍奇事物的本领,一个非常有意味的词。”可能他得到这个单词也是靠意外发现珍奇事物的本领。沃尔浦尔创造这个词源自斯里兰卡的旧称Serendip 。 他解释说这个名字是“一个朴素的神话故事,称作The Three Princes of Serendip (斯里兰卡的三个王子)的童话”的名字的一部分: 当这些殿下旅行时,他们总是通过意外和精明地发现他们并没有寻求的东西…这种accidental sagacity(意外的聪慧) 的最著名的实例( 你必须注意到根据这种描述你没有 发现你 正在 寻找的东西) 是我的沙夫茨伯里老爷,偶然在钱塞勒·克拉伦登老爷处用餐时,发现了约克的杜克同海德夫人的婚事是根据她的母亲在吃饭款待她时发现的”〔crowd〕a crush of autograph seekers;寻求亲笔签名的人群;〔hit〕finally hit on the answer; hit upon a solution to the problem.最终找到了答案;最终寻求到了解决这个问题的方法〔Kawabata〕Japanese writer whose novels, includingThousand Cranes (1959), often concern alienated, lonely individuals in search of beauty and purity. He won the 1968 Nobel Prize for literature. 川端,康成:(1899-1972) 日本作家,其小说包括《千鹤》 (1959年),常刻划一些寻求美与纯洁的异化了的孤独人物。1968年获诺贝尔文学奖 〔caver〕One who explores or studies caves, especially as a sport or recreational pursuit.爱好探察洞穴者:探勘或研究穴窟者,尤指为寻求运动或娱乐者〔curry〕To seek or gain favor by fawning or flattery.讨好:通过阿谀奉承来寻求或获得宠爱




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