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单词 导弹
释义 〔range〕The maximum extent or distance limiting operation, action, or effectiveness, as of a projectile, an aircraft, a radio signal, or a sound.射程,音程:导弹、飞行器、无线电信号或声音等所能达到的限制运行、行动或效果的最大范围〔partial〕The plan calls for partial deployment of missiles. The police have only a partial description of the suspect.这个计划要求部分地疏散导弹,警察只对嫌疑犯进行了不完全的描述〔destruct〕To destroy intentionally (a rocket or missile) after launch.(火箭或导弹)发射后,有意地摧毁〔antimissile〕antimissile defense; an antimissile missile.反导弹防御;反导弹导弹〔artillery〕Weapons, such as catapults, arbalests, and other early devices, used for discharging missiles.用来发射导弹的武器,如弹射器,弩,和其它早期装置〔warhead〕A part of the armament system in the forward part of a projectile, such as a guided missile, rocket, torpedo, bomb, or other munition, that contains either a nuclear or thermonuclear system, a high explosive system, chemical or biological agents, or inert materials intended to inflict damage on a target.弹头:武器系统之一部分,位于抛射弹体的前部,如导弹、火箭、鱼雷、炸弹或其它武器前部,包括核系统或热核系统、高爆系统、化学或生物反应剂或惰性物质,用来对目标造成破坏〔abort〕The act of terminating an operation or procedure, as with a project, a missile, an airplane, or a space vehicle, before completion.中止,中辍:在完成之前中止一项目、导弹、飞机或飞船的操作或步骤的行为〔projectile〕A self-propelled missile, such as a rocket.自动推进武器:自动推进的导弹,比如火箭〔navigator〕A device that directs the course of an aircraft or a missile.导航装置:指将飞机或导弹的航向的装置〔storm〕A heavy shower of objects, such as bullets or missiles.枪林弹雨:某些物品密集的降落,例如子弹或导弹〔shoot〕To bring down (an aircraft, for example) by hitting and damaging with gunfire or a missile.击落:用炮火或导弹打击或损坏的方式打落(比如飞机)〔destroyer〕A small, fast, highly maneuverable warship armed with guns, torpedoes, depth charges, and guided missiles.驱逐舰:一种小型、快速、高度武装的战舰,装备着火炮、鱼雷、深水炸弹和制导导弹〔Khrushchev〕Soviet politician. A Stalin loyalist in the 1930's, he was appointed first secretary of the Communist Party in 1953. As Soviet premier (1958-1964) he denounced Stalin (1956), thwarted the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, and improved his country's image abroad. He was deposed (1964) for his failure to establish missiles in Cuba (1962) and improve the Soviet economy.赫鲁晓夫,尼基塔·谢尔盖耶维奇:(1894-1971) 苏联政治家。三十年代斯大林的忠实追随者,1953年被任命为共产党第一书记。作为苏联领导人(1958-1964年),他指责斯大林(1956年),挫败了1956年匈牙利革命,提高了苏联的国际形象。因在古巴建导弹(1962年)和改善苏联经济(1962年)双双失败而被罢免(1964年)〔weapon〕An instrument of attack or defense in combat, as a gun, missile, or sword.武器:战斗中攻击或防守的器具,如枪、导弹或剑〔hull〕The outer casing of a rocket, guided missile, or spaceship.外壳:火箭,导弹或宇宙飞船的外壳〔silo〕An underground shelter for a missile, usually equipped to launch the missile or to raise it into a launching position.发射井:用于安装导弹的地下庇护所,通常用来发射导弹或把导弹升到发射位置〔vane〕One of the metal guidance or stabilizing fins attached to the tail of a bomb or other missile.舵:装在火弹或其他导弹尾部的金属导向器或稳定钉之一〔bunker〕watched the missile launch from a bunker.看见导弹从一个掩体发射出来〔barrage〕The central meaning shared by these verbs is "to direct a concentrated outpouring, as of missiles or words, at something or someone": 这些动词的中心意思都是“对某事或某人给予集中的倾泻,如导弹或语言”: 〔fire〕To propel (a projectile); launch (a missile).发射:推动(抛射物);发射(导弹〔interceptor〕One that intercepts, specifically a fast-climbing, highly maneuverable fighter plane designed to intercept enemy aircraft or a guided missile designed to intercept enemy missiles and spacecraft.拦截者;截击机:拦截者,尤指设计来拦截敌机或快速爬升的,转动高度灵活的战斗机或设计来拦截敌方导弹或宇宙飞船的导弹〔burst〕The result of bursting, especially the explosion of a projectile or bomb on impact or in the air.爆炸:爆炸的结果,尤其指导弹或炸弹击中目标或在空中爆炸〔tail〕The vaned rear portion of a bomb or missile.尾部:一枚炸弹或导弹舵的末尾部分〔bombard〕To attack with bombs, shells, or missiles.炮击:用炮弹、烟火弹或导弹进行攻击〔fire〕The launching of a missile, rocket, or similar ballistic body.发射:导弹、火箭或类似抛射物的发射〔bolide〕from Greek bolis [missile, javelin] 源自 希腊语 bolis [导弹,标枪] 〔pitch〕To oscillate about a lateral axis that is both perpendicular to the longitudinal axis and horizontal to the earth. Used of a missile or spacecraft.偏航:绕航线轴晃动,或是与纬线垂直或是与地面水平。用于导弹或宇宙飞船〔crater〕"The missiles did not . . . crater the airfield"(Tom Clancy)“导弹没有…炸平飞机场”(汤姆·克兰西)〔aeroballistics〕Ballistics, especially of missiles, in the atmosphere.空气弹道学:特指导弹在空气中的弹道学〔prosecute〕"He held a dispatch saying that[they] had prosecuted and probably killed an Echo-class missile submarine" (Tom Clancy)“‘他坚持传媒的说法’,即[他们] 已追踪而且极可能消灭了一艘回声类导弹潜水艇” (汤姆·克兰西)〔window〕The wordwindow conceals a poetic image that is not at all transparent. Our word comes to us from the Scandinavian invaders and settlers of England in the early Middle Ages.Although we have no record of the exact word they gave us,it was related to Old Norsevindauga, "window,” a compound made up ofvindr, "wind,” and auga, "eye,” reflecting the fact that at one time windows contained no glass.In our time we have takenwindow, which has been recorded in the language for almost 800 years, in a figurative direction with phrases such aslaunch window, weather window, and window of opportunity or vulnerability. Rockets and missiles now travel through the "wind's eye.”window 这个词掩盖了一个不明显的富有诗意的意象。 这个词是中世纪初由斯堪的纳维亚入侵者和英格兰的开拓者带来的。尽管没有确切记录这个词是什么,但它与古斯堪的纳维亚语中的vindouga 有关系,“窗户”, 是由vindr “风”,和 auga “眼睛”组成的复合词, 这反映出窗户在当时是没有玻璃的。在现代我们用的window 已有记录近800年了, 现在它已有了比喻意义,如在短语最佳发射时段, 海面平静期, 和 window of opportunity 或 vulnerability。 火箭和导弹现在要穿过“风的眼睛”〔retrorocket〕A rocket engine used to retard, arrest, or reverse the motion of a vehicle, such as an aircraft, a missile, or a spacecraft.制动火箭:用于阻滞、抑制或使运载物(如飞行器、导弹或太空飞行器)反向运动的火箭引擎〔astrobleme〕Greek blēma [missile, wound] from ballein [to throw] * see g welə- 希腊语 blēma [导弹,外伤] 源自 ballein [投掷] * 参见 g welə- 〔destruct〕The intentional, usually remote-controlled destruction of a space vehicle, rocket, or missile after launching, as for defective performance or reasons of safety.毁灭,摧毁:因为方案不完善或为了安全的原因,经常通过遥控对已发射的宇宙飞船、火箭或导弹实施的有意的摧毁〔midcourse〕The part of a missile flight between the end of the launching phase and reentry, during which corrective maneuvers are made.航程中段,中途:中间经过调整的导弹从发射到返回的全部飞行过程中的一部分〔antimissile〕Designed to intercept and destroy another missile in flight:反导弹的:用于阻截和摧毁另一飞行中导弹的:〔stonewall〕"stonewalling for time in order to close the missile gap"(James Reston)“拖延时间以弥补导弹方面的差距”(詹姆斯·赖斯顿)〔penetration〕The depth reached by a projectile after hitting its target.打进程度:火箭或导弹击中目标后所达到的深度〔artillery〕Large-caliber weapons, such as cannon, howitzers, and missile launchers, that are operated by crews.大炮:大口径武器,如火炮,榴弹炮,及导弹发射器,由炮手组操作〔seeker〕A device used in a moving object, especially a missile, that locates a target by detecting light, heat, or other radiation.自导头,自导导弹:尤指导弹内一种用于移动物体的装置,可通过探测光、热或其他放射形式来确定目标的位置




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