单词 | 小册子 |
释义 | 〔brochure〕A small booklet or pamphlet, often containing promotional material or product information.小册子:一种小书或册子,常包括推销材料或产品信息〔scathing〕"a scathing tract on the uselessness of war"(Pierre Brodin)“对战争无用性进行严厉批评的小册子”(皮尔·布罗丁)〔insubordinate〕Thomas Paine's pamphletCommon Sense must have seemed seditious to colonial Tories. 对于殖民主义的托利党人来说托马斯·潘恩的小册子《常识》 一定显得具有煽动性 〔pamphlet〕An unbound printed work, usually with a paper cover.小册子:不装订的出版物,常带有纸封皮〔Dickinson〕American Revolutionary politician and pamphleteer who became the leading conservative voice of opposition to Great Britain through hisLetters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania (1767-1768). 狄金森,约翰:(1732-1808) 美国革命政治家和小册子作者,他通过他的《来自宾夕法尼亚农夫的信》 (1767-1768年)成为保守党对抗大不列颠最主要的喉舌 〔Prynne〕English politician and pamphleteer whose attack on the theater,Histrio-Mastix (1633), resulted in his imprisonment and the amputation of his ears. He was later imprisoned for politically agitative writings and branded on both cheeks. 普林,威廉:(1600-1669) 英国政治家和小册子作家,他对剧院的攻击文章《演员的悲剧》 (1633年)使他被捕入狱,并被割掉了耳朵后来他因写政治鼓动文章被捕狱,并在双颊上受了烙刑 〔sexy〕"The recruiting brochures are getting sexier"(Jack R. Wentworth)“对小册子进行补充正越来越有吸引力”(杰克R.文特沃斯)〔Otis〕American Revolutionary politician and publicist whose speeches and pamphlets influenced American sentiment against the British.奥蒂斯,詹姆斯:(1725-1783) 美国独立革命时期的政治家、政论家,他的演讲和宣传小册子激起美国人民的反英情绪〔Paine〕British-born American writer and Revolutionary leader who wrote the pamphletCommon Sense (1776) arguing for American independence from Britain. In England he published The Rights of Man (1791-1792), a defense of the French Revolution. 佩因,托马斯:(1737-1809) 美国裔的英国作家和革命领导人,他写了小册子《常识》 (1776年),为美国从英国手中争得独立而辩论。在英国他出版了 《人的权利》 (1791-1792年),对法国革命的捍卫 〔workbook〕A booklet containing problems and exercises that a student may work directly on the pages.练习册:一本包括问题和练习的小册子,学生可直接做在上面〔tract〕A leaflet or pamphlet containing a declaration or an appeal, especially one put out by a religious or political group.传单,小册子:含有宣言或呼吁的传单或宣传小册,尤指由宗教或政治团体散发的〔Isocrates〕Athenian orator and rhetorician whose letters and pamphlets are a valuable source of ancient Greek political thought.伊索克拉底:雅典雄辩家和修辞学家,他的信件和小册子是古代希腊政治思想的一个宝贵源泉〔catalog〕A publication, such as a book or pamphlet, containing such a list or display:有目录的出版物:包含这样一个名单的出版物,如书或小册子:〔revolutionary〕revolutionary pamphlets.支持革命的小册子〔More〕British writer whose works include tragedies, such asPercy (1777), the novel Coelebs in Search of a Wife (1809), and religious tracts advocating reforms for the poor. 莫尔,汉娜:(1745-1833) 英国作家,其著作包括悲剧如《珀西》 (1777年)和小说 《科埃莱布斯寻妻记》 (1809年)及一些提倡为穷人而进行改革的宗教小册子 〔booklet〕A small bound book or pamphlet, usually having a paper cover.小册子:小本的书或小册子,通常有纸质封面〔Arbuthnot〕Scottish physician and writer noted for his satirical anti-Whig pamphlets published asLaw Is a Bottomless Pit (1712) and later retitled The History of John Bull. 阿巴思诺特,约翰:(1667-1735) 苏格兰医生及作家,以其反对英国维新党的讽刺性小册子著名,出版有《法律是无底洞》 (1712年)后更名为 《约翰·布尔的身世》 〔guide〕Something, such as a pamphlet, that offers basic information or instruction:指南:提供基本信息及说明的东西,如小册子:〔Cooper〕British-born American chemist and pamphleteer. A strong advocate of states' rights, he favored nullification and was an early supporter of the doctrine of secession.库珀,托马斯:(1759-1839) 英国裔的美国化学家和小册子作家。他是各州权力的坚决拥护者,主张拒绝执行联邦政府的法令,是脱离联邦主义的早期支持者〔library〕A place in which literary and artistic materials, such as books, periodicals, newspapers, pamphlets, prints, records, and tapes, are kept for reading, reference, or lending.图书馆,藏书楼:一个贮藏文学和艺术资料的地方,如书籍、期刊、报纸、小册子、印刷品、唱片、磁带等,可供阅读、查阅和借用〔Fuller〕American writer and critic who edited the transcendentalist periodicalDial (1840-1842), was a pioneering literary critic for the New York Tribune (1844-1846), and wrote Woman in the Nineteenth Century (1845), a major feminist tract. 富勒,(撒拉)玛格丽特:(1810-1850) 美国作家和评论家,她编辑过超验主义者的刊物《日晷》 (1840-1842年),曾为 《纽约论坛报》 (1844-1846年)写过具有开拓性的文学评论,并写了一本重要的宣传男女平等的小册子 《19世纪的妇女》 (1845年) 〔Tractarianism〕The religious opinions and principles of the founders of the Oxford movement, put forth in a series of 90 pamphlets entitledTracts for the Times, published at Oxford, England (1833-1841). 牛津运动主义:牛津运动发起人的宗教观点及原则,阐述于一系列九十本宣传小册子,被命名为时代书册 于1833-1841年在英格兰牛津出版 〔throw〕"a special basket in my study . . . into which I pitch letters, circulars, pamphlets and so forth" (H.G. Wells). “我书房中一个特殊的纸篓…我向里面扔信、通知或小册子等” (H·G·威尔斯)。〔flier〕A pamphlet or circular for mass distribution.广告传单:广泛散发的小册子或传单〔flysheet〕A printed sheet or pamphlet; a handbill.传单,广告单:一种印刷单或小册子;传单〔folder〕One that folds or is folded, such as a booklet or pamphlet made of one or more folded sheets of paper.折叠者,折叠器,折叠印刷品:折叠或被折叠起来的东西,比如由一张或多张折叠起来的纸制成的小本子或小册子〔Carroll〕American political pamphleteer and adviser who wrote prolifically for anti-Catholic and pro-Union causes. In 1862 she published a pamphlet that outlined what was to become President Abraham Lincoln's constitutional theory concerning the rebellious states.卡洛尔,安娜·埃拉:(1815-1893) 美国政治小册子作者及顾问,为反对天主教和拥护联邦的事业而撰写了大量著作。她于1862年发表了一本小册子,描画了日后成为亚伯拉罕·林肯总统论述叛乱各州的宪法理论的大致轮廓〔chapbook〕A small book or pamphlet containing poems, ballads, stories, or religious tracts.小册子:包含诗歌、歌谣、故事或宗教圣经诗歌的小书或小册子〔fact〕Fact has a long history of usage in the sense "allegation of fact,” as in "This tract was distributed to thousands of American teachers, but the facts and the reasoning are wrong" (Albert Shanker).This practice has led inevitably to the introduction of the phrasestrue facts and real facts, as inThe true facts of the case may never be known. These usages may occasion qualms among critics who hold that facts cannot be other than true,but they often serve a useful purpose.Fact 有一个漫长的历史用于表示“宣告事实”, 如在“这个小册子被散发到数以千计的美国教师手中,可这个宣称的事实和推理过程是错误的” (阿尔伯特·尚克)。这个惯例不可避免地导致引进词组true facts 和 real facts , 如在这个案件的真实可能从未被证实 中。 这些用法在那些认为不可能不是真的事实的批评家中可能引起疑虑,而他们常用于有用的目的〔Weld〕American abolitionist whose pamphletSlavery As It Is (1839) inspired Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel Uncle Tom's Cabin. 魏尔德,狄奥多尔·德怀特:(1803-1895) 美国废奴主义运动者。他的宣传小册子《奴隶制度现状》 (1839年)激起了哈丽雅特·比彻·斯托创作了小说 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》 〔bumf〕Printed matter, such as pamphlets, forms, or memorandums, especially of an official nature and deemed of little interest or importance.公文:印刷性的材料,如小册子,表格或备忘录,尤指具有官方文件性质,并无多大兴趣或重要性的文件〔handbill〕A printed sheet or pamphlet distributed by hand.传单:一种手发的印制的纸张或小册子〔pamphleteer〕To write and publish pamphlets.写作或出版小册子 |
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