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单词 小山
释义 〔Areopagus〕from Greek Areios pagos [Areopagus, hill of Ares (where the tribunal met)] 源自 希腊语 Areios pagos [阿雷奥帕古斯,阿雷斯的小山,(审判庭在此集合)] 〔Sisyphus〕A cruel king of Corinth condemned forever to roll a huge stone up a hill in Hades only to have it roll down again on nearing the top.西西弗斯:科林斯残暴的国王,被判以永远将一块巨石推上海蒂斯的一座小山,而每当接近山顶时,石头又会滚下来〔hillock〕from hil [hill] * see hill 源自 hil [小山] * 参见 hill〔hilltop〕The crest or top of a hill.小山山顶:小山的最高部分〔Areopagus〕pagos [stiff mass, hill] from pēgnunai pag- [to stick, stiffen] * see pag- pagos [强硬的群众,小山] 源自 pēgnunai pag- [粘接,增强] * 参见 pag- 〔Caelian〕One of the seven hills of ancient Rome. The most southeasterly of the hills, it was densely populated until much of it was devastated by a fire ina.d. 27. 卡利安:古代罗马七座小山之一。位于这些山的最靠东南部的地方。在被公元 27年一场大火烧毁之前,这里人口一直很多 〔foothill〕A hill near the base of a mountain or mountain range.山麓小丘:靠近山基或山脉的小山〔butte〕A hill that rises abruptly from the surrounding area and has sloping sides and a flat top.孤立小山:从地面陡峭上升的小山,有陡峭的山坡和平顶〔rise〕The tower rose above the hill.这座塔矗立于小山之上〔pingo〕An Arctic mound or conical hill, consisting of an outer layer of soil covering a core of solid ice.冰举丘:北冰洋土丘或丘状小山,由土壤外层履以固体冰丘组成〔drumlin〕An elongated hill or ridge of glacial drift.鼓丘:长形小山或冰碛丘〔Calvary〕A hill outside ancient Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified.卡瓦利:古代耶路撒冷城外的一座小山,耶稣在此被钉于十字架上而蒙难〔Montmartre〕A hill and district of northern Paris, France, on the Right Bank. It is noted for its nightlife and for its associations with artists such as Van Gogh, Toulouse-Lautrec, and Utrillo. The original village of Montmartre was annexed by Paris in 1860.蒙马特尔:法国巴黎北部一座小山和一个区,位于右岸地区。以其夜生活和与梵高、土鲁斯-劳特累克和优特里洛等艺术家有关联而著名。原属蒙马特尔的村庄,于1860年被巴黎兼并〔cock〕To arrange (straw or hay) into piles shaped like cones.将…堆成圆锥形小山:将(禾秆或牧草)整理成像圆锥形状的堆〔barrow〕from Old English beorg [hill] * see bhergh- 2源自 古英语 beorg [小山] * 参见 bhergh- 2〔knoll〕A small rounded hill or mound; a hillock.圆丘,土墩:圆形的小山或土墩;小丘〔tor〕A rocky peak or hill.石山:由石头形成的山峰或小山〔razorback〕A sharp, ridged hill.尖削的小山,突出的小山〔tundra〕from Sami tūndar [flat-topped hill] 源自 萨摩语 tūndar [平顶的小山] 〔coast〕A hill or other slope down which one may coast, as on a sled.下滑的斜坡:可以乘雪橇顺着滑下的小山或斜坡〔Fiesole〕A town of central Italy. It is primarily a tourist center, with villas and gardens on a hill overlooking the Arno River and the city of Florence. Population, 14,774.菲耶索莱:位于意大利中部的一小镇。它主要是一个旅游中心,在一个能俯瞰阿姆河和佛罗伦萨城的小山上建有别墅和花园。人口14,774〔scenic〕climbed a hill for a scenic panorama of the valley; a scenic drive along the crater rim.爬上小山看山谷优美的全景;沿火山口周围驾车赏景〔rise〕A gently sloped hill.岗,坡,丘:缓缓倾斜的小山〔cap〕hills capped with snow.顶上盖着雪的小山〔hill〕A well-defined natural elevation smaller than a mountain.小山,山冈:陆地上局部的天然高地,有明显轮廓,略小于大山〔Senlac〕A hill in southern England near Hastings. The battle fought here in 1066, in which William the Conqueror defeated Harold II, is known as the Battle of Hastings.森拉克:英格兰南部靠近哈斯丁斯的一座小山,1066年在这里的一场战役中,征服者威廉击败了哈罗德二世,这便是有名的哈斯丁斯战役〔dune〕A hill or ridge of wind-blown sand.沙丘:风吹沙子形成的小山〔troll〕A supernatural creature of Scandinavian folklore, variously portrayed as a friendly or mischievous dwarf or as a giant, that lives in caves, in the hills, or under bridges.巨人,巨怪:斯堪的那维亚民间传说中的超自然的生物,时而被描述成友好的或顽皮的侏儒,时而被描述成巨人,居住在山洞里、小山上或桥下




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